Please refer to MS Excel Part-2 Class 9 Computer Science Important Questions with solutions provided below. These questions and answers have been provided for Class 9 Computer Science based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Students should learn these problem solutions as it will help them to gain more marks in examinations. We have provided Important Questions for Class 9 Computer Science for all chapters in your book. These Board exam questions have been designed by expert teachers of Standard 9.
Class 9 Computer Science Important Questions MS Excel Part-2
Short Answer Type Questions:
Question: What do you mean by freezing a worksheet?
Ans: Freezing means to fix an object on its location. We can freeze some rows or columns of the
worksheet so that we can view freezed rows or columns while scrolling data in the worksheet. We can
also freeze only top row or first column of the worksheet. We can freeze rows or columns using the
Freeze Panes option of the View tab of excel.
Question: What are Data Tools in excel?
Ans: Excel provides many types of tools to work with data, for example: Data validation tool for entering wrong data in the sheet, Text to Columns tool to split the cell data into different columns etc. These tools are available in the Data tab of Excel. Text to Columns, Data Validation, What if Analysis etc. are some of the common tools used in Excel.
Question: What is Split Worksheet?
Ans: Split means to divide. If a worksheet contains huge amount of data then we can divide it into different parts so that we can do work in it conveniently. In Excel, “Split Worksheet” option can be used to divide the worksheet into different panes. Split option is available in the View tab of Excel.
Question: Write down any five elements of a Chart.
Ans: In Excel charts are used to represent data in the graphical form. A chart has many elements. Following are some of the common elements of charts:
1. Chart Area
2. Data Series
3. Axis
4. Plot Area
5. Grid Lines
6. Legend
Question: What do you mean by Protection in Excel?
Ans: Protection means to protect our data from misuse from unauthorized users. We can protect our sheet from unauthorized editing. “Protect Sheet” option in Review tab can be used to protect the sheet in Excel. A password can be set to protect and unprotect sheets.
Long Answer Type Questions:
Question: What is Protection? Write the steps to protect a worksheet in Excel.
Ans: Protection means to protect our data from misuse from unauthorized users. We can protect our sheet from unauthorized editing. “Protect Sheet” option in Review tab can be used to protect the sheet in Excel. A password can be set to protect and unprotect sheets. Following are the steps to protect a worksheet in Excel:
1. Click on the Review tab
2. Click on the Protect Sheet option.
3. Enter the password to protect or unprotect the sheet.
4. Click on OK button
Question: Write the steps to Hide the Column in the worksheet.
Ans: We can hide one or more columns in a worksheet. Following are the steps to hide a column in the worksheet:
1. Select the column that we want to hide.
2. Click on the Home tab.
3. Click on the Format button in the Cells group
4. Click on the Hide & Unhide option from the drop-down menu
5. Now click on the Hide Columns option from the submenu
6. In this way, selected columns get hidden in the sheet.
Question: What is a Chart? Write down the types of Charts in MS Excel.
Ans: Chart is an important feature of Excel which is used to represent data in the graphical form. Chart helps us to represent data in an effective way. Chart is the best way to compare values or to show trends in the data. We can create many types of charts in Excel. Some of the common types of charts are given below:
1. Pie Chart
2. Column Chart
3. Line Chart
4. Bar Chart
5. Area Chart
6. Sector Chart etc.
Question: What is Data Validation? Explain with Example.
Ans: Data Validation is one of the most important tools of Excel. This option is available in the Data Tab. With this option, we can define the rules for entering data in the cells. We can define the rules by specifying what data is allowed to be entered in the cell. If entered data in the cell does not follow the specified rules, it will display an Error Message. Following are the steps to use Data Validation option in Excel:
1. Select the range of cells on which we want to set the validation rules.
2. Click on the Data tab.
3. Now click on the Data Validation option.
4. From the drop-down menu, click on the Data Validation option
5. Set the data validation rules as per the requirements in the Settings tab of Data Validation dialog box.
6. Now click on the OK button to set the validations.