Please refer to Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Science Important Questions with solutions provided below. These questions and answers have been provided for Class 10 Science based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Students should learn these problem solutions as it will help them to gain more marks in examinations. We have provided Important Questions for Class 10 Science for all chapters in your book. These Board exam questions have been designed by expert teachers of Standard 10.
Class 10 Science Important Questions Management of Natural Resources Chapter 16
Very Short Answer:
Question. Why do we need alternate sources of energy?
Answer: (i) Increase in demand (ii) Non-renewable source of energy are limited.
Question. Give one example each from your daily life where the domestic waste can be effectively reused and recycled.
Answer: Domestic waste should be converted into compost and used in the kitchen garden.
Question. Write one negative effect of affluent lifestyle of few persons on the environment.
Answer: Air pollution and acid rain are negative effects on environment by the excessive use of vehicles and generators.
Question. Name the bacteria whose presence in water indicate contamination of water
Answer: E. Coli bacteria
Question. Give one protective function of forest.
Answer: Forest is habitat of large number of animal and plants which are not found anywhere else. It provides bio-diversity to our environment.
Question. Name two resources which cannot be recycled.
Answer: Two resources which cannot be recycled are metals and fossil fuels.
Question. Mention two renewable sources of energy.
Answer: (i) Solar Energy, (ii) Wind Energy.
Question. Mention the action taken by Government to save river Ganga?
Answer: Ganga Action Plan to prevent pollution of Ganga.
Question. Write the context in which Amrita Devi Bishnoi National award is given?
Answer: Amrita Devi Bishnoi National award is given for wild life conservation in honour of Amrita Devi Bishnoi who scarified her life along with 363 others for the protection of Khejri trees in a village of Rajasthan in 1731.
Question. What are ways to conserve natural resources?
Answer: (i) Reduce, (ii) Reuse, (iii) Recycling of non-biodegradable wastes.
Question. Name any two items which can be easily recycled but thrown in dustbins.
Answer: (i) Bits of paper, (ii) Plastic water bottle
Question. List two causes of pollution of river Ganga.
Answer: (i) Human remains after death (ii) Industrial waste (iii) Religious festivals
Question. List any two industries based on forest produce.
Answer: (i) Timber (Furniture) industry (ii) Sports good (iii) Paper
Question. Name a programme which was started to avoid alienation of common man from trees. Who started it?
Answer: Chipko movement started by Sunder Lal Bahuguna to avoid alienation of common man from trees .
Question. How does inequitable distribution of water affect life of people?
Answer: Only rich and powerful will become more and more powerful while others will suffer.
Question: List two items which can be easily recycled, but we generally throw them in the dust-bins
Answer: Newspapers and tin cans are the two items that can be easily recycled.
Question: “We need to manage our resources.” List two reasons to justify this statement.
Answer: We need to manage our natural resources because
(i) the resources of the Earth are limited and
(ii) the proper management of our resources ensures their equitable distribution.
Question: List two advantages of building dams.
Answer: Two advantages of building dams are :
(i) It helps in irrigation.
(ii) It helps to generate electricity.
Short Answer: I
Question. What changes can you make in your habits to become more environment-friendly?
Answer: (i) Walk or go to school on bicycle if it is not far way. If it is far away use Metro or school bus instead of personal car.
(ii) Switch off car engine at red light.
(iii) Recycle all items which can be recycled.
(iv) Reuse the discarded items if possible.
(v) Reduce the use of non-renewable sources of energy, e.g. solar energy can be used for heating water.
Question. What is sustainable developmental? State its two main objectives.
Answer: The development which can be maintained for a long time without causing any damage to the environment is called sustainable development.
Two objectives are:
(i) The purpose is to provide comfortable life to people and future generation.
(ii) It helps to meet present needs and also saves resources for future needs e.g. metro trains are making sustainable development for people in Delhi and other states
Question. Mention the steps taken by west Bengal Govt. to protect badly degraded sal forest.
Answer: (i) Involvement of local people by giving employment in silviculture and harvesting operation.
(ii) Collection of fuel, wood and fodder by paying nominal fees.
Question. List two measures to conserve the natural resources of the environment.
Answer: (i) Maintain green grassy patches between concrete building
(ii) Use more of environment friendly (biodegradable) materials.
Question. Can you suggest some changes in your school which would make it environment friendly?
Answer: (i) Making a compost pit at the backyard of garden
(ii) Switching on fans and light in the rooms which are not being used
(iii) Throwing organic and recyclable waste in separate bins
(iv) Growing more plants
(v) Using paper on both side.
Question. Though the Kulhads are made up of clay which is an ecofriendly substances but their use has been continued in the trains these days. Explain two reasons which lead to discontinuance of this practice.
Answer: (i) Use of clay for making Kulhards removes top fertile soil.
(ii) Reuse of Kulhard is unhygnic.
Question. What is water harvesting ? what is its importances ?
Answer: Water harvesting is a technique to catch every drop that falls on land as rain or snow to recharge ground water. It helps in conservation of soil and water in order to increase biomass production.
Question. Why do we need to reshort to water harvesting when we can just collect rain water and use it ?
Answer: Collecting rain water in water bodies is possible only in rainy season but retaining it throughout the year may not be possible as it will evaporate. It may also get contaminated and mosquitoes may also breed in it. Groundwater recharged due to water harvesting will be cleaner and available throughout the year.
Question. What are the advantages of groundwater over surface water?
Answer: The advantages of groundwater over surface water are:
(i) Ground water does not evaporate.
(ii) Spreads out to recharge wells, provides moisture to vegetation over a wide area.
(iii) It does not provide breeding ground for mosquitoes like stagnant water.
(iv) It is protected from contamination and pollution by human and animal waste.
Question. List some traditional ways used by local organizations for water harvesting.
Answer: Some traditional ways used by local organizations for water harvesting are
(i) Digging small pits and lakes (ii) Simple watershed systems
(iii) Building small earthen dams (iv) Constructing dykes, sand and limestone reservoirs
(v) Set up rooftop water collecting units.
Question: How do advantages of exploiting natural resources with short term gains in mind difier from the advantages of managing our resources with a long-term perspective?
Answer: The advantages of exploiting resources with short term aim is to meet the immediate basic human needs. Short term exploitation of natural resources meets the current demand. It is beneficial for the present generation only whereas management of resources with long term perspective is aimed to fulfil the needs of future generations. Long term use of resources can be achieved through their sustainable use.
Question: “Reuse is better than recycling of materials”. Give reason to justify this statement.
Answer: Reuse is better than recycling because the process of reuse does not require any energy as in the case of recycling. The reuse strategy comprises using things again and again. For example, used envelops can be used again to make notes.
Question: Why is an equitable distribution of resources essential in a society? List two forces which are against such distribution.
Answer: Equitable distribution of natural resources is necessary so that all and not just a handful of rich and powerful people use them. Two forces against equitable distribution of resources are :
(i) Industrialisation
(ii) Profit makers who want to make profit from these resources.
Question: What is sustainable development? State its two main objectives.
Answer: Sustainable development can be defined as management of available resources and development of new techniques for use of natural resources to meet the changing basic human needs, at the same time preserving the resources for the need of future generations. The two main objectives of sustainable development are:
(i) To reduce the dependence on the conventional sources and adopt non-conventional sources of energy.
(ii) Evolving new technology and conserving natural resources.
Question: (a) Why do we need to manage our resources carefully?
(b) Why management of natural resources requires a long term perspective?
Answer: (a) : The resources of Earth are limited and their demand is increasing day by day with ever growing population. So, we have to avoid their wastage and should properly manage, conserve and replenish our natural resources.
(b) Management of natural resources requires a long term perspective so that they can last for generations to come and may not be merely exploited for short term gains.
Question: Why is sustainable management of natural resources necessary? Out of the two-reuse and recycle-which, in your opinion is better to practise? Give reason.
Answer: Sustainable management of natural resources is necessary because :
(i)The resources of the Earth are limited and because of the rapid increase in human population, the demand for resources is increasing day by day. Proper management can ensure that the natural resources are used judiciously so that they fulfil the needs of present generation and also last for the generations to come.
(ii) It also takes into consideration long-term perspective and prevents exploitation of natural resources for short-term gains. The process of ‘reuse’ is better than that of ‘recycling’ because some energy is used to recycle old objects but no energy is required during reuse.
Question: ‘‘What was Chipko Andolan’’? How did this Andolan ultimately benefit the local people and the environment?
Answer: The Chipko Andolan (tree hugging movement) is an example of the contribution of common people towards the conservation of forests. The Chipko Andolan originated from an incidence in a remote village of Garhwal, high up in the Himalayas in the early 1970s. A logging contractor had been allowed to cut down trees in a forest close to a village. The people of the village did not want this forest to be cleared because it would spoil their healthy environment. One day, when the men folk of the village were out for work, the contractor’s workers came in the forest to cut down
the trees. In the absence of men, the women of the village reached the forest quickly and clasped the tree trunks with their arms, preventing the workers from cutting them down. The forest trees were thus saved.The Chipko movement quickly spread across all the communities and helped in the conservation of forests thereby contributing to the service of mankind. Both local people and environment were benefitted due to conservation of food, fooder, fuel fibre and fertiliser trees.
Question: List four stakeholders which may be helpful in the conservation of forests.
Answer: Major stakeholders of forest resources are:
(i) Local people
(ii)The Forest department of the Government
(iii) The Industrialists
(iv) The nature and wildlife enthusiasts
Question: Forests are ‘‘biodiversity hotspots’’. Justify this statement.
Answer: Forests are reservoirs of diversity.They contain different species of plants, animals and all sorts of living organisms. Forests are also under severe threat due to habitat loss, climate change and extensive species loss. Hence, they are considered as biodiversity hotspots.
Question: Explain giving example where active involvement of local people lead to effcient management of forest.
Answer: Active participation of public and their support must be generated in order to conserve our forests and wildlife to achieve the real goal of ecodevelopment.
An example of public participation in conservation of forest and wildlife is the case of the Bishnoi Community in Rajasthan. In 1731, Amrita Devi Bishnoi sacrificed her life along with 363 others for the protection of ‘Khejri’ trees in Khejrali village near Jodhpur in Rajasthan.
Question: List four measures that can be taken to conserve forests.
Answer: Measures to conserve forests are :
(i) Afforestation – Plantation of trees to meet basic needs.
(ii) Instead of cutting trees for fuel wood we should use alternative sources of energy such as biogas.
(iii) By adopting agro and urban forestry methods.
(iv) By limiting human interference such as settlement, cropping, recreation, etc.
Short Answer: II
Question: (a) Water is an elixir of life, a very important natural resource. Your science teacher wants you to prepare a plan for a formative assessment activity. “How to save water, the vital natural resource?” Write any two ways that you will suggest to bring awareness in your neighbourhood on ‘how to save water’.
(b) Name and explain any one way by which the underground water table does not go down further.
Answer: (a) Water is an important vital natural resource. Fresh water constitutes only a small proportion of total quantity of water present on Earth. However, proper management can lead to conservation of this important renewable resource. It can be preserved by the following ways :
(i) Taps must be closed after use.
(ii) Water used for washing clothes, etc., can be reused to wash car and for other purposes.
(iii) Water discarded from RO purifier can be used to wash vegetables.
(b) By use of water harvesting technique, underground water can be recharged. It includes digging small pits and lakes, building small earthen dams, constructing sand and limestone reservoirs and setting up roof top water collecting units. The water from trenches and pits seeps into deeper layer recharging ground water levels.
Question: While discussing about coal and petroleum a teacher told his students about PCRA’s (Petroleum Conservation Research Association) guidelines to save the fossil fuels while driving vehicles. Deepa was going to her school with her mother who was driving car. At the traffc signal, when the light was red, Deepa suggested her mother to switch off the engine. After reading the above passage, answer the following questions :
(a) Fossil fuels are natural resources, then why do we need to conserve them?
(b) List any two ways of saving the fossil fuels.
(c) State two values exhibited by Deepa.
Answer: (a) Fossil fuels are natural non-renewable sources of energy. They cannot be replenished with time. Hence, we need to conserve them as their supply is limited.
(b) Two ways of saving fossil fuels are:
(i) Judicious and efficient management of nonrenewable sources of energy.
(ii) Development of alternative and renewable resources of energy.
(c) Two values exhibited by Deepa are awareness and concern for nature and the society.