Please refer to MCQ Questions Chapter 11 Transport in Plants Class 11 Biology with answers provided below. These multiple-choice questions have been developed based on the latest NCERT book for class 11 Biology issued for the current academic year. We have provided MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology for all chapters on our website. Students should learn the objective based questions for Chapter 11 Transport in Plants in Class 11 Biology provided below to get more marks in exams.
Chapter 11 Transport in Plants MCQ Questions
Please refer to the following Chapter 11 Transport in Plants MCQ Questions Class 11 Biology with solutions for all important topics in the chapter.
MCQ Questions Answers for Chapter 11 Transport in Plants Class 11 Biology
Question- Minerals are known to enter the plant root by means of a number of mechanisms, including all except one of the following. Which one of the following is NOT a mechanism for moving minerals into roots?
(a) Foliar feeding
(b) Active transport
(c) Proton (H+) pump
(d) Cation exchange
Question- In rainy season, door gets swelled due to
(a) imbibition
(b) diffusion
(c) transpiration
(d) respiration
Question- Seeds when soaked in water, they imbibe because of
(a) OP inside the seed is low.
(b) OP of water is high.
(c) DPD of seed is very much low.
(d) water potential gradient between the seed coat and water.
Question- During Na+ – K+ pump
(a) 3Na+ and 2K+ are transported
(b) 1Na+ and 2K+ are transported
(c) 3 Na+ and 3K+ are transported
(d) Depends on requirement of cell
Question- A Botanist discovered a mutant plant that was unable to produce materials that form casparian strip. This plant would
(a) unable to transport water or solutes to the leaves.
(b) unable to use its sugar as a sugar sink.
(c) able to exert greater root pressure than the normal plant.
(d) unable to control amounts of water and solutes it absorbs.
Question- Which of the following helps in ascent of sap?
(a) Root pressure
(b) Transpiration
(c) Capillarity
(d) All of these
Question- A boy has taken fresh twig from a tree and then he placed it into a coloured water. After a few hours he cut the surface of the twig and examine it with a magnifying glass to study the path of water movement. This experiment demonstrates that movement of water occurs through
(a) xylem
(b) phloem
(c) sieve tube
(d) casparian strip
Question- The main function of phloem is translocation of
(a) food
(b) water
(c) mineral
(d) air
Question- A botanist discovered a mutant plant that was unable to produce materials that form casparian strip. This plant would be
(a) unable to transport water or solutes to the leaves.
(b) unable to use its sugar as a sugar sink.
(c) able to exert greater root pressure than the normal plant.
(d) unable to control amounts of water and solutes it absorbs.
Question- Which of the following compound is used to study water loss from a leaf and turns colour on absorbing water?
(a) Calcium chloride
(b) Magnesium chloride
(c) Cobalt chloride
(d) Sodium chloride
Question- Which of the following statements is/are not incorrect?
(i) Water and minerals, and food are generally moved by a mass or bulk flow system.
(ii) Bulk flow can be achieved either through a positive hydrostatic pressure gradient or a negative hydrostatic pressure gradient.
(iii) The bulk movement of substances through the conducting tissues of plants is called translocation.
(iv) Xylem translocates organic and inorganic solutes, mainly from roots to the aerial parts of the plants.
(v) Phloem translocates water, mineral salts,some organic nitrogen and hormones, from the leaves to other parts of the plants.
(a) (ii), (iii) and (v)
(b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (iv) and (v)
(d) (ii) and (v)
Question- Stomata closes because
(a) guard cells lose turgidityand becomes flaccid
(b) of increased turgidity of the guard cells brought about by exposure to light.
(c) O.P. of the guard cell increases
(d) of the movement of water from neighbouring cells into guard cells.
Question- In which method of transport in plasma membrane does not require carrier molecule?
(a) Active transport
(b) Facilitated diffusion
(c) Simple diffusion
(d) Na+ – K+ pump
Question- Arrange the following events in a correct order that explains the mass flow of materials in the phloem?
(i) Water diffuses into the sieve tube elements.
(ii) Leaf cells produce sugar by photosynthesis.
(iii) Solutes are actively transported into the sieve elements.
(iv) Sugar is transported from cell to cell in the leaf.
(v) Sugar moves down the stem.
(a) (ii) – (iv) – (iii) – (i) – (v)
(b) (ii) – (iv) – (i) – (iii) – (v)
(c) (i) – (ii) – (iii) – (iv) – (v)
(d) (iv) – (ii) – (i) – (iii) – (v)
Question- If a cell A with D.P.D. 4 bars is connected to cell B, C, D whose O.P. and T.P. are respectively 4 and 4, 10 and 5 and 7 and 3 bars, the flow of water will be
(a) A and D to B and C
(b) A to B, C and D
(c) B to A, C and D
(d) C to A, B and D
Question- If a stem is girdled,
(a) root dies first.
(b) shoot dies first.
(c) both die together.
(d) none of the above.
Question- Process of imbibition results in
(a) increase in the volume of imbibant but without development of pressure.
(b) decrease in the volume of imbibant and development of pressure.
(c) no change in volume of imbibant but pressure develops.
(d) increases in volume of imbibant and development of pressure.
Question- Stomata opens when
(a) guard cells swell due to a decrease in their water potential.
(b) guard cells swell up due to an increase in their water potential.
(c) guard cells swell by endosmosis due to efflux of potassium ions.
(d) guard cells swell by endosmosis due to influx of hydrogen ions (protons).
Question- Transpiration facilitates
(a) electrolyte balance
(b) absorption of water by roots
(c) opening of stomata
(d) excretion of minerals
Question- Which of the following will affect the active uptake of water?
(a) Transpirational power of the root hairs.
(b) Typical tissue organization.
(c) Tension due to transpiration.
(d) Osmotic concentration of the cell sap of the leaves.
Question- In part A of a plant, sugars are actively transported into the phloem tissue. In part B, sugars are actively transported out of the phloem. Which way will the phloem sap move under these conditions?
(a) From A to B.
(b) From B to A.
(c) First from A to B; then, once the pressure builds up, from B to A.
(d) First from B to A; then, once the pressure builds up, from A to B.
Question- If the external solutions balance the osmotic pressure of cytoplasm, it is said to be
(a) isotonic
(b) hypotonic
(c) atomic
(d) hypertonic
Question- Translocation of organic materials in plants is explained by
(a) active transport
(b) transpiration pull
(c) inhibition theory
(d) mass flow hypothesis
Question- The path of water from soil upto secondary xylem is
(a) Soil → Root hair cell wall → Cortex → Endodermis → Pericycle → Protoxylem → Metaxylem
(b) Metaxylem Protoxylem → Cortex → Soil → Root hair
(c) Cortex → Root hair → Endodermis → Pericycle → Protoxylem → Metaxylem
(d) Pericycle → Soil → Root hair → Cortex → Endodermis → Protoxylem → Metaxylem
Question- Hydroponics is
(a) nutrient less culture
(b) water less culture
(c) soilless culture
(d) none of these
Question- Dry wooden stakes, if driven into a small crack in a rock and then soaked, can develop enough pressure to split the rock. Such a pressure is built up through the
phenomenon of
(a) imbibition
(b) transpiration
(c) turgor pressure
(d) plasmolysis
Question- A bottle filled with previously moistened mustard seeds and water was screw capped tightly and kept in a corner. It blew up suddenly after about half an hour. The phenomenon involved in this is
(a) diffusion
(b) imbibition
(c) osmosis
(d) D.P.D.
Question- Excessive loss of water causes wilting of leaves, it can be prevented by :
(a) Keeping the plant in bright light
(b) Spraying the plant with alcohol
(c) Applying vaseline on the leaf surface
(d) Adding high amounts of fertilizers to the soil
Question- Which of the following is correct regarding guttation?
(a) It occurs through stomata.
(b) It occurs through hydathodes.
(c) It occurs mostly during night and early morning.
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Question- Water potential of pure water and its solution are
(a) 0 and 1
(b) 0 and 0
(c) 0 and more than one
(d) 0 and less than 1
Question- ‘X’ breaks the continuity of the ‘Y’ pathway and forces water and solutes to cross the endodermis by passing through the plasma membrane. Identify ‘X’ and ‘Y’.
(a) X – Suberin; Y – Tonoplast
(b) X – Suberin; Y – Symplast
(c) X – Casparian strip ; Y – Tonoplast
(d) X – Casparian strip ; Y – Apoplast
Question- Seed increase in its volume by the adsorption of water through
(a) Osmosis
(b) Plasmolysis
(c) Imbibition
(d) Diffusion
Question- A cell is said to be flaccid when
(a) there is no net flow of water towards the inside or outside.
(b) the external solution balances the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm.
(c) water flows into the cell and out of the cell and are in equilibrium.
(d) the external solution is more dilute than the cytoplasm.
Question- Which one of the following is not related to guttation?
(a) Water is given out in the form of droplets.
(b) Water given out is impure.
(c) Water is given out during daytime.
(d) Guttation is a process of universal occurrence.
Question- A boy is studying transport of a certain type of molecules into cell. He finds that transport slows down when the cells are poisoned with a chemical that inhibits energy production. Under normal circumstances, the molecules studied by the boy is probably transported by
(a) simple diffusion
(b) osmosis
(c) active transport
(d) facilitated diffusion
Question- Stomata in angiosperms open and close due to
(a) their genetic constitution.
(b) effect of hormone.
(c) changes of turgor pressure in guard cells.
(d) pressure of gases inside the leaves.
Question-The movement of water from one cell of the cortex to the adjacent one in roots is due to
(a) water potential gradient.
(b) chemical potential gradient.
(c) turgor pressure.
(d) mass flow.
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