CBSE Class 10 English Term 1 Sample Paper Set F

Sample Paper Class 10

See below CBSE Class 10 English Term 1 Sample Paper Set F with solutions. We have provided CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English as per the latest paper pattern issued by CBSE for the current academic year. All sample papers provided by our Class 10 English teachers are with answers. You can see the sample paper given below and use them for more practice for Class 10 English examination.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 English Term 1 Set F


I. Read the passage given below.

1. In this jet age, everyone is interested in making easy money. Thanks to the advancement in science and technology, these days life has become easier and more comfortable than earlier with a lot of domestic gadgets as well as instantaneous food recipes available in the market. This has resulted in making the people develop a mind-set to have anything immediately without waiting for—even at the traffic signals.

2. Most of us want results quickly. We want to reach the top immediately and get worked up when things go wrong. Perseverance and patience are forgotten words. We get upset, frustrated and angry when a skill or activity requires us to put in a lot of effort and time. We get dejected and want to give it up. Things should be easy.

3. Life is too short and there is not enough time to do all the things we want to. We tend to compare with others and get upset when they seem to be doing well and start believing God is being too kind to them and not to us. And so, we give up. But such thinking serves no purpose. For it doesn’t solve the problem.

4. Success, real success and happiness come to those who have a ’bread-making’ attitude. I hose who are willing to knead the dough, wait for hours for it to rise only to punch it down and knead some more, wait for another couple of hours for it to rise again, then bake it before it is ready to be eaten. Nothing is instantaneous. For every endeavor—whether in the area of career, academics, music, sports, relationships, physical fitness or even in spirituality—it is a long arduous journey.

5. We can get results only if we are willing to spend time, put in painstaking effort and have faith. If we don’t accept this difficult but true fact of life, our lives will be far from being happy and fulfilling. For we may not make that extra effort which can change the course of life dramatically for our benefit.

6. However, if we just pause to analyse what we are doing, we will realise how much time we are wasting searching for such magical solutions which simply do not exist. We actually save time when we stop this futile search and accept the proven methods of treading the straight and narrow path however difficult it may seem initially.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY EIGHT out of the ten questions by choosing the correct option.

Question 1. ……………. been credited in the passage for our easier and more comfortable life.
(a) The policy makers
(b) Science and technology
(c) The scientists
(d) The government



Question 2. According to the passage, choose the correct statement from the following.
(a) Advancement in science and technology has resulted in the mind set to have things at their pace.
(b) Advancement in science and technology has resulted in the mind set to have things instantly and fast.
(c) Advancement in science and technology has resulted in the mind set to have things slowly and patiently.
(d) Advancement in science and technology has resulted in a give-up attitude.



Question 3. Identify the way we save our time as advised by the author:
(a) We should be pro-active and seek blessings of our parents.
(b) Before we start our day, we should visit our holy places.
(c) We should stop searching for magical solutions to our problems.
(d) We should get up early in the morning.



Question 4. Choose the prerequisites to get the desired results in life as per the passage.
(a) With perseverance and painstaking efforts
(b) With utmost faith in mutual understanding
(c) With deviated mind and fluctuations
(d) By greasing the palms of others



Question 5. “Success, real success and happiness come to those who have a “bread-making attitude.”
The ‘bread-making attitude’ tells that
(a) We should be absolutely inactive
(b) it requires a skill in household chores
(c) we should remain idle in order to taste success
(d) we should be a man of patience in order to taste success

Question 6. Nothing in life is instantaneous. Choose the word that can replace the underlined word in the context.
(a) Short-lived
(b) Expeditious
(c) Delayed
(d) Longterm



Question 7. Select the option that suitably completes the dialogue with reference to paragraph 3. Thomas: I’ve done so many efforts but even then I couldn’t pass the exam. Look at Jonita! She didn’t even study hard but still she made it. I feel God is partial sometimes.
Tia: Don’t be sad Thomas. Just remember,we should …………………………………….
(a) not let this happen again
(b) focus on how others are doing
(c) not expect God to help us.
(d) never compare ourselves with others



Question 8. Select the best option from the following that can help us reach the top in life.
(a) Perseverance and patience
(b) Science and technology
(c) Dejection and frustration
(d) Analysis and magical solution



Question 9. The author has stated the example of ‘bread-making attitude’ to make us …………… .
(a) generous
(b) benefactor
(c) tolerant
(d) benevolent



Question 10. Choose the option that lists the quote best expressing the central idea of the passage.
(a) “It always seems impossible until it is done.” —Nelson Mandela
(b) “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” —Winston Churchill
(c) “A bend in the road is not the end of the road… unless you fail to make the turn.” —Helen Keller
(d) “It’s always too soon to quit!” —Norman Vincent Peale



II. Read the passage given below:

CBSE Class 10 English Term 1 Sample Paper Set F

1. E-learning is the process of acquiring knowledge through electronic technologies and resources. A rise in the number of internet users has increased the market demand for sophisticated online learning courses. According to the Offiice for National Statistics, nearly all adults in the age group of 10 to 44 years in the UK were recent internet users (99%) in 2019. The availability of enhanced network connectivity coupled with the convenience offered by on-demand courses, will drive the market size.

2. According to the World Economic Forum, around 1.2 billion children are out of classrooms with schools shut down globally due to COV1D-19 pandemic. Electronic Learning Management Systems such as Google Classroom is helping classes to connect distantly, communicate efficiently and stay organized. Large scale national efforts to leverage technology to the market players in support of distance education, remote, and online learning during the covid-19 pandemic are emerging and evolving rapidly.

3. The virtual classroom technology in the e-learning market is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 11% during the forecast timespan. A virtual classroom is a digital environment that enables live interaction between a tutor and a learner. Videos conferencing and online white-board for real-time collaboration are the most common tools used in a digital teaching space. Synchronous and collaborative virtual classes allows active participation of students, reacting an environment similar to a physical classroom.

4. The technique is gaining traction with an increasing number of corporate and academic sectors deploying it for enhanced training sessions. Multilateral organizations and world bodies, such as WHO and G20, are also deploying e-learning modes to teach healthcare professionals.

5. Content providers segment accounted for around 60% e-learning market share in 2019 E-learning providers share content on a varied range of topics by collaborating with domain experts that help them to develop the learning content. They focus on offering specific and customized content as per the end-user requirements.

Based on your understanding of the passage,answer ANY SIX out of the eight questions by choosing the correct option.

Question 11. Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(1) According to the World Economic Forum,around 1.2 billion children are out of classrooms.
(2) Schools are shot down due to COVID-19 pandemic
(a) (1) is the result of (2).
(b) (1) is the reason for (2).
(c) (1) is independent of (2).
(d) (1) contradicts (2).



Question 12. Pick the CORRECT option that shows the new technologies that will drive the market growth.
(I) Video conferencing
(II) Cloud computing
(III) Online whiteboard
(IV) Al coupled with increasing internet penetration
(a) II and III
(b) I and II
(c) II and IV
(d) I and IV



Question 13. Multilateral organizations and world bodies are ………….. to teach healthcare professionals.
(a) Doing video conferencing
(b) Deploying e-learning modes
(c) Doing Real-time collaboration
(d) Taking Google classes



Question 14. Select the option that lists the INCORRECT statement from the ones given below.
(I) E-learning is the process of acquiring knowledge through electronic technologies and resources.
(II) All adults in the age group of 16 to 14 years in the UK were recent internet users (99%) in 2019.
(III) A rise in the number of internet users has increased the market share physical classroom.
(IV) Content providers segment accounted for around 60% e-learning share in in 2010.
(a) (III)
(b) (IV) and (II)
(c) (II) and (I)
(d) (I)



Question 15. What percentage of e-learning market is expected to grow for the virtual classroom technology?
Choose the correct option.
(a) CAGR of 11%
(b) CAGR of 50%
(c) CAGR of 8%
(d) CAGR of 60%



Question 16. Pick the option that gives the correct meaning of the following statement from the options given below.
“The online market of learning is supposed to be maximized by 2026.”
(I) Nearly all adults in the age group of 16 to 44 years in the LK were recent internet users (99%) in 2018.
(II) A virtual classroom is a sophisticated environment that enables live interaction
(III) The E-Learning market size is expected to reach $357 billion by 2026.
(IV) Video conferencing and online whiteboard are the most common tools used in the World Fxonomic Forum.
(a) (I)
(b) (IV)
(c) (II)
(d) (III)



Question 17. Identify the common tool used in a digital teaching space.
(a) Online whiteboard
(b) Physical classrooms
(c) audio classes
(d) offline classes



Question 18. …………………… is the process of acquiring knowledge, through electronic technologies and resources.
(a) Video conferencing
(b) Virtual classroom
(c) E-Learning
(d) Online Learning system





III. Answer ANY FIVE out of the six questions by selecting the most appropriate option for each.

Question 19. The taxi driver spoke ………….. English. I couldn‘t understand him.
(a) many
(b) a little
(c) very little
(d) some.



Question 20. 40% of the country ………….. support the new law.
(a) doesn’t
(b) couldn’t
(c) should
(d) won‘t



Question 21. Excitement, as well as nervousness, ………….. the cause of her jittering.
(a) are
(b) had
(c) is
(d) were



Question 22. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?
Aditi said to Riya, “Please give me a glass of water.”
(a) Aditi advised Riya to help her.
(b) Aditi requested Riya to give her a glass of water.
(c) Aditi suggested Riya to give her a glass of water
(d) Aditi Screamed at Riya for giving her water



Question 23. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?
He said to me, “Do you have a paper?”
(a) He told me to have a paper.
(b) He ordered me to have a paper.
(c) He asked me if I had a paper.
(d) He enquired me to have a paper.



Question 24. We invited ………….. friends over to our house for a barbeque.
(a) very little
(b) any
(c) the few
(d) a few




IV. Answer ANY FIVE out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.

You are Priyank/Priyanka, a resident of C.R. Park, New Delhi. You have to write an official letter complaining about the poor sanitary conditions in your neighborhood.

Question 25. Choose the CORRECT start for the letter.
(a) Please look at the poor sanitary conditions prevailing in our area
(b) I want to draw your kind attention towards the poor sanitary conditions prevailing in our area
(c) Open your eyes to the bad condition of the area
(d) I want to complaint about the poor sanitary conditions



Question 26. Pick the CORRECT tone in which this official letter of complaint shall be ended.
“I hope the letter gets published in your esteemed newspaper and it garner more public support.”
(a) friendly and warm
(b) cool and polite
(c) polite and formal
(d) rude and strict



Question 27. Choose the CORRECT option that has the right match of both the columns.
(A) Electricity officials                       (I) Increased pick-pocketing
(B) City municipality board               (II) bad sanitary conditions and sewage problems
(C) Sewage Management officers     (III) Mosquito menace
(D) Commissioner of Police              (IV) Electricity transformer ablaze
(a) (A) – (I); (B) – (II); (C) – (III); (D) – (IV)
(b) (A) – (IV); (B) – (III); (C) – (II); (D) – (I)
(c) (A) – (III); (B) – (IV); (C) – (I); (D) – (II)
(d) (A) – (II); (B) – (I); (C) – (IV); (D) – (III)



Question 28. Choose the option that shows what your complaint letter would NOT do for Priyank/Priyanka.
(a) Bring changes in conditions
(b) resolve queries
(c) take follow ups from civil workers
(d) offer a reward to you for writing to them



Question 29. Writing an official complaint letter will help Priyank/Priyanka to ……………………………………… .
(a)• vent out his/her frustration
• Demean the officials
(b)• look superior than other people
• Come out as a patriot
(c )• remove undeserving officials from their job
• Get hired instead
(d)• bring betterment in the sewage conditions
• Solve the poor sanitary problems in the area



Question 30. Priyank/Priyanka shares some suggestions in his/her letter, to address the issue. Select the option that helps his/her complete these suggestions, appropriately.
Much of this filthy situation will be dealt with if the (i) ………………………….. will come to the colony daily. It will be so kind of you if you could provide at least two workers to regulate the sewage management during the morning and the evening hours.
(i) Choose the correct option for (i)
(a) health officer
(b) ccleaning truck
(c) wash cloth
(d) garbage cans




V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It said: “God: Of the money that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But don’t send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho.”
(Letter to God)

Question 31. ‘The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it’. Choose the correct option for the reason behind it.
(a) as he wanted to see more of Lencho’s writing skills
(b) as he wanted to read how Lencho felt on receiving the money
(c) as he wanted to hand it over to his boss
(d) as he wanted to help Lencho again



Question 32. From the options given below, identify the tone of Lencho’s second letter
(a) gratitude
(b) happiness
(c) desperation
(d) anger



Question 33. Choose the reason why only seventy pesos reached Lencho.
(a) as thirty were stolen by the post office employees
(b) as thirty were kept by the staff as a token
(c) as post office employees could only manage to collect seventy
(d) as thirty were fallen somewhere



Question 34. Why did Lencho feel the following?
“But don’t send it to me through the mail”.
(a) he didn’t trust the post office employees
(b) he wanted to receive it at his home
(c) he wanted nobody to know about it
(d) he wanted it through his friend



Question 35. Select the option that can replace the term ‘crook’.
(a) real
(b) honest
(c) hard working
(d) untrustworthy



VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

His parents and his brothers and sister had landed on this green flooring ahead of him. They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly. He dropped his legs to stand on the green sea. His legs sank into it. He screamed with fright and attempted to rise again flapping his wings. But he was tired and weak with hunger and he could not rise, exhausted by the strange exercise.
(His First Flight)

Question 36. Choose the CORRECT option that means the ‘green flooring’ referred to in the extract.
(a) The grass`
(b) The trees
(c) The plain fields
(d) The sea



Question 37. Identify the young seagull’s reaction when he stood on the green floor of the sea.
(a) frightened
(b) elated
(c) despaired
(d) bemused



Question 38. Pick the option from the extract that can replace the term ‘inviting’.
(a) Shrilly
(b) Beckoning
(c) Exhausted
(d) Flapping



Question 39. Select the option that is NOT the reason behind the young seagull not ‘rising’.
(a) He was weak
(b) He was tired
(c) He was hungry
(d) He was lazy



Question 40. Select the most appropriate option for (1) and (2).
(1) The young seagull’s siblings had landed on the green flooring
(2) The young seagull was extremely courageous as he landed on the sea
(a) (1) is true and (2) is false.
(b) (2) is the opposite of (1).
(c) (1) furthers the meaning of (2).
(d) Both (1) and (2) cannot be inferred from the extract.



VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
(Dust to Snow)

Question 41. Pick the CORRECT rhyme scheme of the stanza.
(a) abab
(b) abbb
(c) abba
(d) abaa



Question 42. Which of the following options is ‘hemlock tree’ related to?
(I) negativity (II) positivity
(III) spring season (IV) winterland
(V) autumn season
(a) (I) and (III)
(b) (II) and (V)
(c) (IV) and (V)
(d) only (I)



Question 43. Choose the option that ‘Dust of snow’ is referred to as.
(a) fog
(b) dust
(c) water droplets
(d) snowflakes



Question 44. Select the term that can NOT replace the term to ‘shook’.
(a) rigid
(b) shake
(c) tremble
(d) shiver



Question 45. Which of the following option is NOT related to the extract?
(a) The crow shook the branch of the tree
(b) The snowflakes fell on the poet
(c) The poet slipped on the fresh snowflakes
(d) It was a hemlock tree



VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

I made up a bed for him in a warm loose box next to the one where the other dogs slept. For two days I kept an eye on him, giving him no food but plenty of water. At the end of the second day he started to show some interest in his surroundings and on the third he began to whimper when he heard the dogs in the yard. When I opened the door, Tricki trotted out and was immediately engulfed by Joe, the greyhound, and his friends. After rolling him over and thoroughly inspecting him, the dogs moved off down the garden. Tricki followed them, rolling slightly with his surplus fat.
(Triumph of Surgery)

Question 46. Tricki was engulfed by Joe and his friends.This means that Tricki was
(a) threatened by
(b) grouped around by
(c) beaten by
(d) ganged upon



Question 47. ‘rolling slightly with his surplus fat.’ What does this mean with reference to Tricki?
(a) moving sluggishly
(b) rolling over, not walking
(c) moving playfully
(d) moving in anger



Question 48. Choose the CORRECT combination of who made a bed for whom.
(a) Mrs. Pumprey – staff
(b) Mrs. Pumphrey – tricki
(c) Staff – James
(d) James – Tricki



Question 49. The other dogs left Tricki alone. Choose the correct option.
(a) Tricki did not respond to them in any way
(b) Tricki did not want their company
(c) Tricki chased them away
(d) Tricki was annoyed at them



Question 50. Select the reason why the doctor gave Tricki no food and water for two days.
(a) to take a revenge from him
(b) to punish him
(c) to control his extra fat
(d) to make him weak



IX. Attempt the following.

Question 51. Lencho was a gullible farmer who had a limited means of earnings. This shows that Lencho was
(a) destitute
(b) weak
(c ) old
(d) lazy



Question 52. “Nelson Mandela was courageous person and a determined leader of African National Congress who struggled for almost eight decades to win freedom for his countrymen.”
Pick the option that does NOT define him as a leader.
(a) strong
(b) timid
(c) fierce
(d) resolute



Question 53. ‘Dust of Snow’ is based on the central idea that nature is
(a) a great source of joy
(b) a ball of fire
(c ) filled with pollution
(d) a globe of bad people



Question 54. What is the message that the poem ‘A Tiger in a Zoo’ conveys?
(a) the enslavement of animals by selfish human
(b) the wild life of tigers
(c) the smuggling of tiger body parts
(d) the poaching of tigers



Question 55. Wanda leaves the school without giving any prior information to …………………….. .
(a) Peggy
(b) her teacher
(c ) her father
(d) anyone



Question 56. The young seagull was a timid baby sea bird who was frightened to
(a) fly down the cliff
(b) land in water
(c ) other big birds
(d) collect food for him



Question 57. ‘From the Diary of Anne Frank’ is an excerpt from the personal diary of an intelligent and chucklesome thirteen-year-old Jewish girl named.
(a) Matilda
(b) Anne Frank
(c) Wanda Patronski
(d) Amanda



Question 58. ‘The Ball Poem’ conveys the inevitable loss of
(a) possessions
(b) life
(c ) pets
(d) books



Question 59. What kind of a doctor was Dr. James Herriot?
(a) veterinary doctor
(b) child specialist
(c) throat specialist
(d) psychologist



Question 60. ‘Footprints without Feet’ is an excerpt from the famous novel
(a) An Invisible Man
(b) The diary of a Yong Girl
(c ) The Merchant of Venice
(d) Othello
