CBSE Class 10 Social Science Term 2 Sample Paper Set D

Sample Paper Class 10

See below CBSE Class 10 Social Science Term 2 Sample Paper Set D with solutions. We have provided CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science as per the latest paper pattern issued by CBSE for the current academic year. All sample papers provided by our Class 10 Social Science teachers are with answers. You can see the sample paper given below and use them for more practice for Class 10 Social Science examination.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 Social Science Term 2 Set D

Section – A

1. Describe the role of Alluri Sitarama Raju in Andhra Pradesh during 1920s.
Answer : (i) Alluri Sitarama Raju claimed that he had a variety of special powers like making astrological predictions, healing people, and surviving bullet shots.
(ii) The Rebels proclaimed him as an Incarnation of God.
(iii) Raju was inspired by Gandhiji’s Non-Cooperation Movement.
(iv) He persuaded people to wear khadi and give up drinking.
(v) But at the same time, he asserted that India could be liberated only by the use of force, not non-violence.
(vi) He used Guerrilla warfare for achieving Swaraj.

2. Why is there a tendency for the sugar mills to concentrate in Southern states of India in recent years? Give two reasons.
Answer : Sugar industries have concentrated in Southern states of India because:
(i) The tropical climate of Peninsular India results in higher yield per unit hectare of land. Sugarcane that grows there has higher sucrose content.
(ii) A favorable climate provides a longer crushing period and growing season.
(iii) Cooperatives are successful in these states. Modern mills have more crushing capacity.

3. Why is air travel preferred in north-eastern states?
Answer : Air travel has made the access easier in the north-eastern part of the country is marked with the prescence of big rivers like Brahamaputra,dissected reliefs,dense forests and frequent floods and also has the international frontiers

4. Explain any two components of a ‘Political Party’.
Answer : Three components of Political Party are:
(i) The leaders
(ii) The active members
(iii) The followers

5. Why do we need to expand formal source of credit in India?
Answer : There is need to expand formal sources of credit in India in order:
(i) To make sure that the poor can benefit from the cheaper loans. 
(ii) This would lead to higher incomes and many people could then borrow cheaply for a variety of needs.
(iii) Reserve Bank of India (RBI) makes sure that banks not only provide loans to traders and profit making businesses but also to small borrowers, small scale industries and small cultivators.

Section – B

6. Define the term ‘Civil Disobedience Movement.’ Describe the participation of rich and poor peasant communities in the Civil Disobedience Movement.
Answer : Definition of Civil Disobedience Movement: Civil Disobedience Movement refers to the act by a group of people of refusing to obey laws or pay taxes. It was a peaceful way of expressing their disapproval of these laws or taxes in order to persuade the government to change them.
Gandhiji and Martin Luther King both conducted Civil Disobedience Movements in their respective countries to get rid of the exploitation and oppression offered by their colonial rulers.
(i) Rich Peasants: Depression and fall in prices affected them badly. They demanded reduction in land revenue. Swaraj meant reduction of taxes for them. They were disappointed since
the revenue was not reduced and the movement was called off.
(ii) Poor Peasants: Depression affected them badly. They demanded reduction in rent. Swaraj meant reduction of rent for them. They joined Communist and revolutionary movements.

7. Describe any three characteristics of democracy.
Answer : Three characteristics of democracy:
(i) Democratic governments have formal Constitution, while it is not the case in other forms of governments.
(ii) They hold regular elections, while it is not the case in other forms of governments.
(iii) They have political parties, whereas there is no such thing in other forms of governments.
They guarantee rights to citizens, while it is not the case in the other form of governments.
(iv) Such governments allow room to correct mistakes, while it is not there in the other form of government.
(v) Such government accommodates social diversities

8. What is liberalization? Describe any three effects of liberalization on the Indian economy.


Describe the impacts of globalisation on Indian economy with examples.
Answer : Liberalization means: Removing barriers or restrictions set by the government is known as liberalization.
Impacts of Liberalization:
(i) Competition would improve the performance of producers within the country.
(ii) Barriers on foreign trade and foreign investment were removed to a large extent. This meant that goods could be imported and exported easily.
(iii) Foreign companies could set up factories and offices to boost up production.
(iv) It allows to make decisions freely.
(v) The competition would improve the performance of producers within the country since they have to improve their quality.


Impacts of globalization on Indian economy:
(i) Higher standard of living in urban areas.
(ii) The impact has not been uniform among producers and workers.
(iii) There is the greater choice before the consumers who now enjoy the improved quality and lower prices for several products.
(iv) MNCs have increased their investments in India leading to more job opportunities.
(v) Globalisation has enabled some large Indian companies to emerge as MNCs themselves like Tata Motors, Infosys, Ranbaxy, Asian Paints, etc.
(vi) Globalisation has also created new opportunities for companies providing services particularly those involving IT (Information Technology). 
For example, the Indian company producing a magazine for the London based company and call centres.
(vii) Local companies supply raw materials to foreign industries and have prospered.
However, for a large number of producers and workers, globalisation has posed major challenges.

Section – C

9. “Democracy is a better form of government than any other form of government.” Analyse the statement with arguments.


Differentiate between National and Regional Parties. 
Answer : Democracy is a better form of government when compared with any other form of government because of the following reasons:
(i) Democracy promotes equality among citizens. Every citizen of the country has equal rights before the law. All individuals have equal weight in electing the representatives.
(ii) A democratic government is legitimate. Democracy gets the popular rights and enhances the dignity and freedom of the individual. Democracy gives equal treatment and respect to
women, deprived and discriminated castes in our society.
(iii) Democracy improves the quality of decision-making. As there is an open debate on major issues in democracy thus, the quality of decisions improves.
(iv) Democracy provides a method to resolve conflicts. Democracy reduces the possibility of social tension which leads to a peaceful social life. It allows room to correct mistakes and gains support of the people by holding regular, free, and fair elections.
(v) Democratic government is more accountable form of government. Thus, democracy improves the quality of decision making. 


National Parties:
(i) A Party that secures at least 6% of total votes in Lok Sabha elections or Assembly elections in four States and wins at least four seats in the Lok Sabha is recognized as a National Party.
(ii) National Parties have influence in more than three states.
For example: Congress, BJP, BSP, CPI-M, CPI and NCP.
Regional Parties:
(i) A Party that secures at least 6% of the total votes in an election to the Legislative Assembly of a State and wins at least two seats is recognised as a State Party or Regional Party.
(ii) Regional parties have influence in about three states.
For example, DMK, Rashtriya Janata Dal, AIADMK, etc.

10. “Road transport and rail transport in India are not competitive but complementary to each other.” Justify the statement.


Name any two commodities that are transported by pipelines. Elaborate any two important networks of pipeline transportation in India along with their branches.
Answer : The statement ‘Road Transport’ and ‘Rail Transport’ in India are not competitive, but complementary
to each other is justified in the following ways:
(i) Road transport is more suitable for short distances, whereas rail transport is more suitable for long distances.
(ii) Road transport is economical in the transportation of a few persons and a relatively smaller amount of goods over short distances, whereas rail transport is more suitable for a large
number of people and heavy goods.
(iii) Road transport is beneficial for perishable goods to be carried by roads in a short period, whereas non-perishable and bulky goods are transported by railways for a longer distance.
(iv) Road transport increases the efficiency of railways.
(v) The deficiency of railways is compensated by road transport. 


(i) Commodities transported by pipelines: Crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas, and even solids in the form of a slurry.
(ii) Network:
(a) From upper Assam to Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh), via Guwahati, Barauni, and Allahabad. It has branches from Barauni to Haldia via Rajbandh, Rajbandh to Mourigram and Guwahati to Siliguri.
(b) From Salaya in Gujarat to Jalandhar in Punjab via Viramgam, Mathura, Delhi, and Sonipat. It has branches to connect Koyali (near Vadodara, Gujarat) Chakshu, and other places.
(c) From Hazira in Gujarat to Jagdishpur in Uttar Pradesh gas pipeline via Vijaypur in Madhya Pradesh. It has branches to Kota in Rajasthan, Shahjahanpur, Babrala, and other places in Uttar Pradesh.

Section – D

11. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follows: 

In 1900, a popular music publisher E. T. Paull produced a music book that had a picture on the cover page announcing the ‘Dawn of the Century’. At the centre of the picture is a goddess-like figure, the angel of progress, bearing the flag of the new century. She is gently perched on a wheel with wings, symbolizing time. Her flight is taking her into the future. Floating about, behind her,are the signs of progress: railway, camera, machines, printing press and factory. This glorification of machines and technology is even more marked in a picture which appeared on the pages of a trade magazine over a hundred years ago. It shows two magicians.
The one at the top is Aladdin from the Orient who built a beautiful palace with his magic lamp.
The one at the bottom is the modern mechanic, who with his modern tools weaves a new magic:
builds bridges, ships, towers and high-rise buildings. Aladdin is shown as representing the East and the past, the mechanic stands for the West and modernity. These images offer us a triumphant account of the modern world. Within this account the modern world is associated with rapid technological change and innovations, machines and factories, railways and steamships. The history of industrialization thus becomes simply a story of development, and the modern age appears as a wonderful time of technological progress.

11.1 What was the title of the picture published by E. T. Paull in 1900? 
Answer : 11.1 In 1900, a popular music publisher E.T. Paull produced a music book that had picture of a goddess like figure, the angel of progress, bearing the flag of a new century on its cover page. It was titled ‘Dawn of the century’. 

11.2 What is floating about behind the goddess like figure? 
Answer : Signs of progress are floating behind the goddess like figure.

11.3. What according to this paragraph, become the history of industrialization? 
Answer : A story of development.

12. Read the given text and answer the following questions:

The textile industry occupies unique position in the Indian economy, because it contributes significantly to industrial production (14 per cent), employment generation (35 million persons directly – the second largest after agriculture) and foreign exchange earnings (about 24.6 per cent).
It contributes 4 per cent towards GDP. It is the only industry in the country, which is self-reliant and complete in the value chain i.e., from raw material to the highest value added products.
In ancient India, cotton textiles were produced with hand spinning and handloom weaving techniques. After the 18th century, power-looms came into use. Our traditional industries
suffered a setback during the colonial period because they could not compete with the mill-made cloth from England. In the early years, the cotton textile industry was concentrated in the cotton growing belt of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Availability of raw cotton, market, transport including accessible port facilities, labor, moist climate, etc., contributed towards its localization.
The challenge of sustainable development requires integration of economic development with environmental concerns.

12.1 Why does textile industry occupies a unique position in the Indian economy?
Answer : The textile industry occupies unique position in the Indian economy, because is contributes significantly to industrial production, employment generation and foreign exchange 

12.2 What is the employee generation of cotton textile try? 
Answer : After the 18th century, power-looms came into use.

12.3 How was the cotton textiles produced in ancient India? 
Answer : In ancient India, cotton textiles were produced with hand spinning and hand loom weaving techniques.

Section – E

13. 13.1 On the given outline Political Map of India, identify the place marked as A with the help of following information and write its correct name on the line marked near it.
(A) The place where movement of Indigo Planters took place. 
13.2 On the same given map of India, locate the following:
(I) Ramagundam Thermal Plant. 


Pune software technology park. 
(II) Meenam Bakkam international Airport.
Answer : 

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Term 2 Sample Paper Set D
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Term 2 Sample Paper Set D