MCQ Questions Chapter 3 The Voice of the Rain Class 11 English

MCQ Class 11

Please refer to MCQ Questions Chapter 3 The Voice of the Rain Class 11 English with answers provided below. These multiple-choice questions have been developed based on the latest NCERT book for class 11 English issued for the current academic year. We have provided MCQ Questions for Class 11 English for all chapters on our website. Students should learn the objective based questions for Chapter 3 The Voice of the Rain in Class 11 English provided below to get more marks in exams.

Chapter 3 The Voice of the Rain MCQ Questions

Please refer to the following Chapter 3 The Voice of the Rain MCQ Questions Class 11 English with solutions for all important topics in the chapter.

MCQ Questions Answers for Chapter 3 The Voice of the Rain Class 11 English

Question. How does the rain justify its claim ‘I am the Poem of Earth’?
(a) By explaining its relationship with earth
(b) By talking to the trees
(c) By staying quiet
(d) By bringing a storm to the poet 



Question. Identify the tone of the poem ‘The Voice of the Rain’.
(a) Chaotic
(b) Conversational
(c) Sympathetic
(d) Idle



Question. Why does the rain say “without me were seeds only, latent, unborn” ?
(a) Because rain shelters the seeds.
(b) Because rain protects the seeds.
(c) Because rain provides shadow to the seeds.
(d) Because rain helps the seeds grow.



Question. Why does the poet get surprised when he gets an answer from the rain?
(a) Because he expected a reply from earth
(b) Because he did not expect rain to reply
(c) Because he wanted to be alone with his thoughts
(d) Because he was only dreaming



Question. Which of the following is TRUE as per the poem?
(a) The process of rain is an everlasting and ever continuous process.
(b) Rain’s purpose is to beautify and purify Earth.
(c) Rain replying to the poet adds a sense of mystery to the poem
(d) All of the above



Question. Why does the poet contrast music with rain?
(a) As rain is loved by the poet as much as music
(b) Because he was told by the trees to do it
(c) As rain makes rhythm with earth like music
(d) None of the above



Question. What answer does the rain give back to the poet?
(a) That he should leave for home
(b) That he should wake up
(c) That rain is a continuous process
(d) That this is not the Poem of Earth



Question. Find the figure of speech in the line ‘bottomless sea’ from the poem, ‘The Voice of the Rain’.
(a) Personification
(b) Alliteration
(c) Hyperbole
(d) Metaphor



Question. Why does the rain call itself ‘impalpable’?
(a) Because it cannot be felt by touching or seeing.
(b) Because it is afraid of the poet.
(c) Because it does not want to change its form.
(d) Because it is unsure of the future.



Question. Choose the correct statement(s) for the poem ‘The Voice of the Rain’.
I. The poem is about rain, its eternal process and its benefits.
II. The rain is speaking through its own language, via the poet.
III. The poem is a reflection of the poet’s dream.
IV. The poem translates the message of earth through the rain.
(a) I and II are correct.
(b) I, II and IV are correct.
(c) III and IV are correct.
(d) I and IV are correct.



Question. Which of the following uses the same poetic device as used in the lines ‘I am the poem of the Earth’?
(a) Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks.
(b) He felt like the flowers were waving hello.
(c) They fought like cats and dogs.
(d) The wind howled in the night.



Question. What does ‘Reck’d or unreck’d’ mean?
(a) enrichment or no enrichment
(b) cared for or not cared for
(c) to purify or not
(d) to wash or not to wash



Question. Select the suitable option for the given statements, based on your reading of ‘The Voice of the Rain’.
(i) The poet finds the music created by the soft-falling shower to be rain’s voice.
(ii) In translating the voice of the rain the poet is describing the process and the purpose of rain.
(a) (i) is false but (ii) is true.
(b) Both (i) and (ii) are true.
(c) (ii) is a fact but unrelated to (i).
(d) (i) is the cause for (ii).



Question. The poet draws a parallel between rain and song to
(a) point out the artistic quality of rain
(b) state the creative expressions of man and God
(c) bring out the similarities between pleasures gained from them
(d) state the healing qualities of both rain and song



Question. What is the similarity between the rain and music?
(a) Both abandon the poet
(b) Both come back to their origin
(c) Both talk with the trees
(d) Both are interesting to the poet
