Please refer to Web Designing With HTML Class 11 Computer Science Important Questions with solutions provided below. These questions and answers have been provided for Class 11 Computer science based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Students should learn these problem solutions as it will help them to gain more marks in examinations. We have provided Important Questions for Class 11 Computer Science for all chapters in your book. These Board exam questions have been designed by expert teachers of Standard 11.
Class 11 Computer Science Important Questions Web Designing With HTML
Very Short Answer Type Questions:
Question: What is the EXTENSION of the EXTERNAL CSS file?
Ans: CSS
Question: Write the full W3C name.
Ans: World Wide Web Consortium
Question: Write the full name of WYSIWYG.
Ans: What You See Is What You Get
Question: Write the full CSS name.
Ans: Cascading Style Sheets
Question: In which tag INTERNAL CSS is defined in the HTML webpage.
Ans: <link>
Short Answer Type Questions:
Question: Write the role of HTML in the WEB.
Ans: HTML plays an important role in web designing. Web would not be possible without HTML. HTML is the default language for designing websites. HTML code is used to design static webpages. This code is understood by the web browser. Web browsers make the HTML code viewable and display it on our computer screen.
Question: Write the basic structure of HTML.
Ans: HTML document begins from <HTML> tag and ends with </HTML> tag. Structure of HTML document can be divided into two main parts:
• Head Part: This part begins with <HEAD> tag and ends with </HEAD> tag. This part contains the title and metadata of the HTML document.
• Body Part: This part begins with <BODY> tag and ends with </BODY> tag. This part contains all those contents that are displayed on the web page.
Question: What CSS is used for?
Ans: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a simple web designing language which is used to make web page-design simple and effective. In simple words, we can say that it is a language to design web pages which is used to improve the look & feel of a web page. CSS is easy to learn and understand. It is commonly used to build websites with html.
Question: Write various Website Development Phases.
Ans: Following can be the various phases of website development:
1. Information Gathering
2. Planning
3. Design
4. Development
5. Testing & Delivery
6. Maintenance
Long Answer Type Questions:
Question: Explain CSS box model.
Ans: The term box model is used in connection with design and layout of web pages. Each element of html is a box in a way. The web browser renders every element as a rectangular box according to the CSS box model. Box-Model consists of multiple properties. It includes:
• Margins
• Borders
• Padding and
• Actual Content.
The given image illustrates the concept of box model with its various attributes.
Question: Explain the principles of good web design.
Ans: Following are some of the principles for a good web design:
• Simplicity: The design of the webpage should be simple and its navigation should be easy
• Consistency: The design of every webpage in the website should be consistent
• Typography and Usage Text: The text on the website should be clean and readable. Text should be managed in such a way that the search engine will be able to index the webpages easily.
• Multidivisional Design: Web design should be in such a way that content of web pages are properly displayed on screens of different sizes (Mobile/Laptop/Monitor etc).
• Social Sharing Feature: Every section of the website should be designed in such a way that the information available on the website can be easily shared on social media.
Question: What are the benefits of CSS?
Ans: Following are some of the important benefits of CSS:
• Time saving – CSS code can be used repeatedly as needed. Same style sheet can be reused for multiple web pages.
• Speed (fast webpage loading) – Web pages developed using CSS load very fast in the web browsers. It also decreases the size of web pages.
• Easy Maintenance – Changes made in CSS coding file at one place automatically apply changes on related web pages. So it becomes easier to maintain our website.
• More Powerful – Webpages can be designed in a much better and simpler way using CSS. It has more properties than html.
• Multiple Device Support – Web pages that are designed using CSS can be displayed correctly on different screen sizes (Mobile/Laptop/Monitor etc).
Question: Explain the BORDER property in CSS with coding.
Ans: Border property is used to set and format the border around the web page elements. We can set border’s style, width and color for the html elements using this property. For Example: h1 { border: 5px solid red; }
This example shows the CSS formatting on
heading level <h1>. In this example, all border properties have been used for heading level 1. Here,
5px width, solid border style and red color of border has been applied on heading <h1>.
Question: How CSS can be used for web design.
Ans: Following are the three common ways to use CSS for designing web pages:
• Inline Style: When CSS code is used within the HTML tags of body section, it is called the inline style. This style works only on those tags on which it is defined. For example:
<p style=”color:red; border:2px solid;”>This is an inline css example.</p>
• Internal Style Sheet: When CSS code is written in <head> section of webpage using the <style> tag, it is called the Internal style sheet. Such styles can be applied on the elements of entire webpage.
• External Style Sheet: When CSS code is written in a separate file, it is called external style sheet. This separate file should have .css extension. Such styles can be applied on the elements of different webpages of a website so that all the webpages can have similar appearance.