Please refer to Assignments Class 11 Economics Infrastructure Chapter 8 with solved questions and answers. We have provided Class 11 Economics Assignments for all chapters on our website. These problems and solutions for Chapter 8 Infrastructure Class 11 Economics have been prepared as per the latest syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. Learn these solved important questions to get more marks in your class tests and examinations.
Infrastructure Assignments Class 11 Economics
Learning objectives
1. Meaning of infrastructure
2. Economic infrastructure
3. Social infrastructure
4. Importance of infrastructure
5. Energy-sources of energy.
6. Challenges of power generation in India.
7. Health-its importance.
8. Development of health services after Independence.
9. Emerging challenges of health services in India.
Question. What is infrastructure?
Answer. It refers to such core elements of economic & social change which serve as a support system to production activity in the economy.
Question. Mention the importance of infrastructure in economic development.
i. Infrastructure enhances productivity
ii. Infrastructure induces investment.
iii. Infrastructure generates linkages in production.
iv. Infrastructure enhances size of the market
v. Infrastructure enhances ability to work.
vi. Infrastructure facilitates out sourcing.
vii. Infrastructure induces FDI.
Question. Mention the emerging challenges of power generation in India.
o inadequate generation of electricity
o Less capacity utilization
o Losses of electricity boards.
Question. What is economic infrastructure?
Answer. It refers to all such elements of economic change like- power, transport, communication etc. which serve as a support system to the process of economic growth.
It fosters economic growth which results in increase in the standards of living of the people.
Question. What is social infrastructure?
Answer. It refers to core elements of social change like- schools, colleges, hospitals, banking etc. which serve as a support system to the process of social development of a country.
social infrastructure focuses on human resource development, implying the development of skilled personal as well as healthy & efficient human beings.
It accelerate the process of human development.
Question. Mention the emerging challenges of health services in India.
- Unequal distribution of health services.
- Control of communicable diseases.
- Poor management of health care.
- Privatization of health care services.
- Poor upkeep & maintenance.
- Poor sanitation level.
Question. Mention the measures undertaken to meet the challenges of power Generation in India.
i. Increase in production capacity.
ii. Improvement in plant load factor.
iii. Minimization of transmission & distribution losses.
iii. Improve the supply of inputs to power plants
iv. Participation of private sector & encouragement to FDI in power generation.
Question. What is health? Mention the development of health services in india after independence.
Answer. It is a state of complete physical, mental & social well-being. A persons ability to work depends largely on his good health. It enhances the quality of life.
Development of Health services in India after Independence:-
i. Decline in death rate from 27.4 per thousand in 1951to 7.4 per thousand in 2006-07.
ii. Reduction in Infant mortality rate from 146 per thousand in1951 to 55 per thousand in 2007.
iii. Rise in expectancy of life from 50 years in 1951 to 63.5 years in 2006-07.
iv. Deadly diseases like malaria, TB, cholera & small pox have been brought under control.
v. Reduction in child mortality rate from 57 per thousand in 1951 to 17 per thousand in 2006.
Question. What is energy? Mention the sources of energy.
Answer. Energy is the life line of entire production activity. Infact any type of production activity cannot take place without energy.
There are mainly two sources of energy:-
i. Conventional sources of energy:- these are those energy which are known to us & which are popularly in use since a very long time.
For eg. Coal, petroleum, natural gas & electricity.
ii. Non-convential sources of energy:- these are those energy which have been discovered or exploredin the recent past & which are yet to gain popularity for their use.
For eg. Solar energy, wind energy, bio-mass etc.