MCQ Questions Chapter 6 The Browning Version Class 11 English

MCQ Class 11

Please refer to MCQ Questions Chapter 6 The Browning Version Class 11 English with answers provided below. These multiple-choice questions have been developed based on the latest NCERT book for class 11 English issued for the current academic year. We have provided MCQ Questions for Class 11 English for all chapters on our website. Students should learn the objective based questions for Chapter 6 The Browning Version in Class 11 English provided below to get more marks in exams.

Chapter 6 The Browning Version MCQ Questions

Please refer to the following Chapter 6 The Browning Version MCQ Questions Class 11 English with solutions for all important topics in the chapter.

MCQ Questions Answers for Chapter 6 The Browning Version Class 11 English

Question. How is Mr. Crocker-Harris different from other teachers?
(a) As he is not biased
(b) As he is strict
(c) As he is old
(d) As he is rude



Question. Select the central thematic concern of the play, from the given options.
I. The uniqueness of Mr. Crocker-Harris
II. The bad behaviour of Taplow
III. Mrs. Crocker Harris’s shopping list
IV. The play ‘Agamemnon’
(a) II and III
(b) II and I
(c) Only I
(d) III and IV



Question. ‘‘Yes, sir, and I might be playing golf. You’d think he’d have enough to do anyway himself, considering he’s leaving tomorrow for good — but oh no, I missed a day last week when I was ill — so here I am — and look at the weather, sir.’’
In the given lines, Taplow sounds ………
(a) Despairing
(b) Disdainful
(c) Bitter
(d) Regretful



Question. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the play?
I. Frank is curious about Taplow’s opinion of Mr. Crocker-Harris.
II. Taplow is confused about choosing a subject to study.
III. Taplow is waiting for Mr. Crocker-Harris.
IV. Mrs. Crocker-Harris asks Frank about Taplow’s education.
(a) I and III are true
(b) I and IV are true
(c) II and III are true
(d) None of these



Question. Frank asks Taplow to imitate Crocker-Harris again.
Select the option that explains it.
(a) Frank is envious of Crocker-Harris.
(b) Frank doesn’t think Taplow sounds anything like Mr. Crocker Harris while imitating him.
(c) Frank is stupefied by the student’s opinion for Crocker Harris.
(d) Frank dislikes Crocker-Harris.



Question. What is Taplow doing on the last day of school?
(a) Extra work
(b) Can’t say
(c) Passing time
(d) Doing his homework



Question. Why did Taplow call Mr. Crocker – Harris ‘hardly human’?
(a) Because he is a sadist
(b) He does not show any emotions
(c) He is very rude to everyone
(d) He finds peace in failing students



Question. Whatwas Frank’s reaction whenMrs Crocker-Harris entered the classroom?
(a) He was happy
(b) He was nervous
(c) He was relieved
(d) Nothing unusual



Question. Why does Taplow have to do extra work?
(a) Because he missed a day previous week as he was sick
(b) Because he didn’t performed well in his studies
(c) Because he was there to help his teacher
(d) Because he was called by his teacher



Question. Why was Taplow worried that Mrs. Crocker-Harris might have heard what they were saying?
(a) As she had been standing for a few minutes when they were busy talking
(b) As she interrupted them talking about her husband
(c) As she heard them talking about the Principal
(d) It is unclear why he was worried



Question. Select the option that correctly describes Frank.
I. Friendly II. Lenient
III. Humourous IV. Disrespectful
V. Uninterested
(a) All but IV
(b) I, II and III
(c) III and V
(d) All but II



Question. Why is Taplow waiting for his teacher, Mr. Crocker-Harris?
(a) To apologise to him
(b) To talk about Frank
(c) To receive his result
(d) To give him a present



Question. Classify (1) to (4) as Fact (F) or Opinion (O), based on your reading of ‘The Browning Version’.
1. Frank cannot understand why students are afraid of Crocker Harris.
2. Taplow knows that if he leaves without meeting Crocker Harris he wouldn’t get his remove.
3. Frank does not believe in the school system.
4. Taplow is a very rational child.
(a) F-1, 2, 4; O-3
(b) F-2, 3; O-1, 4
(c) F-2; O-1, 3, 4
(d) F-3, 4; O-1, 2



Question. Select the option that lists the characteristics displayed by Taplow.
I. Obedient II. Strange
III. Unempathetic IV. Straight Forward
V. Respectful
(a) All but V
(b) I, IV and V
(c) II and III
(d) All but II



Question. Select the suitable option for the given statements, based on your reading of ‘The Browning Version’.
(i) Taplow did not really hate the play ‘Agamemnon’ by Aeschylus.
(ii) Taplow disliked the way Crocker Harris taught the play.
(a) (i) is false but (ii) is true.
(b) Both (i) and (ii) are true.
(c) (ii) is a fact but unrelated to (i).
(d) (i) is the cause for (ii).
