MCQ Questions Chapter 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants Class 11 Biology

MCQ Class 11

Please refer to MCQ Questions Chapter 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants Class 11 Biology with answers provided below. These multiple-choice questions have been developed based on the latest NCERT book for class 11 Biology issued for the current academic year. We have provided MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology for all chapters on our website. Students should learn the objective based questions for Chapter 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants in Class 11 Biology provided below to get more marks in exams.

Chapter 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants MCQ Questions

Please refer to the following Chapter 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants MCQ Questions Class 11 Biology with solutions for all important topics in the chapter.

MCQ Questions Answers for Chapter 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants Class 11 Biology

Question- A branch in which each node bearing a rossette of leaves and a tuft of roots is found in aquatic plants like_________ and _________.
(a) Hydrilla and Pistia
(b) Eichhornia and Hydrilla
(c) Pistia and Eichhornia
(d) Pistia and Vallisneria



Question- Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the fruit?
(i) Fruit is a mature or ripened ovary, developed before fertilization.
(ii) It consists of a wall or pericarp and seeds.
(iii) When pericarp is thick and fleshy, it is differentiated into outer mesocarp, middle epicarp and inner endocarp.
(iv) In mango and coconut, the fruit is known as a berry.
(a) Only (i)
(b) Both (ii) and (iii)
(c) Only (ii)
(d) All of these



Question- Which one of the following statements is correct?
(a) Bulb of Allium cepa is a modified stem.
(b) Cloves of Allium sativum are fleshy scale leaves.
(c) Corm of Colocasia is a modified root.
(d) Tendril in Vitis vinifera is a modified axillary bud.



Question- Read the following statements and answer the question.
(i) Gynoecium is situated in the centre, and other parts of the flower are located on the rim of the thalamus almost at the same level.
(ii) Ovary is half-inferior.
(iii) Examples are plum, rose and peach.
Which condition of flowers is being described by the above statements ?
(a) hypogyny
(b) perigyny
(c) epigyny
(d) none of these



Question- Which of the following is the green expanded part of leaf with vein and veinlets?
(a) Petiole
(b) Node
(c) Stipule
(d) Lamina



Question- Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(a) Each stamen which represents the male reproductive organ consists of a stalk or a filament and an anther.
(b) An actinomorphic flower can be dissected into two equal halves from any plane.
(c) Superior ovary is found in hypogynous flowers.
(d) When stamens are attached to petals, they are epiphyllous as in brinjal.



Question- The main purpose of phyllotaxy for the leaves is to provide sufficient_______.
(a) soil
(b) air
(c) water
(d) light



Question- Alternate type of phyllotaxy is found in
(a) china rose
(b) mustard
(c) sunflower
(d) all of these



Question- Which type of function is performed by the fleshy leaves of onion and garlic?
(a) Storage
(b) Reproduction
(c) Photosynthesis
(d) Protection



Question- Match column I with column II and choose the correct combination from the options given below.
Column-I                                    Column-II
(Position of floral parts           (Represented in)
on thalamus)
A. Hypogynous                        I. Ray florets of sunflower
B. Perigynous                          II. Brinjal
C Epigynous                            III Peach
(a) A – II, B – I, C – III
(b) A – I, B – II, C – III
(c) A – III, B – II, C – I
(d) A – II, B – III, C – I



Question- When a flower can be divided into two equal radial halves in any radial plane passing through the centre, it is known as
(a) actinomorphic
(b) zygomorphic
(c) asymmetric
(d) bisymmetric



Question- A sterile stamen is known as
(a) staminode
(b) anther
(c) pollen grain
(d) filament



Question- The character of flower which is represented by floral formula but not by floral diagram is
(a) aestivation
(b) placentation
(c) position of gynoecium
(d) adhesion of stamen



Question- Pollen grains are produced within the _________of stamen.
(a) ovary
(b) anther
(c) filament
(d) connective



Question- Which of the following statement(s) is /are correct?
(i) Many plants belonging to the family fabaceae are good ornamentals (Tulip, Gloriosa), source of medicine (Aloe) and vegetables (Asparagus).
(ii) The plumule and radicle are enclosed in sheaths which are called coleorhiza and coleoptile respectively.
(iii) A flower having either stamens or carpels is unisexual.
(iv) Basal, alternate, linear, exstipulate with parallel venation types of leaves is found in the family liliaceae.
(a) Only (i)
(b) Both (i) and (ii)
(c) Both (iii) and (iv)
(d) All of these



Question- During the post-fertilization period, the ovules develop into ___A____ and the ovary matures into a ___B ____.
(a) A – seeds; B – fruit
(b) A – fruit; B – seeds
(c) A – flower; B – seed
(d) A – seeds; B – flower



Question- Most prominent function of inflorescence is
(a) dispersal of seeds.
(b) formation of more fruits.
(c) formation of pollen grains.
(d) dispersal of pollens.



Question- Cotyledons and testa respectively are edible parts in which of the following plant group?
(a) walnut and tamarind
(b) cashew nut and litchi
(c) french bean and coconut
(d) groundnut and pomegranate



Question- Botanical name of banana is
(a) Musa paradisica
(b) Phaseolus vulgaris
(c) Ricinus communis
(d) Ananas sativus



Question- Which of the following is an example of pinnately compound leaf ?
(a) Cucumber
(b) Papaya
(c) Cucurbita
(d) Neem



Question- Which one of the following structure is not associated with gynoecium?
(a) Ovary
(b) Style
(c) Stigma
(d) Filament



Question- Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about calyx?
(a) Calyx is the outermost whorl of the flower and are called sepals.
(b) Sepals are green, leaf like structure and protect the flower in the bud stage.
(c) The calyx may be gamosepalous (sepals free) or polysepalous (sepals united).
(d) Both (a) and (b)



Question- Match column-I containing types of aestivation with their examples given in column-II and choose the correct option.
Column – I                                  Column-II
(Type of aestivation)                  (Examples)
A. Valvate                            I. Cotton
B. Twisted                           II. Calotropis
C. Imbricate                        III. Bean
D. Vexillary                          IV. Gulmohar
(a) A – I; B – II; C – IV; D – III
(b) A – II; B – I; C – IV; D – III
(c) A – II; B – IV; C – I; D – III
(d) A – II; B – I; C – III; D – IV



Question- Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about venation?
(i) The arrangement of veins and the veinlets in the lamina of leaf is called venation.
(ii) Reticulate venation is the characteristic of monocots.
(iii) When the veinlets form a network, the venation is termed as reticulate venation.
(iv) When the veins run parallel to each other within a lamina, the venation is termed as parallel venation.
(a) Only (i)
(b) Both (i) and (ii)
(c) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(d) All of these



Question- Seeds are regarded as products of sexual reproduction because they
(a) can be stored for a long time.
(b) are result of fusion of pollen tube.
(c) are result of fusion of gametes.
(d) give rise to new plants.



Question- Study the following statements and select the correct option
(i) Buds are present in the axil of leaflets of the compound leaf.
(ii) Pulvinus leaf-base is present in some leguminous plants.
(iii) In Alstonia, the petioles expand, become green and synthesize food.
(iv) Opposite phyllotaxy is seen in guava.
(a) (ii) and (iv) are correct but (i) and (iii) are incorrect.
(b) (i) and (iii) are correct but (ii) and (iv) are incorrect.
(c) (i) and (iv) are correct but (ii) and (iii) are incorrect.
(d) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct but (i) is incorrect.



Question- Aleurone layer helps in
(a) storage of food in endosperm.
(b) protection of embryo.
(c) utilization of stored food.
(d) all of the above.



Question- Which of the following statements are correct?
(i) From the region of elongation, some of the epidermal cells form root hairs.
(ii) Pneumatophores are seen in Rhizophora.
(iii) Adventitious roots are seen in the banyan tree.
(iv) Maize and sugarcane have prop roots.
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iii)



Question- Botanical name of Cauliflower is
(a) Brassica oleracea var. capitata
(b) Brassica campesteris
(c) Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
(d) Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera



Question- Which of the following statements are correct about the leaf?
(i) Leaf is a lateral, generally flattened structure borne on the stem.
(ii) It develops at the node and bears a bud in its axil.
(iii) Leaves originate from root apical meristems and arranged in an acropetal order.
(iv) They are the most important vegetative organs for reproduction.
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(d) all of these



Question- In which of the following plants, a slender lateral branch arises from the base of the main axis, and after growing aerially arch downwards to touch the ground?
(a) Mint and jasmine
(b) Banana and pineapple
(c) Grass and stawberry
(d) Pistia and Eichhornia



Question- Which of the following represents the floral characters of liliaceae?
(a) Six tepals, zygomorphic, six stamens, bilocular ovary, axile placentation.
(b) Actinomorphic, polyphyllous, unilocular ovary, axile placentation.
(c) Tricorpellary, actinomorphic, polyandrous, superior ovary, axile placentation.
(d) Bisexual, zygomorphic, gamophyllous, inferior ovary, marginal placentation.



Question- Leaves of dicotyledonous plants possess _________venation, while _________ venation is the characteristic of most monocotyledons.
(a) reticulate and parallel
(b) parallel and reticulate
(c) reticulate and perpendicular
(d) obliquely and parallel



Question- How many plants in the list given below have marginal placentation?
Mustard, Gram, Tulip, Asparagus, Arhar, Sunhemp,Chilli, Colchicine, Onion, Moong, Pea, Tobacco, Lupin
(a) Four
(b) Five
(c) Six
(d) Three



Question- Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Imbricate aestivation is found in the papilionaceous family.
(b) Generally, sepals are green, leaf like and protect the flowers in the bud stage.
(c) In cymose type of inflorescence, the main axis terminates in a flower, hence is limitless in growth.
(d) In axile placentation ovary is one chambered but it becomes two cambered due to the formation of false septum.



Question- When a flower has both androecium and gynoecium, it is known as__________.
(a) asexual
(b) bisexual
(c) unisexual
(d) multisexual



Question- Match the andsoecium formula (given in column II) with their family (given in column I) and choose the correct combination from the options given below.
Column-I                       Column-II
(Family)                         (Androecium formula)
A. Brassicaceae           I. A3 + 3
B. Fabaceae               II. A(5)
C. Solanaceae            III. A(9) + 1
D. Liliaceae               IV. A2 + 4
(a) A – IV; B – III; C – II; D – I
(b) A – I; B – II; C – III; D – IV
(c) A – II; B – III; C – IV; D – I
(d) A – III; B – IV; C – I; D – II



Question- Fibrous root system is better adopted than tap root system for
(a) transport of organic matter.
(b) absorption of water and minerals.Biology
(c) storage of food.
(d) anchorage of plant to soil.



Question- Match column I with column II and choose the correct option.
Column-I                                      Column-II
A. Bud in the                               I. Pitcher plant
axil of leaf and venus fly trap
B. Outer layer of                         II. Cacti
seed coat
C. Spines                                     III. Testa
(modified leaves)
D. Leaves modified                     IV. Simple leaf
to catch insects
E. Fleshy leaves                          V. Garlic and onion
with stored food
(a) A – I, B – II, C – III, D – IV, E – V
(b) A – V, B – IV, C – III, D – II, E – I
(c) A – IV, B – III, C – II, D – I, E – V
(d) A – IV, B – II, C – III, D – I, E – V



Question- Match column-I with column-II and choose the option which shows their correct combination.
Column-I                              Column-II
A. Gamosepalous               I. Flower of lily
B. Polysepalous                 II. Sterile anther
C. Gamopetalous               III. Free petals
D. Polypetalous                 IV. Free sepals
E. Epiphyllous                    V. Fused petals
F. Staminode                     VI. Fused sepals
(a) A – IV, B – V, C – III, D – I, E – VI, F – II
(b) A – IV, B – III, C – V, D – I, E – II, F – VI
(c) A – VI, B – IV, C – III, D – V, E – I, F – II
(d) A – VI, B – IV, C – V, D – III, E – II, F – I



Question- Floral features are mainly used in angiosperms identification because
(a) flowers are of various colours.
(b) flowers can be safely pressed.
(c) reproductive parts are more stable and conservative than vegetative parts.
(d) flowers are good materials for identification.



Question- Consider the following statements regarding the root system of angiosperms and choose the correct option given below.
(i) In monocots, the fibrous root system arises from the base of the stem.
(ii) The region of elongation is called the root hair region.
(iii) In sweet potato, the adventitious roots get swollen and store food.
(iv) The stems of maize and sugarcane have supporting roots called prop roots.
(a) (i) and (ii) are correct but (iii) and (iv) are wrong.
(b) (ii) and (iii) are correct but (i) and (iv) are wrong.
(c) (ii) and (iv) are correct but (i) and (iii) are wrong.
(d) (i) and (iii) are correct but (ii) and (iv) are wrong.



Question- Main function of leaf is
(a) exchange of gases
(b) increase the beauty of a tree
(c) manufacturing of food
(d) nerve impulse induction



Question- The flower is the reproductive unit in the ___________meant for ___________ reproduction.
(a) angiosperms and sexual
(b) gymnosperms and sexual
(c) algae and asexual
(d) pteridophytes and asexual



Question- Rearrange the following zones seen in the regions of root tip and choose the correct option.
(A) Root hair zone
(B) Zone of meristems
(C) Root cap zone
(D) Zone of maturation
(E) Zone of elongation
(a) C, B, E, A, D
(b) A, B, C, D, E
(c) D, E, A, C, B
(d) E, D, C, B, A



Question- Which is not a stem modification ?
(a) Rhizome of ginger
(b) Corm of Colocasia
(c) Pitcher of Nepenthes
(d) Tuber of potato



Question- Which one of the following are not true for parietal placentation?
(a) Ovules are borne on central axis.
(b) Ovary is one-chambered but it becomes twochambered due to the formation of false septum.
(c) Examples are mustard and Argemone.
(d) Both (b) and (c)



Question- Which one of the following characteristics is not related to gynoecium?
(a) It is the female reproductive part of the flower.
(b) It is composed of stamens.
(c) Stigma is usually at the tip of the style and is the receptive surface for pollen grains.
(d) Each ovary bears one or more ovules attached to a flattened, cushion like placenta.



Question- The mature seeds of plants such as gram and peas possess no endosperm because
(a) these plants are not angiosperms.
(b) there is no double fertilization in them.
(c) endosperm is not formed in them.
(d) endosperm gets used up by the developing embryo during seed development.



Question- A scar on the seed coat through which the developing seeds are attached to the fruit is called as ________.
(a) testa
(b) tegmen
(c) hilum
(d) micropyle



Question- Which of the following is correct with reference to floral character of the family solanaceae?
(a) Racemose, zygomorphic, unisexual, floral characters
(b) Racemose, zygomorphic, bisexual, polypetalous
(c) Axillary, bisexual, actinomorphic, epipetalous
(d) Axillary, actinomorphic, bisexual, epipetalous



Question- Read the following statements and answer the question.
(i) It is the pattern of arrangement of leaves on the stem or branch.
(ii) It is usually of three types – alternate, opposite and whorled.
(iii) It is meant for getting maximum amount of light.
Which condition of plant is being described by the above statements?
(a) Phyllotaxy
(b) Venation
(c) Inflorescencew
(d) Aestivation



Question- Which of the following is not the characteristic features of fabaceae?
(a) Tap root system, compound leaves and raceme inflorescence.
(b) Flowers actinomorphic, twisted aestivation and gamopetalous.
(c) Stamens 10, introrse, basifixed, dithecous.
(d) Monocarpellary, ovary superior and bent stigma.



Question- Which of the following statement (s) is/are not correct?
(i) Calyx and corolla are reproductive organs of a flower.
(ii) Zygomorphic flower can be divided into two equal radial halves in any radial plane.
(iii) Flowers without bracts are termed as bracteate.
(iv) Parthenocarpic fruit is formed after fertilization of the ovary.
(v) In legumes, seed is non-endospermic.
(vi) Radical buds develop on roots.
(a) (i) , (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(b) (i), (ii) and (v)
(c) (iii), (iv) and (vi)
(d) (iv), (v) and (i)



MCQ Questions Chapter 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants Class 11 Biology

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