MCQ Questions Chapter 1 Development Class 10 Social Science

MCQ Class 10

Please refer to MCQ Questions Chapter 1 Development Class 10 Social Science with answers provided below. These multiple-choice questions have been developed based on the latest NCERT book for class 10 Social Science issued for the current academic year. We have provided MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science for all chapters on our website. Students should learn the objective based questions for Chapter 1 Development in Class 10 Social Science provided below to get more marks in exams.

Chapter 1 Development MCQ Questions

Please refer to the following Chapter 1 Development MCQ Questions Class 10 Social Science with solutions for all important topics in the chapter.

MCQ Questions Answers for Chapter 1 Development Class 10 Social Science

Question. Which of the following factors are important for development other than income?
(a) Per Capita Income
(b) Literacy
(c) Net Attendance Ratio
(d) All of the above 



Question. UNDP can be expanded as:
(a) United Nations Development Programme
(b) United Nations Diversity Playground
(c) United Nations Democratic Programme
(d) None of these



Question. Which of the following neighbouring country of India has higher HDI rank than India?
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) Nepal
(c) Pakistan
(d) None of the above



Question. Literacy Rate measures the proportion of literate population in the Age group:
(a) Above 5 years
(b) Above 12 years
(c) Above 7 years
(d) Above 6 years



Question. Which of the following state has the highest literacy rate according to 2018 study reports?
(a) Haryana
(b) Bihar
(c) Punjab
(d) Kerala



Question. The average income of a person is called:
(a) Total income
(b) Per capita income
(c) Gross income
(d) Per nation income



Question. Based on Per capita income, India comes in the category of:
(a) Middle-income group
(b) Low income group
(c) High income group
(d) Low middle income group



Question. What is the full form of PDS?
(a) Public Distribution System
(b) Public Development system
(c) Public Division system
(d) Public discussion system



Question. Which of the following statement defines Sustainable Development?
(a) Sustainable use of natural resources without considering the need of the future generation.
(b) Present generation fulfils its needs while considering the needs of the future generation as well.
(c) It means utilization of natural resources by the past, present and forthcoming future generation. 
(d) To meets the needs of the future generations even if the needs of the present generation go unmet.



Question. ……………….. is an example of renewable resource.
(a) Petroleum
(b) Crude oil
(c) Groundwater
(d) Coal resources



Assertion-Reason (A-R)
In each of following questions, a statemant of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason (R). Select the correct answer to codes (a), (b) (c) or (d) as given below:
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
(d) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.

Question. Assertion (A) : Increase in population, webanisation and industrialisation lead to increased use for fossil fuels.
Reason (R) : Over use of onvenational energy resoures has resulted in the phenomenin of green house effect.



Question. What will be the top priority in the developmental goal of a landless labourer?
(a) Expansion of rural banking
(b) More days of work and better wages
(c) Metal roads for transportation
(d) Establishment of a high school



Question. What will be the aspiration of an educated urban unemployed youth?
(a) An educated urban unemployed youth will aspire for better opportunities in agriculture.
(b) Support from government at every step in life for his upward movement.
(c) An urban educated unemployed will aspire for good job opportunities where his education can be made use of.
(d) Better facilities of recreation for his leisure time.



Question. Pick out the correct meaning listed below to define ‘average income’.
(a) Average income of the country means the total income of the country.
(b) The average income in a country is the income of only employed people.
(c) The average income is the same as per capita income.
(d) The average income includes the value of property held.



Question. Which country can be considered as a developed country in the modern world? Select your answer from the following statements.
(a) Countries which have accumulated huge amount of wealth and always secures the future of their citizens. These countries are considered to be developed.
(b) Countries which are among the highest in the ‘Human Development Index’ are considered to be the developed countries.
(c) Only rich countries are considered to be developed because people have money to buy everything needed for human beings—both material and non-material.
(d) Iran is a rich country and therefore it is a
developed country.



Question. Money cannot buy all the goods and services that we may need to have a good life. A list of things required for a good life is given below.
Which among the following are things money cannot buy?
(i) Full protection from infectious diseases
(ii) High quality education
(iii) A luxury home
(iv) A pollution-free atmosphere in every part of the country
(a) (i) & (ii)
(b) (ii) & (iii)
(c) (i), (ii) & (iii)
(d) (i) & (iv)



Question. HDI stands for ‘Human Development Index’ that focuses on …………….. . Fill in the blanks with one of the following options:
(a) life expectancy
(a) gross enrollment ratio for three levels of schooling
(a) national income
(a) All the above



Question. Kerala has a low infant mortality rate. What could be the reason? Find the correct answer from the following:
(a) Kerala has a low infant mortality rate because all the girls are trained at the primary level schooling to look after a newborn child.
(b) Because most of the girls are nurses in Kerala.
(c) Because Kerala has very high female literacy rate and adequate health facilities are available for both mothers and children.
(d) Kerala’s good climatic condition helps infants to survive.



Question. What would be the most promising source of energy fifty years from now and why?
(a) Petroleum energy, because it is obtained from fossil fuels.
(b) Solar energy, because it is not exhaustible.
(c) Coal based energy, because it is pollutionfree.
(d) Forest product based energy, because India has abundant forests.



Question. Pick out the cause (from below) that enhances environmental degradation:
(a) Planting of trees.
(b) Prevention of factory wastes getting mixed up with river water.
(c) Ban on use of plastic bags.
(d) Allowing increase in the level of exhaust fumes emitted by cars, buses, trucks, etc



Assertion-Reason Questions
DIRECTION: Mark the option which is most suitable:
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason
is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason
is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.

1. Assertion. The crude oil reserves are going down for the entire world, and the countries need to find substitute fuel for crude oil.
Reason. A country that is dependent on imports for crude oil will demand more crude oil in the future.
Ans. (b) Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
The crude oil resource is becoming scarce, and the countries need to resolve the issue as most of the
production tasks are dependent on oil. It is obvious that demand for oil will increase in future as the
world population is increasing so the demand for oil will also increase.

2. Assertion. Sustainable development is essential for economic growth of the countries.
Reason. Sustainable development ensures that environment friendly measures are adopted for carrying out production processes.
Ans. (a) Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
Sustainable development is essential for economic growth as it involves judicious use of resources which leads to economic growth by reducing wastage.

3. Assertion. A state has a per capita income of `2,25,000 per annum. The infant mortality rate in the state is 2%. So, the state cannot be considered a developed state.
Reason. There are medical facilities in the state, but people fail to take their children to hospital in time.
Ans. (c) Assertion is true, but reason is false.
The assertion is true; however, the reason is false because if the parents are earning well and medical facilities are available, then they would definitely take their child for timely treatment. Also, some parents may fail to do so, but not so many that the infant mortality rate would be as high as 2%.

4. Assertion. A country that was extremely rich in natural resources has mainly relied on oil extraction for revenue generation for several centuries. However, the scientists predict that
the country may become poor in the future if other means of generating income are not devised.
Reason. Oil is a non-renewable resource,and it is likely to get exhausted if not used judiciously.
Ans. (a) Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
If the country has relied on oil extraction for several centuries, it is likely that the country’s oil wells may start drying up as oil is a non-renewable source of energy. So, if the country would not find a substitute method of generating income, then the pressure on oil wells will increase and the country is likely to become poor in the absence of oil.

5. Assertion. Non-renewable resources are abundant in nature.
Reason. Non-renewable resources can be replenished over a period of time.
Ans. (d) Both assertion and reason are false.
Non-renewable resources are fixed in amount and will get exhausted after several years of usage.

6. Assertion. The average income of a country is about US$ 12,056; however, the country is still not a developed country.
Reason. The income levels are highly skewed for the country.
Ans. (a) Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
A country can have skewed data of income level, i.e., certain sections of the society are extremely rich; however, a majority of the people are poor.
In such a case, the average income is likely to be high for the nation, but the nation cannot be called developed as the income is not distributed in an equitable manner.

7. Assertion. Suppose the literacy rate in a state is 78% and the net attendance ratio in secondarysta ge is 47%.
Reason. More than half of the students are going to other states for elementary education.
Ans. (c) Assertion is true, but reason is false.
Net Attendance Ratio is the total number of children of age group 14 and 15 years attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group. If the students were going to other states for higher education, the total students available in the state would go down and the net attendance ratio would not be so low. The low net attendance ratio is indicative of students dropping out of elementary school.

8. Assertion. A small town has a high rate of robbery; however, a locality in this town has well-maintained law and order.
Reason. The people in the locality are aware of the importance of having security guards,and they collectively pay to have the security guards in the locality.
Ans. (a) Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
It is cheaper to have collective security for the entire locality than having a security man for each house. Also, if people have their personal security guards in certain parts of a locality, the robbery can still happen in houses without a security guard.
Therefore, paying for the collective benefit of the society helps to resolve issues.

9. Assertion. Different people have different developmental goals.
Reason. The capitalist approach to development is detrimental to poor section of the society.
Ans. (b) Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
Different people have different developmental goals because the notion of development is different for different groups of people.

10. Assertion. A high average income is not indicative of the overall well-being or human development in a country.
Reason. Average income does not cover indicators like level of literacy rate, health facilities and public facilities in a country.
Ans. (a) Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
Higher average income is not the only indicator of human development in a country. Factors like level of literacy rate, health facilities and public facilities are also important.

Source/Case Based Questions
1. Similarly, for development, people look at a mix of goals. It is true that if women are engaged in paid work, their dignity in the household and society increases. However, it is also the case that if there is respect for women there would be more sharing of housework and a greater acceptance of women working outside. A safe and secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of jobs or run a business. Hence, the developmental goals that people have are not only about better income but also about other important things in life. Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:

Question. Developmental goals means ……………… .
(a) goals of weaker people
(b) goals of women
(c) goals of all sections of the society
(d) goals of working Population



Question. …………. goals lead to decreased GDP of the country.
(a) Social
(b) Economic
(c) Developmental
(d) None of these



Question. National Development means thinking about the goals of only women and not other members of the society. (True/False)



Question. If women are engaged in paid work then their ………… would increase in the society.
(a) respect
(b) dignity
(c) prestige
(d) all of these



The above table gives an estimate of reserves of crude oil. More important, it also tells us for how many years the stock of crude oil will last if people continue to extract it at the present rate. The reserves would last only 50 years more. This is for the world as a whole. However, different countries face different situations. Countries like India depend on importing oil from abroad because they do not have enough stocks of their own. If prices of oil increase this becomes a burden for everyone. There are countries like USA which have low reserves and hence want to secure oil through military or economic power. Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate options:

Question. Crude oil is an example of ………… source of energy resource.
(a) Renewable
(b) Non-renewable
(c) Conventional
(d) None of the above



Question. Crude oil is essential for the development process in country as ……………………. .
(a) It provides the base of industrial advancement.
(b) It can generate heat, drive machinery and fuel vehicles and airplanes.
(c) It is used for manufacturing a variety of products such as plastic, detergents etc.
(d) All of the above



Question. Among the statements given below select the ones that correctly describe the concept of sustainable development.
I. Planned growth with minimum damage to the environment.
II. Growth irrespective of the extent of damage caused to the environment.
III. Stopping all development work to conserve the environment.
IV. Growth that is acceptable to all the stakeholders.
(a) (I) and (II)
(b) (I) and (IV)
(c) (II) and (III)
(d) (III) Only



Question. What should be, in your opinion, the most essential developmental goal for a city like Delhi? Choose one from the following:
(a) De-crowding, decongestion by reducing the number of housing projects and decreasing the number of vehicles on roads.
(b) Allowing more migrant population to settle in the city of Delhi.
(c) Encouraging industrialists to set up factories to offer jobs to unemployed people.
(d) Encouraging people to buy more cards and avoid travelling by ‘Metros’ and buses.



3. When we compare different things, they could have similarities as well as differences. Let us look at students in the class itself. How do we compare different students? They differ in their height, health, talents and interests. The healthiest student may not be the most studious one. The most intelligent student may not be the friendliest one. Usually we take one or more important characteristics of persons and compare them based on these characteristics. Of course, there can be differences about what are important characteristics that should form the basis of comparison: friendliness and spirit of cooperation, creativity or marks secured? This is true of development too. For comparing countries, their income is considered to be one of the most important attributes. Countries with higher income are more developed than others with less income. This is based on the understanding that more income means more of all things that human beings need. Whatever people like, and should have, they will be able to get with greater income. So, greater income itself is considered to be one important goal. Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate options:

Question. Which of the following is the most important component for comparing different countries?
(a) Population
(b) Income
(c) Per-capita Income (Average Income)
(d) Resources



Question. What kind of job is desired by an aspirant that is likely to bring happiness to his life?
(a) A job far away from his family.
(b) A highly paid job with no job security.
(c) A job with a fat salary with no time for leisure or family.
(d) A job with more job security and good working conditions, including a decent salary.



Question. When we think of the development of a nation or a region besides average income, there are other attributes. Find the other attribute fromthe options given below:
(a) High mortality rate 
(b) Absence of public health programme on a necessary scale.
(c) High literacy rate with a highly developed technology.
(d) Absence of a highly developed transport system.



4. Study the table carefully. The table shows the proportion of adults whose BMI is below normal and answer the following questions:

Source: National Family Health Survey-4, 2015-16 Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:

Question. According to given table which state has the higher proportion of undernourished adults
(a) Kerala
(b) Karnataka
(c) Madhya Pradesh
(d) All of these states



Question. BMI is a method of finding out which of the following?
(a) Infant Mortality
(b) Health State
(c) Longevity
(d) Economic State



Question. The formula for the Body Mass Index is ……. .
(a) a person’s weight in kilograms squared divided by the square of his/her height inme ters (kg2/m2).
(b) a person’s weight in kilograms squared divided by his/her height in meters (kg2/m).
(c) a person’s weight in kilograms divided by his/her height in meters (kg/m).
(d) a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the Square of his/her height in meters (kg/m2).



Question. Why around 1/5 of people in the country are undernourished even though it is argued that there is enough food in the country?
(a) Lack of educational and health facilities in many parts of the country.
(b) Absence of equitable distribution of food grains.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these



5. When we looked at individual aspirations and goals, we found that people not only think of better income but also have goals such as security, respect for others, equal treatment, freedom, etc. in mind. Similarly, when we think of a nation or a region, we may, besides average income, think of other equally important attributes.

Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate options:

Question. Which state has lowest literacy rate?
(a) Kerala
(b) Bihar
(c) Haryana
(d) Punjab



Question. Which state has highest infant mortality rate?
(a) Bihar
(b) Haryana
(c) Kerala
(d) Punjab



Question. Life expectancy at birth denotes:
(a) Average expected length of life of a person at the time of birth.
(b) Average expected length of life of a person at the time of death.
(c) Total expected length of life of a child at the time of birth.
(d) None of the above



Question. Kerala has low infant mortality rate. What could be the reason? Find the correct answer from the following?
(a) Kerala has a low infant mortality rate because all the girls are trained at the primary level schooling to look after a newborn child.
(b) Because most of the girls are nurses in Kerala.
(c) Because Kerala has very high female literacy rate and adequate health facilities are avail-able for both mothers and children.
(d) Kerala’s good climate conditions help infants to survive.



Fill in the Blanks
Question. The number of deaths of children less than one year of age per 1000 live births is referred as ………………….


Infant mortality rate (IMR).

Question. One of the best ways to reduce over usage of ground water is ……………………. .


Implementation of stringent policies to control misuse of water (Or Any other valid point).

Question. Observe the source given below and answer the question that follows:

Complete the following sentence based on your observation.

The idea of ……………………. can be depicted from the cartoon.


Individual development cannot come without national development.

Question. Liberalisation is known as removal of ………………..


Trade Barriers

Question. ……………….. is an example of renewable resource.



Question. Who wrote ‘Small is Beautiful’?


Schumacher wrote ‘Small is Beautiful’.

Question. The total number of children of age group 14 and 15 years attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group is referred as …………………… .


Net Attendance Ratio.

MCQ Questions Chapter 1 Development Class 10 Social Science

We hope you liked the above provided MCQ Questions Chapter 1 Development Class 10 Social Science with solutions. If you have any questions please ask us in the comments box below.