Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Assignments

Assignments for Class 9

Please refer to Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Assignments below. We have provided important questions and answers for Tissues which is an important chapter in Class 9 Science. Students should go through the notes and also learn the solved assignment with solved questions provided below. All examination and class tests questions are as per the latest syllabus and books issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. We have also provided Class 9 Science Assignments for all chapters on our website.

Chapter 6 Tissues Class 9 Science Assignments

Question. Define tracheids.


Tracheids have tapering ends and are basically elongated cells.

Question. Define guard cells.


Guard cells are kidney-shaped epidermal cells and a pair of these cells bound each stomata.

Question. Mention the functions of cuboidal epithelium.


(i) Absorption
(ii) Excretion
(iii) Secretion
(iv) Mechanical support

Question.Why does epidermal tissue not have intercellular space?
What is the function of epidermis in plants?


Epidermal tissue forms a protective layer for plants and helps to protect the internal parts of plants which prevent the plant from loss of water, attack by parasitic fungi and outer injury.

Question. What is the use of tissues in multicellular organisms?


Tissue provides structural and mechanical strength as well as to allow division of labour in multicellular organisms.

Question. Where is chlorenchyma tissue present?


It is present in the centre of stems and roots. If it has chlorophyll then it is called chlorenchyma. It is present in green leaves.

Question.What is the location of stratified squamous epithelium?Also, mention its functions.


Stratified squamous epitheliums are found in the skin.They are present in layers to prevent wear and tear.

Question. _____ tissues make the coconut husk.


Sclerenchymatous tissue

Question. Write the main functions of collenchyma?


The main functions of collenchyma are to provide mechanical support, tensile strength, elasticity and flexibility to stem, leaf stalks and leaves.

Question. Mention the different types of blood cells.


(i) WBCs
(ii) RBCs
(iii) Platelets

Question. Write the various functions of all types of epithelial tissues?


Epithelial tissues help in protection, absorption,excretion, exchange of respiratory gases and secretion.

Question. How is ligament different from tendons?


Ligaments are elastic connective tissue which attach bone to bone to keep them in their place. Tendons are less elastic connective tissues which attach muscles to a bone.

Question. What are blood platelets?


Blood platelets are minute (about 2 to 4 μm in diameter), anucleated, disc like bodies. The main function of platelets is to help in clotting of blood.

Question. Name two types of plant tissues.


(i) Permanent tissue
(ii) Meristematic tissue

Question. What is the function of connective tissue?


Connective tissue connects different tissues and organs. It provides support to different parts of the body by forming packing around different organs of the body.

Question. Give the types of meristematic tissues.


(i) Intercalary tissue — nodes
(ii) Apical tissue — tips of shoot and roots
(iii) Lateral tissue — stem sides

Question. Define complex tissues.
Answer. These are a group of cells of more than one type which work together to perform a specific function.

Question. What is vascular tissue? How are they important for plants?
Answer. Both phloem and xylem are known as vascular tissue which combines to form vascular bundle. These tissues transport water, mineral and food throughout the plant body.

Question. Name the helper of sieve tubes.
Answer. Companion cells

Question. Tissue A consist of two tissies B and C which carries water and food respectively. Idebtify A,B and C.
Answer. A – vascular bundle

Question. What is the function of companion cells in the phloem?
Answer. These cells have cytoplasm , nucleus and other organelles so performs task need for sustenance of life for the sieve cells.

Question. Name the muscle which is used to work constantly throughout life of a person.
Answer. Cardiac tissue

Question. Which tissue helps in locomotion of animals?
Answer. Muscular tissue and bones

Question. What is a nervous tissue
Answer. t is a tissue specialized to transmit messages throughout the body. It is composed of brain, spinal cord and nerves.

Question. What is an impulse?
Answer. Impulse is a passage of electrical activity along axon of the nerve cell.

Question. What is a connective tissue?
Answer. Tissue which is specialized to connect and attach various body organs is known as connective tissue

Question. Which component of the cells fights against the invading infection?
Answer. WBC (white blood cells) are the cells which provides resistance against infection by producing anti bodies in the body.

Question. name a type of simple permanent tissue which has dead cells.
Answer. Sclerenchyma.

Question. Where is the packing tissue of plants found?
Answer. The packing tissue or parenchyma is found all over the plant body.

Question. Parenchyma specialized to perform photosynthesis.
Answer. Chlorenchyma

Question. Name the processes through which water is lost from the plant to the atmosphere.
Answer. Transpiration

Question. What is lymph?
Answer. It is a colourless liquid which is filtered from the blood capillaries. Its composition is similar to blood but do not contain RBCs.

Question. what is primary and secondary growth?
Answer. The increase in the height of the plant due to apical meristem is known as Primary growth. The increase in the diameter and girth of a plant due to lateral meristem is known as Secondary growth.

Question. What are visceral muscles and why are they so called.
Answer. Visceral muscle is another name for smooth muscle. This is so named as these are found in walls of hollow visceral organs except heart which have a specialized cardiac muscle.

Question. What is cilia?
Answer. Cilia are hair like projections found on the outer surfaces of epithelial cells. These help in the movement of mucus. These are found in respiratory tract and keep it clear of mucus by forwarding it.

Question. What is glandular columnar epithelium?
Answer. The columnar epithelium is many times modified to form glands which secrete various chemicals in the body which are known as glandular columnar epithelium.

Question. Write locations where the following animal tissues are found:
(a) Simple squamous epithelial cells
(b) Cuboidal epithelium
Answer. (a) Oesophagus, lining of mouth
(b) Lining of kidney tubules, ducts of salivaty gland.

Question. What is cartilage?
Answer. Cartilage is a specialised type of connective tissue which provides support and flexibility to the body parts. It also smoothens the joint surfaces. Some of the places where cartilage is present are epiglottis, ear pinna, rings of trachea, etc.

Question. What is aereolar tissue ?
Answer. These are types of tissues in which cells and fibres are contained in a matrix. It joins skins to underlying muscles. It acts as a supporting and packing tissue for organs present in body cavities. It helps in repairing of damaged tissue.

Question. Write a short note on connective tissue.
Answer. -It contains cells in a matrix which is chemical substance usually solid, liquid, or jelly form.
-Different kind of connective tissues are blood, lymph, bones, cartilage, tendon, ligament, areolar, adipose.

Question. Give reason why blood is considered as a connective tissue.
Answer. Blood transports nutrients and waste materials from one part of the body to other. Through this circulation between different tissue and body organs occur. Therefore the tissue is known as Connective tissue.

Question. What is the importance of RBC in blood?
Answer. RBC or erythrocytes are cells having haemoglobin which has a strong affinity towards oxygen. Therefore carries oxygen to tissue for the oxidation of food stuff.

Question. .Define stomata with diagram.
Answer. They are small holes on the surface of leaves which helps in exchange of gases and also in transpiration.

Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets

Question.Name and mention the function of each xylem cell with diagram.
Answer. Name and function of xylem cells are :
1. Xylem parenchyma — It stores food. It also helps in sideways flow of water.
2. Xylem fibres — They are supportive.
3. Tracheids and vessels — They help in transportation of minerals and water.

Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets

Question.Mention the functions of bone.
(i) Provides support to skeletal
(ii) Provides shape to body
(iii) Protects the internal organs
(iv) Support muscles

Question.What are characteristic structural features of meristematic cells?
Answer. Meristematic cells have :
1. Thin cell walls.
2. Abundant or dense cytoplasm and single large nucleus.
3. Spherical, oval, polygonal or rectangular shape.
4. No intercellular spaces between them.
5. Either no vacuoles at all or few vacuoles.

Question.List any four salient features of meristematic tissue?
(i) This tissue consists of actively dividing cells.
(ii) This tissue is present in growing regions of plants.
(iii) In this tissue, cells are packed closely without intercellular spaces.
(iv) Cells of this tissue have thin cell walls, dense cytoplasm and prominent nuclei.

Question.There was a paralytic patient, who cannot walk.
(i) Which tissues are responsible for the movement of the body?
(ii) Which tissues are present in spine and brain?
(i) Muscular and nervous tissues are responsible for the movement of the body.

Question.Mention the functions of cartilage.
(i) Support to the body
(ii) Flexibility
(iii) At joints, smoothens surface

Question.What are permanent tissues?
Answer. The cells of meristematic tissue lose the ability to divide and get differentiated into specialised cells.These differentiated cells form different types of tissues which are known as permanent tissues. Some examples of permanent tissues are : parenchyma, sclerenchyma, etc.

Question.Differentiate between tendon and ligament.

Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets

Question.Differentiate between striated muscles and unstriated muscles.

Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets

Question.Differentiate between blood and bone.

Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets

Question.Blood is called the connective tissue. Give reason.
Answer. Blood is made up of cells and plasma (fluid). Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are also present in blood. Plasma collects all these cells. Blood transports water and foods to various parts of our body and connects them.

Question.Differentiate between collenchyma, parenchyma and sclerenchyma.

Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets

Question.What are the different types of meristematic tissue?Also, mention their functions. Draw a diagram of the tissue to show its location.
Answer. There are three types of meristematic tissues which are as follows :
1. Apical meristem : Growth in length
2. Lateral meristem : Growth in breadth or thickness
3. Intercalary meristem : Growth in inter-nodes

Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets

Question.What are the four main functions of epithelial tissue?
Answer. The main functions of epithelial tissue are :
1. It forms the outer layer of skin and hence it protects the underlying cells from drying, injury, bacterial and chemical effects.
2. It forms lining of mouth, alimentary canal and other internal organs and thus protects these organs.
3. It helps in absorption of water and other nutrients in alimentary canal.
Some of them are greatly specialized and perform secretory function.

Question.Explain plant tissue in detail.
Answer. Plant tissue is mainly divided into two categories :
• Meristematic tissue
• Permanent tissue
Meristematic tissue : The cells divide very fast. It helps in the growth of the plants. The shape of the cell is oval, round and polygonal. There is no intercellular space. There are three types of meristematic tissues :
(i) Apical meristem : Growth in length
(ii) Lateral meristem : Growth in breadth or thickness
(iii) Intercalary meristem : Growth in inter-nodes
Permanent tissue : When meristematic tissue stops dividing and gets mature, then it forms permanent tissue. There are two types of permanent tissues :
(i) Simple tissue
(ii) Complex tissue

(i) Simple Tissue : Simple tissues are same in structure and perform the same functions. There are three types of simple tissues :
(a) Parenchyma : It is present in soft parts.
(b) Collenchyma : It provides mechanical strength to plants and is found in stalks.
(c) Sclerenchyma : It provides support as well as flexibility to plants.

(ii) Complex Tissue : They are different in structure but perform the same function in group. There are two types of complex tissues :
(a) Xylem : It transports water from roots to shoot in plants.
(b) Phloem : Transports foods to all parts of the plant.

Question.Explain connective tissue along with its types.
Answer.Connective tissue consists various types of cells which perform the same function. These are of three types :
(i) Proper connective tissue
(ii) Fluid tissue
(iii) Skeletal tissue
Proper connective tissue : These are of four types– Areolar and ligament connective tissue : It is present between muscles and skin and in the bone marrow.It is also present around nerves and blood vessels.They fill the space inside the organ. They also provide strength to internal organs and helps in repair of tissues.
Adipose tissue : It is found below the skin and also between internal organs. It stores fat and due to this fat storage, it behaves as an insulator.
Tendon : It is fibrous, strong and flexible and joins muscles with bone.
Ligament : It is elastic and strong and joins bone with bone.
Fluid tissue consists of :
Blood : It is a liquid tissue called plasma which has RBCs, WBCs, plasma and blood platelets. It helps to transport substances like gases, hormones, digested food and waste material.
Lymph : It transports digested fat and white blood cells in plasma.
Skeletal tissue is made up of :
Bone : It is a hard tissue which helps in the movement and support of our body.
Cartilage : It softens the bone surface at joints. It is

Question.Explain epidermis in plants.
Answer. It forms the outermost layer of the plant. It is comprised of a single cell layer. This tissue forms a protective layer for plants and that helps to protect the internal parts of plants. It helps in protection against loss of water, attack by parasitic fungi and mechanical injury.
Epidermis has small pores known as stomata.
They are small holes or pores on the surface of leaves which help in exchange of gases and also in transpiration. Epidermis has long parts like hair that provide greater surface area for water absorption in roots. In plants found in deserts, epidermis consists of a thick waxy coating called cutin which makes the outer layer water resistant.

Question.Give the difference between the types of muscle fibres diagrammatically.

Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets

Question. Explain complex tissue in plants.
Answer. Generally, complex tissues consist of more than one type of cell. They are different in structure but together perform the same function.
There are two types of complex tissues :
1. Xylem : It transports water from roots to shoot in plants. The movement is only in one direction that is, from roots to shoot. It provides mechanical support to the plant. It has mostly dead elements.
Its elements are tracheids, xylem sclerenchyma, xylem parenchyma, vessel elements.
2. Phloem : Conduct foods to all parts of the plant.The movement of phloem is bidirectional that is,movement in both the directions is possible. Its elements are mostly living. Its elements are sieve tubes, phloem parenchyma, companion cells and intermediary cells.
Above given both complex tissues are conductive tissues and form the vascular bundle.

Question.Explain the structure of three types of muscle fibres.Also write the locations where they are found in the body.
Answer. The followings are the three types of muscle cells :
1. Unstriated muscles (also known as smooth,involuntary muscles) : This type of muscular tissue consists of spindle-shaped, long uninucleated cells.
This type of muscles are present in alimentary canal, blood vessels, iris of eye, in ureters and bronchi of lungs, etc.
2. Striated muscles (also known as voluntary muscles because oftheir function being in our control or will) : This type ofmuscular cells are long multinucleated and enclosed in a membrane called sarcolemma. Each fibre has several longitudinal filaments embedded in cytoplasm. These filaments give these muscles striated appearance. These muscles are attached to the skeleton; so they are called skeletal muscles.
3. Cardiac muscles : These muscles are found in heart. They are not under the control of the will.They contract rhythmically and involuntarily throughout life without the sign of fatigue. Structurally they show the characters of both unstriated and striated muscles. They are made up of branched fibres. These fibres are uninucleated and show alternate light and dark bands (striation).

Question.How many types of meristems are present in plants, on the basis of position?
Answer. On the basis of location of meristem, it is classified into three types :
1. Apical meristem is present at the tip of stem, roots and their branches.
2. Intercalary meristem is found at the leaf base, above the nodes (i.e. at the base of internodes as in grasses) or below the nodes (i.e. at the uppermost region of internode as in mint).
3. Lateral meristem
4. Vascular cambium and cork cambium are the examples of lateral meristem.
5. Vascular cambium is found in vascular bundles while cork cambium is found underneath the bark of trees. Both of these cause increase in girth of plants.

Question.Explain the structure of a nervous tissue with details about its location and function.
Answer. Structure : It consists of nerve cells joined end to end. A nerve cell has a cell body with cytoplasm and nucleus. From that, long and thin hair like structure arise. Every neuron has one long part known as the axon, and many short and small branched structures known as dendrite. A single nerve cell is known as a neuron and sometimes may even be a metre long.

Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets

Location : Nervous tissue is found in spinal cord, brain and nerves.
Function : Nervous tissues are a specialized cell that does the function of exchanging information. Nervous tissues transmit and receive stimuli from one organ to another organ in the body and allow moving muscles and react to stimuli.

Question.Explain the structure of parenchyma. What are its major modifications?
Parenchyma : It is the basic or fundamental tissue found in plants. Cells of this tissue are thin walled, circular or polygonal. They are living with a nucleus and a vacuole. Intercellular spaces are present between the cells of this tissue. Two modifications of parenchyma are chlorenchyma and aerenchyma.
(a) Chlorenchyma : Sometimes cells of the parenchyma contain chlorophyll and perform photosynthesis. This kind of parenchyma is known as chlorenchyma.
(b) Aerenchyma : In aquatic plants, parenchyma contains big air spaces in between them. Such a parenchyma tissue is known as aerenchyma.

Question75. Differentiate between parenchyma and collenchyma.
Answer.Difference between parenchyma and collenchvma :

Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets

Question.Differentiate between collenchyma and sclerenchyma.
Answer.Difference between collenchyma and sclerenchyma :

Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets
Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets