Case Study Chapter 2 Sports and Nutrition

Class 12 Notes

Please refer to Chapter 2 Sports and Nutrition Case Study Questions with answers provided below. We have provided Case Study Questions for Class 12 Physical Education for all chapters as per CBSE, NCERT and KVS examination guidelines. These case based questions are expected to come in your exams this year. Please practise these case study based Class 12 Physical Education Questions and answers to get more marks in examinations.

Case Study Questions Chapter 2 Sports and Nutrition

Data-Based Questions:

Given below is the data which depicts the percentage of school students suffering from the deficiency of various vitamins:   

Case Study Chapter 2 Sports and Nutrition

On the basis of the pie-chart given above, answer the following questions:

Question. If a student has deficiency of Vitamin A, what is he likely to suffer from?   
(a) Anaemia
(b) Paralysis
(c) Scurvy
(d) Night blindness



Question. What is common about the vitamins given above in the pie-chart?   
(a) They are all water soluble.
(b) They are all fat soluble.
(c) They are all fat insoluble.
(d) They all affect the immune system.



Question. Which of the deficiency can be reduced by adding a morning outdoor-play-period in the timetable? 
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin D
(c) Vitamin K
(d) Vitamin E



Picture-Based Questions:

Identify the food item and the micromineral found in the following:   

Case Study Chapter 2 Sports and Nutrition

Answer : milk–calcium

Case Study Chapter 2 Sports and Nutrition

Answer : banana–potassium

Case Study Chapter 2 Sports and Nutrition

Answer : table salt–sodium

Case Study Chapter 2 Sports and Nutrition

Answer : lentils–phosphorus

Case-Based Questions:

The Body Mass Index or the BMI of a male was found to be 30.1.
On the basis of the case given, answer the following questions:

Question. In which category does the person fall? 
(a) Normal weight
(b) Overweight
(c) Obesity class 1
(d) Obesity class 2



Question. The ideal BMI for a person should lie between 
(a) 25 – 29.9
(b) 18.3 – 24.9
(c) < 20
(d) < 40



Question. What does the person need to do in order to achieve the ideal weight? 
(a) Have a normal and wise attitude towards food selection and portion.
(b) Have only cooked carrots.
(c) Only opt for fat-free products and avoid potato.
(d) Reduce the calorie intake to nil.



Case Study Chapter 2 Sports and Nutrition