A Thing of Beauty (John Keats) Class 12 English Important Questions

Important Questions Class 12

Please refer to A Thing of Beauty (John Keats) Class 12 English Important Questions with solutions provided below. These questions and answers have been provided for Class 12 English based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Students should learn these problem solutions as it will help them to gain more marks in examinations. We have provided Important Questions for Class 12 English for all chapters in your book. These Board exam questions have been designed by expert teachers of Standard 12.

Class 12 English Important Questions A Thing of Beauty (John Keats)

Short Answer Type Questions :

Question. What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?


What makes human beings love life in spite of all the troubles they face? 
Ans. Human beings love life in spite of all the troubles and sufferings they face because of all the things of beauty which surround them. These things remove our despondent state and allow us to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Question. If you were given an opportunity to share your perception of beauty, what would you say? Explain.
Ans. Beauty for me is something that brings everlasting joy and happiness. It has a healing power that makes one forget all of the sorrows of life. For me everything that surrounds is beautiful but finding this beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. The concept of beauty can be different for everyone. One can even find beauty in the unwanted weeds or the humming of the bees if wanted.

Question. List the things that cause suffering and pain. 


Mention any two things which cause pain and suffering. 
Ans. There are many things that cause us suffering and pain. Malice and disappointment are the biggest source of our suffering. Another one is the lack of noble qualities. Our unhealthy and evil ways also give birth to many troubles and sufferings. They dampen our spirits and cover our lives with sadness.

Question. ‘Beauty is best left undefined’. Support your position on this statement with your rationale, coupled with ideas in the poem.
Ans. It is true that beauty is best left undefined because the concept of beauty is unique for everyone. There are so many concepts, ideas and sources of beauty that is cannot be conceptualised or defined under one quality or aspect. One concrete thing that can, however, be said of beauty is that it is permanent and healing. It never dies away but it brings peace, happiness, and joys in lives of people.

Question. How does a thing of beauty provide shelter and comfort? 
Ans. A thing of beauty provides shelter and comfort in many ways. It is like a bower, a place under the shade of a tree where we can rest. The small streams of cool and clear water and the green forests around make it a comfortable place for us to rest. Thus, it gives us sweet dreams, peace and joy.

Question. What rich bounty has the heaven given us?
Ans. Heaven has given us many bounties. Nature, with its virgin landscape and innocent creatures including the sun, moon, sheep, trees, rills, daffodils, quiet lower, musk rose blooms, etc. imparts indelible impressions of joyful experiences. The world of art and literature provides perennial inspiration in the form of stories of the valiant, which provide support to us.

Question. Do we experience things of beauty only for a short moment or do they make a lasting impression on us?


How is a thing of beauty a joy forever? 
Ans. Things of beauty make a lasting impression on us as a thing they are a source of pleasure and motivation forever. The happiness they give never fades away but keeps on increasing. Thus, all things of beauty are a source of permanent joy.

Question. How would man suffer in the absence of beauty?
Ans. In the absence of beauty, man would suffer from sorrow and despair. It would be difficult for him to bounce back and he would have nothing to look forward to or draw strength from.
Beauty lifts the pall of sadness and rejuvenates him. It lifts his spirit and fills his life with liveliness and hope.

Question. What does the line, “Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth” suggest to you? 
Ans. This line suggests to us that every day we weave a wreath of flowers because it keeps us attached to the beauties of the Earth. Such relations fills one up with the spirit of living.

Question. How can ‘mighty dead’ be things of beauty?
Ans. The ‘mighty dead’ refers to our glorious forefathers and ancestors who are another thing of beauty that the poet John Keats mentions. This is so because the stories of their heroic deeds, their valour and mausoleums fill us with pride and given us pleasure and motivation.

Question. What does a thing of beauty do for us? 
Ans. A thing of beauty adds endless joy to our life and helps us to come out of sadness and hopelessness. The memory of such a thing gives us everlasting happiness.
It not only provides a pleasant and quiet place to relax but also makes life worth livintg in spite of despondence, inhuman dearth of nobel natures, gloomy days, unhealthy and over darkened ways.

Question. Artists, singers and musicians have a different perception of beauty as compared to people who are in other professions. Comment.
Ans. It is true that the concept of beauty differs for each individual. An artist can experience the feelings associated with beauty while looking at a scenery which can act as an inspiration to then. In contrast, for singers or musicians beauty can be achieved with perfect melody which brings a peak experience or epiphany. Beauty is something that we perceive and respond to. It brings a kind of experience, an aesthetic response that is a response to the thing’s representational qualities, whether it is man-made or natural.

Question. List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.


Which objects of nature does Keats mention as sources of joy in his poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’?
Ans. Everything in nature is a thing of beauty and a source of joy. Such objects of nature are the sun, the moon, old and young trees, daffodil flowers, small streams with clear water,
masses of ferns and blooming musk-roses.

Question. What does Keats consider an endless fountain of immortal drink and why does he call its drink immortal? 
Ans. Keats considers nature’s beauty as an endless fountain of immortal drink. He calls its drink immortal as the pleasure and delight given by it never diminishes. It only increases with time. Beauty is like an elixir of life.

Long Answer Type Questions :

Question. Explain ‘An endless fountain of immortal drink’.
Ans. This line is taken from John Keats’ poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’. The poem is based on a premise that beauty is everlasting, as it creates an eternal joy in the beholder. It is an endless fountain of joy that is continously gifted to us mankind from God.
The poet here says these words in order to explain the nature of the pleasure and joy that is created when a beautiful object is seen by a beholder. He affirms the truth that beauty is not ephemeral, but eternal. The pleasure we receive in perceiving a beautiful object is a gift that is worth treasuring, as the joy removes the gloom in our minds. Even when we are surrounded by evils or sad times, the images of beauty fill us with bliss and joy.

Question. How does a thing of beauty bring joy in our lives? 
Ans. In the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ the poet dramatically explains the effect of beauty on the soul. According to the poet, beauty heals the negative impulses of our life. It relieves us from being weighed down by worldly worries. A thing of beauty gives us permanent happiness. When we look at objects of beauty, we feel happy, and the lasting impression that such objects leave on our mind continues to give us pleasure even when they are no longer in our sight.
In the present times of acute stress and fears, the objects of beauty attain even greater significance. When our mind is anxious and troubled, the very sight of beautiful things often comes as a relief and provides us comfort and happiness for the moment. Appreciating beautiful things is like appreciating God, who has bestowed them upon mankind as a gift so that we can derive happiness and solace from them.
Proximity to beautiful things gives us mental peace and makes us happy. Its value lies in its effect on us and it never breeds a sense of nothingness. It will not diminish with the passage of time.

Question. You are a blogger who loves to record travel stories. You recently visited a picturesque location and you were enamoured by its beauty. Pen down the post for your blog giving vivid descriptions of the natural beauty of this place. Supplement your writing with Keats’ ideas about beauty. 
Ans. Keats had correctly said that ‘a thing of beauty is a joy forever’.
I really felt it yesterday when I was trekking across the Himalayan ranges. My group leader wanted us to take us to hidden location near our base. Initially we were also suspicious but soon the pleasure of the picturesque we viewed I cannot express in words. The detour from the occasional trekking took us to a lakeside where innumerable birds had flocked to drink water.
The small lake in the middle of the forest surrounded by wild flowers and daffodils flowing in the wind is an image I can never forget. The clear water was shining as the sun was almost overhead to us. The majestic view filled me with pleasure and all the tiredness we felt faded almost instantaneously. The peace and serenity of the place was almost non broken except for the occasional cooings and chirrups of the birds. How I wish I could have stayed there longer if not forever, away from the rush of modern life.

Question. ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever.’ This is what John Keats says in the poem. Do you think in the present times of acute stress and violence, proximity to beautiful things can lead man to everlasting happiness? Discuss.
Ans. A thing of beauty gives us permanent happiness. When we look at objects of beauty, we feel happy, and the lasting impression that such objects leave on our mind continues to give us pleasure even when they are no longer in our sight.
In the present times of acute stress and fears, the objects of beauty attain even greater significance. When our mind is anxious and troubled, the very sight of beautiful things often comes as a relief and provides us comfort and happiness for the moment.
Appreciating beautiful things is like appreciating God, who has bestowed them upon mankind as a gift so that we can derive happiness and solace from them. Proximity to beautiful things brings us closer to the Creator, in whom lies the ultimate power to grant us relief from all anxieties and troubles. Therefore, it is sure to bring everlasting happiness at all times.

Extract Based Questions :

Question. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow. 
…and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
‘Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake,
Rich with the sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms;
(i) Identify the poem and the poet.
(ii) What is the role of the clear rills?
(iii) How has the mid forest brake become rich?
(iv) Name the figure of speech in ‘cooling covert’.
(v) How does the given lines relate to the theme of the poem from which it is taken?
Ans. (i) The name of poem is ‘A Thing of Beauty’ and the name of poet is John Keats.
(ii) Clear rills makes the land fertile for plants to grow. As a result, they pave the way for a shady place where travellers can rest.
(iii) The mid forest brake became rich with the fair musk-rose flower blooming there. The richness mentioned here is of colour and beauty.
(iv) The phrase ‘cooling covert’ uses the literary device called Alliteration in which the first sound or letter of two adjacent words are repetitive. Here, the sound of ‘c’ is repetitive.
(v) The given lines present us with the beautiful bounty of nature which brings peace and joy to all living beings. The idea of beauty is the central theme of the poem and these lines reiterate it.

Question. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow.
‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever its loveliness increases, it will never Pass into nothingness; but will keep A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams, and health and quiet breathing.
(i) How does a thing of beauty give us everlasting joy?
(ii) What is the effect of increase in its loveliness ?
(iii) Which one example of the beauty of nature has the poet given here ?
(iv) What kind of joy do we get from a quiet bower?
(v) How does the joy from a quiet bower help us in our lives?
Ans. (i) A thing of beauty gives us everlasting joy because its loveliness increases with time.
(ii) The effect of increase in its loveliness is that it gives a peaceful sleep, provides good health and allows quiet breathing.
(iii) The example of the beauty of nature the poet has given here is a quiet bower.
(iv) From a quiet bower we get restful sleep full of sweet dreams, good health and quiet breathing.
(v) A quiet bower gives us the joy of peace and health. This joy brings us closer to nature and keeps us positive all throughout our lives.