Introduction to Multimedia Class 7 Computer Science Important Questions

Important Questions Class 7

Please refer to Introduction To Multimedia Class 7 Computer Science Important Questions with solutions provided below. These questions and answers have been provided for Class 7 Computer Science based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Students should learn these problem solutions as it will help them to gain more marks in examinations. We have provided Important Questions for Class 7 Computer Science for all chapters in your book. These Board exam questions have been designed by expert teachers of Standard 7.

Class 7 Computer Science Important Questions Introduction To Multimedia

Very short Answer type a Questions:

Question: There are how many types of text?
Ans: Two types – Static and Hyper text

Question: Write the name of any one type of animation.
Ans: Path Animation

Question: In how many types a video can be classified?
Ans: Two types – Analog and Digital videos

Question: Write any one application of Multimedia.
Ans: Education and Entertainment field

Short Answer type Questions:

Question: What is Video?
Ans: Video is an important component of multimedia. In multimedia, video is used to represent information in a much better way. The video can be played with motion pictures as well as sound. There are usually two types of videos: analogue and digital videos.

Question: What is Multimedia Conferencing?
Ans: Multimedia conferencing is also called video conferencing. This is an important application area of multimedia. Using it, we can have face-to-face conversations with people living at distant places.

Question: What is an Animation?
Ans: Animation is an important component of multimedia. It shows motion effects on static images or text. There are two main types of animation – path animation and frame animation. PowerPoint and Flash are examples of commonly used animation software.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question: What is a Multimedia Presentation? What should we keep in mind before preparing Multimedia Presentation?
Ans: A topic can be presented effectively using multimedia presentation. Text, sound, video, animation, and pictures are the important components of a multimedia presentation. Following are some of the points that we should keep in mind before preparing a multimedia presentation:
1. Text should be kept minimum.
2. Sound quality should be good.
3. The user should be able to use the keyboard and mouse.
4. It should be small in size.

Question: Write down Applications of Multimedia
Ans: Multimedia is used in many fields. Some of the important application areas of multimedia are given below:
1. Multimedia is used in the field of education.
2. Multimedia is used to represent the model of human body in medical science.
3. Multimedia is used in the field of entertainment.
4. It is used to inform customers at railway stations, banks etc.
5. It is used for face to face communication with people living far away.

Question: What is Multimedia? Explain the Components of Multimedia.
Ans: The word multimedia is a combination of the two words – Multi and Media. Multi means two or more and media means medium. Thus, multimedia is a technology in which information is distributed using a variety of mediums. The following are major components of multimedia:
• Text: Written information is called text.
• Sound: Sound helps us to explain an idea clearly.
• Animation: It is the motion effect on static images or text.
• Images: Images are an essential part of multimedia.
• Video: Video contains motion pictures as well as sound.

Introduction to Multimedia Class 7 Computer Science Important Questions

Question: What are the requirements for Multimedia?
Ans: The basic requirements for multimedia are hardware and software. These are as follows:
Hardware Requirements:
1. Input device
2. Output device
3. Storage devices
Software Requirements:
These are used to modify and manage the elements of multimedia. For example: Adobe Director, Media Blender, Multimedia Builder, etc.

Introduction to Multimedia Class 7 Computer Science Important Questions