Please see Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Social Science Revision Notes provided below. These revision notes have been prepared as per the latest syllabus and books for Class 10 Social Science issues by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Students should revise these notes for Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy daily and also prior to examinations for understanding all topics and to get better marks in exams. We have provided Class 10 Social Science Notes for all chapters on our website.
Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Social Science Revision Notes
Thinking about Political reforms in India:
• It is very tempting to think of legal ways of reforming politics but legal constitutional changes by themselves cannot overcome the challenges to democracy. Democratic reforms are to be carried out mainly by political activists, parties, movements and politically conscious citizens.
• Many a time law plays an important role in political reform.
• However political reforms are done mainly by the political parties. Therefore the main focus of political reforms should be on ways to strengthening democratic practices.
• Any proposal for political reforms should think not only about what is good solution but also about who will implement it and how? It is not very wise to think that the legislature will pass legislations that go against the interest of all the political parties and MPs. But measures that rely on democratic movements, citizens’ organistions and the media are likely to succeed.