CBSE Class 10 Social Science Term 2 Sample Paper Set E

Sample Paper Class 10

See below CBSE Class 10 Social Science Term 2 Sample Paper Set E with solutions. We have provided CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science as per the latest paper pattern issued by CBSE for the current academic year. All sample papers provided by our Class 10 Social Science teachers are with answers. You can see the sample paper given below and use them for more practice for Class 10 Social Science examination.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 Social Science Term 2 Set E

Section A

1. Read the given case/source and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option.

Emboldened with this success, Gandhiji in 1919 decided to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act (1919). This Act had been hurriedly passed through the Imperial Legislative Council despite the united opposition of the Indian members. It gave the government enormous powers to repress political activities, and allowed detention of political prisoners without trial for two years. Mahatma Gandhi wanted non-violent civil disobedience against such unjust laws, which would start with a hartal on 6 April.
Rallies were organized in various cities, workers went on strike in railway workshops, and shops closed down. Alarmed by the popular upsurge, and scared that lines of communication such as the railways and telegraph would be disrupted, the British administration decided to clamp down on nationalists. Local leaders were picked up from Amritsar, and Mahatma Gandhi was barred from entering Delhi. On 10 April, the police in Amritsar fired upon a peaceful procession, provoking widespread attacks on banks, post offices and railway stations. Martial law was imposed and General Dyer took command.

(i) During the Indian Freedom Struggle, why did Rowlatt Act arouse popular indignation? Infer the correct option from the given information.
(a) It curbed the Trade Union Activities.
(b) It authorised the government to imprison people without trial.
(c) It imposed restrictions on Freedom of Press.
(d) It suppressed the Traditional Indian Education System.
Answer : (b) It authorised the government to imprison people without trial.

(ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable option.
The first venture of Gandhi in all India politics was in the form of Identify the best suitable option.
(a) Non-Cooperation Movement
(b) Dandi March
(c) Rowlatt Satyagraha
(d) Champaran Movement
Answer : (c) Rowlatt Satyagraha

(iii) Identify the reason/s behind the passing of Rowlatt Act from the given options.
(a) To curtail the national and revolutionary activities.
(b) To have a favourable balance of trade with Indian Merchants.
(c) To limit the scope of individual liberty.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer : (a) To curtail the national and revolutionary activities.

(iv) Why did Gandhiji decided to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act? Identify the best suitable option.
(a) Because it was an undemocratic measure adopted by the British government.
(b) Because it had become an emotive political issue among the Indians.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Because common people were humiliated by the Britishers.
Answer : (c) Both (a) and (b)

(v) The Martial Law imposed by General Dyer deprived the people of which of the following rights? Choose the best suitable option.
(a) Right of Assembling
(b) Right to Protest
(c) Right to Publish any Information
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer : (d) Both (a) and (b)

Section B

2. “Not all social groups were moved by the abstract concept of Swaraj.” Support the statement in the light of Civil Disobedience Movement of 1930s.


Explain any three effects of the Non-Cooperation Movement on the economy of India.
Answer : In April 1930, Gandhiji launched the Civil Disobedience Movement but all social groups were not moved by the abstract concept of Swaraj or full independence. One such social group was the ‘dalit’.
Dalit or oppressed were the ‘untouchable’ class of our society. Many dalit leaders, specially Dr. BR Ambedkar were keen on a different political solution to the problems of the community. They believed political empowerment would only resolve the problems of their social disability. They demanded reserved seats in educational institutions and separate electorate in the Legislative councils. Thus, Dalit participation in the Civil Disobedience Movement was limited particularly in Maharashtra and Nagpur region, where the organisation of dalit was quite strong.


The effects of Non-Cooperation Movement on the economic front were
(i) Foreign goods were boycotted, liquor shops picketed and foreign clothes were burnt hugely.
(ii) The import of foreign clothes halved between 1921 and 1922, its value dropping from 102 crore to 57 crore rupees. In many areas, traders and merchants refused to trade in foreign goods and sometimes even they refused to finance foreign trade.
(iii) As the boycott movement spread, people used only Indian clothes and began to discard foreign clothes.
As a result, production of Indian textile mills and handloom went up largely.

3. What should the developing countries demand in return for liberalising their trade and investment for the developed countries?


What is WTO? How does WTO facilitate free trade for all countries? Analyse with examples.
Answer : The demands of developing countries in return for liberalising their trade and investment for the developed countries are
◆ The developing countries should demand foreign aid from them.
◆ They should strongly demand for the removal of trade barriers in developed countries so that they can export to these countries.
◆ They should demand for advanced technology at low prices.
◆ They should also demand for long-term credit, so that they can open many production units and give jobs.


The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is an international organisation dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. WTO was started at the initiative of the developed countries. Its objective is to liberalise international trade and ensure that its members obey its rules.
The World Trade Organisation does the following functions to facilitate free trade for all countries
◆ It implement rules and provisions related to trade policy review mechanism.
◆ It provide a platform to member countries to decide future strategies related to trade and tariff.
◆ It provide facilities for implementation, administration and operation of multilateral and bilateral agreements of the world trade.
◆ It administer the rules and processes related to dispute settlement.

4. After having which major improvements the Indian Railways has become one of the modern means of transport?


What are the major reasons due to which only air transport is much popular in the North-Eastern parts of India?
Answer : After having the following improvements, the Indian Railways has become one of the modern means of transport
◆ Electrification of railway lines to reduce burden on fossil fuels and to increase speed.
◆ Introduction of computerised reservation system for convenience of passengers. Conversion of metre gauge lines to broad gauge to ensure higher speed and carrying capacity.
◆ Construction of new railway lines to improve the connectivity in the country. Replacing steam engines, which cause heavy pollution, by diesel and electric engines.


Major reasons due to which only air transport is much popular in the North-Eastern parts of India are
◆ Big and wide rivers are present there, due to which rails or road bridges over them are difficult and costly to construct. These rivers also get flooded frequently, due to which surface communication links are damaged.
◆ This area has dissected relief features, preventing durable construction of rail and road links.
◆ Dense forests in this region create many difficulties in construction of railway lines and roads.

5. Why is there overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world? Explain.
Answer : There is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world because we generally think that democracy can address all socio-economic and political problems. However, our expectations from democracy are not always fulfilled. Sometimes it may work slowly, less efficiently, having a poor response or not working cleanly. But, in democracy, regular and free elections are held.
Also, there is always scope for open public debate. The government is the people’s own government as it has been elected by them. People wish to be ruled by the people they have elected. They also feel that this form of government is best for their country, thus, giving it overwhelming support.

6. Why is Barter system considered difficult to trade a commodity? Give any three reasons.
Answer : Three reasons for the Barter system being considered difficult to trade a commodity are
(i) There are many products which cannot be divided or subdivided. For example, if the price of a cow is equal to 100 shirts, then a person having one shirt cannot exchange it for a part of the cow, as it is not possible to divide the cow into small pieces without destroying its utility.
(ii) Deciding the value of goods is difficult. For example, one can offer 1 kg rice for a pair of shoes whereas the shoe owner can demand 2 kg rice for the same shoes.
(iii) Double coincidence of wants is necessary. It means that both parties have to agree to sell and buy each other’s commodities. Thus, if a farmer wants to sell his rice in exchange for a pair of shoes, then he has to find a shoe owner who wants to exchange a pair of shoes for rice.

Section C

7. Do you think that political parties are necessary for democracy? Give reasons.


How did the growing role of money and muscle power in political party become a threat for democracy?
Answer : 7. Yes, political parties are necessary for democracy because
◆ If every elected representative is independent, which means he or she is not attached with a political party, then he/she will not make promise for any major policy changes. The government may be formed but its utility will remain uncertain. Non-party based Panchayat election also face the same problem.
◆ The rise of political parties is directly linked to the emergence of representative democracies.
◆ As society became larger and complicated, they also need some agency to gather different views on various issues and to present these to the government.
◆ Political parties inform the people about the working of the ruling party. They talk about the problems of the state, the working and failure of the government and give suggestion for the upliftment of masses. Thus, Political Party acts as a link between government and masses.


In India, there is a growing role of money and muscle power in political parties during elections in the following ways
◆ Political parties are focused on winning the elections only due to which, they tend to cluster around rich people, big companies and ignore other candidates. In this way, the rich and influential people who may not be able and just, get the favour of political parties, while the able and honest candidates lag behind.
◆ Political parties tend to nominate those candidates who have or can raise lots of money. Rich people and companies who give funds to the parties, tend to have influence on the policies and decisions of the parties, when it is in power.
◆ Sometimes, parties support criminals who can win elections with their muscle power. Criminals use various illegal activities such as booth capturing, threatening and bribing the voters in order to take votes.
In this way, the increasing role of money and muscle power in political parties has become a threat for democracy.

8. “Money cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to live well.” Explain the statement.


“The Reserve Bank of India supervises the functioning of formal sources of loans.” Explain the statement.
Answer : It is true that money cannot buy all the goods and services that we may need to live well as
◆ Money can buy things that can be one factor on which our life depends like food, house, car, clothes etc. But the quality of non-material things like freedom, security and respect cannot be bought with money.
◆ Money is not all for a person to live a life adequately.
◆ Income is the source of material of services and goods that a person use in his daily life.
◆ Money is not a source of happy life because there are many rich people who are not happy even they have enough money to purchase goods and services.
◆ We cannot buy pollution free environment, unadulterated medicines and peace with money unless we can afford to shift to a community that already has all these non- material things.
◆ Money may also not be able to protect us from infectious diseases, unless the whole of our community takes some preventive steps.


The Reserve Bank of India supervises the functioning of formal sources of loans in India in the following ways
◆ The Reserve Bank of India monitors that the banks actually maintain the cash balance and do not give all the deposits as loans.
◆ The Reserve Bank of India ensures that the banks give loans not just to profit-making businesses and rich traders, but also to small cultivators, small scale industries, small borrowers, etc.
◆ Periodically, banks have to submit information to the Reserve Bank of India on how much they are lending, to whom, etc.
◆ The rate of interest charged on loans given by the banks is decided by the Reserve bank.
◆ The RBI keeps a check on all the activities of banks and checks the flow of credit also.

9. How economic strength of a country is measured by the development of manufacturing industries?


“Chota Nagpur region have the maximum concentration of iron and steel industries? Analyse the statement.
Answer : The economic strength of a country is measured by the development of manufacturing industries in the following ways
◆ Manufacturing industries help in modernising agriculture, which forms the backbone of our economy.
◆ Manufacturing also reduces the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income by providing them jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors.
◆ Industrial development helps in removal of unemployment and poverty. It also aims at bringing down regional differences by establishing industries in backward areas.
◆ Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce and brings in foreign exchange. During the last 20 years, the share of the manufacturing sector has stayed at 17 % of GDP. This is much lower than some East Asian economies, where it is 25-35 %. The desired growth rate over the next decade is 12 per cent which has been around only 7 per cent in the last decade. To develop the sector of manufacturing industries, government has set-up the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC).


Chota Nagpur region have the maximum concentration of iron and steel industries because
◆ Low Cost of Iron Ore Iron mines are located in the nearby areas. It helps to reduce the transportation cost of iron ore to the industries.
◆ High Grade Raw Materials in Proximity Bulky raw materials like coking coal, limestone are also available in proximity in this region.
◆ Availability of Cheap Labour From the adjoining areas of Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha cheap labour is available in abundance.
◆ Dense Transport Network This region is well connected with roadways and railways that help in the swift movement of raw materials and finished goods to the industry and market areas, respectively.
◆ Port Facilities Kolkata is a well developed port that is near to this area.

Section D

10. (i) On the given political map of India, two places are marked as A and B. Identify them with the help of the following informations.
A. The place where Indian National Congress was held in 1927.
B. The place where the Cotton Mill Workers Satyagraha took place.
(ii) On the same outline map of India, mark and locate the following.:
(a) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport
(b) Kochi Sea Port
(c) Kakrapara Nuclear Power Plant
Answer : 

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Term 2 Sample Paper Set E