MCQ Questions Chapter 4 Thinkers Beliefs and Buildings Class 12 History

MCQ Class 12

Please refer to MCQ Questions Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings Class 12 History with answers provided below. These multiple-choice questions have been developed based on the latest NCERT book for class 12 History issued for the current academic year. We have provided MCQ Questions for Class 12 History for all chapters on our website. Students should learn the objective based questions for Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings in Class 12 History provided below to get more marks in exams.

Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings MCQ Questions

Please refer to the following Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings MCQ Questions Class 12 History with solutions for all important topics in the chapter.

MCQ Questions Answers for Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings Class 12 History

Question. Tirthankaras are those who guide men and women across the river of existence. Mahavira was preceded by 
(A) 10 thirtankaras
(B) 20 thirtankaras
(C) 23 thirtankaras
(D) 25 thirtankaras



Question. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(a) Buddhist texts mention as many as 66 sects or schools of thought.
(b) Debates about the validity of the philosophy or the way these sects understood the world, took place in the kutagarashalas in villages.
(c) Many teachers of these sects such as Mahavira and Buddha questioned the authority of the Vedas.
(d) They also emphasised individual agency– suggesting that men and women could strive to attain liberation from the trials and tribulations of worldly existence.
(A) (a), (b), (d)
(B) (a), (b), (c)
(C) (b), (c), (d)
(D) (a), (c), (d)



Question. There were several pre-existing traditions of thought, religious belief and practice, including the early Vedic tradition, known from the Rigveda. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding the sacrificial tradition of Rigveda?
1. The Rigveda consists of hymns in praise of a variety of deities, especially Agni, Indra and Varuna.
2. Many of these hymns were chanted when sacrifices were performed, where people prayed for cattle, sons, good health, long life, etc.
3. At first, sacrifices were performed by the heads of households for the well-being of the domestic unit.
4. More elaborate sacrifices, such as the rajasuya and ashvamedha, were performed by chiefs and kings who depended on Brahmana priests to conduct the ritual.
(A) 1, 2
(B) 2, 3
(C) 3, 4
(D) 1, 3



Question. Mahavira and Buddha questioned the authority of …………….. . 
(A) The Jatakas
(B) The Vedas
(C) The Ganas
(D) The Yajnas




Question. Assertion (A): Initially, only men were allowed into the sangha, but later women also begun to be  admitted. 
Reason (R): According to Buddhist texts, this was made possible through the mediation of Ananda, one of the Buddha’s dearest disciples, who persuaded him to allow women into the sangha.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false and R is true.



Question. Assertion (A): The Therigatha, a unique Buddhist text is a part of Vinaya Pitaka, is a collection of verses composed by bhikkhunis. 
Reason (R): It provides an insight into women’s social and spiritual experiences. 
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false and R is true.



Question. Assertion (A): When a grief-stricken woman whose child had died came to the Buddha, he gently convinced her about the inevitability of death rather than bring her son back to life.
Reason (R): Buddha tried to convince people through reason and persuasion rather than through displays of supernatural power. 
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false and R is true.




Question. Observe the picture and answer the following questions by choosing the correct option.

MCQ Questions Chapter 4 Thinkers Beliefs and Buildings Class 12 History

Question. Where has this sculpture been found?
(A) Sanchi
(B) Amravati
(C) Gandhara
(D) Deogarh



Question. This site is particularly sacred for which sect?
(A) Vaishnavas
(B) Jains
(C) Buddhists
(D) Greeks



Question. According to the historians, the sculpture depicts a scene from
(A) Mahakapi Jataka
(B) Vessantara Jataka
(C) Daddabha Jataka
(D) Jambu-Kahdaka Jataka



Question. What do the historians compare the sculpture with to understand its meaning more closely?
(A) Coins
(B) Texts
(C) Seals
(D) Paintings



MCQ Questions Chapter 4 Thinkers Beliefs and Buildings Class 12 History