CBSE Class 10 Science Term 2 Sample Paper Set E

Sample Paper Class 10

See below CBSE Class 10 Science Term 2 Sample Paper Set E with solutions. We have provided CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Science as per the latest paper pattern issued by CBSE for the current academic year. All sample papers provided by our Class 10 Science teachers are with answers. You can see the sample paper given below and use them for more practice for Class 10 Science examination.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 Science Term 2 Set E

Section – A

1. Write the name and structure of a saturated compound in which three carbon atoms are arranged in a ring. Give the number of single bonds present in this compound.
Answer. Cyclopropane, No. of single bond = 9

2. The electronic configuration of an element is 2, 8, 4. State its:
a. Group and period in the Modern periodic table.
b. Name and write its one physical property.
Answer. (i) Group -14, Period – 3
(ii) Silicon, Non-metallic/poor conductor of electricity.

3. Differentiate between self-pollination and cross pollination.
Answer. Self Pollination: Pollination occours from anthers to stigma of same flower
Cross Pollination: Pollination occours from anthers to stigma of different flower on the same / different plant.

4. In the field of genetics:
a. Define the word inheritance.
b. Give two differences between somatic and germinal variations.
Answer. a. Inheritance: The process of transmission of traits/ characters from parents to next generation.
b. Somatic variations may occour in general body cells but germinal variations occour only in gamete forming cells Somatic variations are non-inheritable but germinal variations are inheritable

5. The process of reproduction is broadly classified into two categories. Name the two types of reproduction. Mention one basic difference between them. Which one of the two, is responsible for bringing in variations in the next generation?
Answer. a. Vegetative and Sexual reproduction
b. Vegetative: Multiplication from any part of the body except gametes, Sexual: Multiplication from any part of the body except gametes,
c. Sexual reproduction shows variations.

6. A wire is placed between N and S poles of a magnet as shown in figure. If current flows in the wire as shown, in which direction does the wire tend to move?
Answer. The direction of magnetic field is from N-pole to S-pole; On applying Fleming’s left-hand rule, the wire tends to move perpendicular to plane of paper in the upward direction.

7. Suggest one word for each of the following statements:
a. An integrated network of physical and biological world where we live in.
b. The different levels of food chain involving transfer of matter and energy.
c. The parameters like temperature, rainfall, wind and soil of a habitat.
d. Organisms which depend on the producers either directly or indirectly for food.
Answer. a. Ecosystem
b. Trophic level
c. Physical /Abiotic factors
d. Consumenrs (Heterotrophs)

Section – B

8. Based on the inherent property of formation of compounds, answer the following:
a. Carbon, Group (14) element in the periodic table, is known to form compounds with many elements. Write an example of a compound formed with:
i. Oxygen, (Group 16 element in the periodic table).
ii. Chlorine, (Group 17 element in the periodic table).
b. Why covalent compounds have low melting and boiling points.
Answer. (a) (i) carbon dioxide (CO2) (ii) carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)
(b) Covalent compounds have low melting and boiling points because they have weak intermolecular forces of attraction.

9. From the elements A (At. No. 19, Mass no. 39), B (At. No. 14, Mass no. 28), C (At. No. 8, Mass no. 16), D (At. No. 18, Mass no. 40) Identify:
i. The most electropositive element.
ii. A noble gas.
iii. A metalloid.
iv. An element which will gain 2 electrons to attain nearest noble gas configuration.
v. Formula of compound formed between A and C.
vi. Element belonging to same period.
Answer. (i) A, (ii) D, (iii) B, (iv) C, (v) A2C (vi) B & D

10. ‘Reproduction is one of the most important characteristics of living beings’. Give three reasons in support of the given statement.
Answer. a. Continuity of species
b. Bringing in variations due to recombination and random fertilization.
c. Variations become the base for evolution.

11. (i) Write the relation between resistance and electrical resistivity of the material of a conductor in the shape of a cylinder of length ‘l’ and area of cross-section ‘A’.
Hence derive the S.I. unit of electrical resistivity.
(ii) Resistance of a metal wire of length 5 m is 100 ohms. If the area of cross-section of the wire is 3 x 10-7 m2, calculate the resistivity of the metal.
Answer. (i) resistivity (ρ) = RA/l
Units of resistivity = ohm metre
(ii) ρ = RA/l =(100 x 3 x10-7) /5 = 6 x 10-6 ohm metre

12. A torch bulb is rated 5 V and 500 mA. Calculate its
a. Power
b. Resistance
c. Energy consumed when it is lighted for 2.5 hours
Answer. (i) P = VI = 5V X 500 m A = 2.5 watt
(ii) P = V2/R
R = V2/P = 5 x 5/2.5 = 25/2.5 = 10 ohm.
(iii) Energy consumed = Power x Time = 2.5watt x 2.5hour = 6.25watt h

13. Food chain and food web forms the basis of ecosystems. Based on it comment on:
a. What are decomposers. Give two examples of decomposers.
b. What will be the consequence of their absence in an ecosystem?
Answer. a. Decomposer: The organisms that consume dead or decaying organic matter for survival.
e.g.: Fungus – Rhizopus, Bacteria for sewage treatment
b. In the absence of decomposer the nature will not be cleaned and everywhere we will see dead organic matter.

Section – C

14. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic life-threatening disorder. It is one of the sexually transmitted disease and is caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). HIV damages the immune system of the body so that the body cannot protect itself against infection. So, HIV-AIDS is a very dangerous which leads to death.
Some of the symptoms of AIDS are weight loss, fever, diarrhoea, oral thrush and enlargement of lymph glands. In severe conditions, a patient may develop pneumonia, cancer of skin and lymph system. The life span of the patient may be restricted from a year to sometimes twenty years.
The virus may gain entry by many routes, some of which are blood transfusion, hypodermic needles used by addicts, homosexual or heterosexual intercourse with the infected partner.
Treatment: No definite cure has been found for the HIV-AIDS so far. The best method of prevention is to avoid drug abuse and intercourse with affected persons and restrict mating to one partner only. Based on above information, answer the following questions:
(i) What are sexually transmitted diseases?
(ii) Contraceptive methods can be used to prevent STDs. Name any two.
(iii) What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
(iv) How can people be made aware of STDs?
Answer. a. STD: The infections that can be transmitted by sexual contact with the infected person are sexually transmitted diseases.
b. Contraceptive: Condom (male), Condom (female)
c. HIV : Human Immuno Virus (Just the presence of virus in the body)
AIDS: Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (Manifestation of symptoms)
d. Awareness: Use of media (advertisement/documentary/skits
Awareness programs for students (Content in book / Skits / AEP)

15. When the magnet is brought into the field of another magnet, the field interacts with each pole of the magnet and each of these poles experience magnetic force.
The space surrounding a magnet where a magnetic force is experienced is called magnetic field.

A magnetic field line is a continuous curve in a magnetic field such that the tangent at any point on it gives the direction of magnetic field at that point.
Based on above information, answer the following questions:
(i) Where is the magnetism minimum in a bar magnet?
(ii) Meena draws magnetic field lines of field close to the axis of a current-carrying circular loop. As she moves away from the centre of the circular loop, she observes that the lines keep on diverging. How will you explain her observation?
(iii) How can it be proved that a magnetic field exists around a current carrying metallic wire?
(iv) What are uniform and non-uniform magnetic fields?
Answer. (i) Inside the magnet, magnetic field strength is decreasing. So, at the centre of the bar magnet, the magnetism is minimum.
(ii) Strength of the magnetic field falls as distance increases. This is indicated by the decrease in degree of closeness of the lines of field.
(iii) When a magnetic compass needle is placed close to the current carrying wire, it will get deflected.
(iv) If the magnetic field lines are parallel and equidistant, the field is uniform and if they are irregularly spaced, the field is non-uniform.