Assignments Class 11 Biology Plant Kingdom

Assignments for Class 11

Please refer to Assignments Class 11 Biology Plant Kingdom Chapter 3 with solved questions and answers. We have provided Class 11 Biology Assignments for all chapters on our website. These problems and solutions for Chapter 3 Plant Kingdom Class 11 Biology have been prepared as per the latest syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. Learn these solved important questions to get more marks in your class tests and examinations.

Plant Kingdom Assignments Class 11 Biology

Question. A group of algae, having following characters:-
1. Chlorophyll a and b are present
2. Chloroplast has one or many pyrenoids
3. Cell wall made of cellulose and pectose
4. Reserve food material is starch
Which one of the following is also a very important character including above characters to call it as a member of chlorophyceae ?
(a) Plant body colonial only
(b) Plant body is made of haploid cells called as gametophyte
(c) Its flagellar character may be 2?8 in number, equal and apical
(d) It may occur in fresh water, brackish water or salt water



Question. The gametophyte of pteridophytes require to grow :-
(a) Warm, damp, and shady place
(b) Cool, damp, and shady place
(c) Warm, dry, and shady place
(d) Cool, dry, and place of well sunshine



Question. In most of the plants reduction division occurs during the formation of :-
(a) Male gamete and female gamete
(b) Male sex organ and female sex organ
(c) Microspore and megaspore
(d) Microsporangium and Megasporangium



Question. The group of plants, in which body is differentiated into root, stem and leaf :-
(a) Chlorophyceae
(b) Phaeophyceae
(c) Lycopsida
(d) Hepaticopsida



Question. Fill in the blanks a, b, c and d by observing the characters given in the table and choose the correct answer from the following options :-

Plant Kingdom Class 11 Biology Assignment

(a) Sporophyte Present Archegonium Archegonium
(b) Sporophyte Absent Oogonium Archegonium
(c) Gametophyte Present Oogonium Carpel
(d) Gametophyte Present Archegonium Carpel



Question. Find the odd one with respect to ploidy?
(a) Spore
(b) Sporophyte
(c) Archegonium
(d) Antheridium



Question. Which is not true about fern plants ?
(a) They produce sori on sporophylls
(b) They produce male and female cone by spiral arrangement of sporophylls
(c) Some fern plants are heterosporous also
(d) Some ferns are aquatic also



Question. Select the false statement ?
(a) Cyanobacteria, that are also referred to as blue- green algae are not algae any more
(b) Green algae, brown algae, red algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms are included under the kingdom plantae
(c) Artificial systems gave equal weightage to vegetative and sexual characteristics.
(d) Cytotaxonomy uses the chemical constituents of the plant cells to resolve confusions of taxonomy.



Question. Predominant stage of them is gametophyte, they vegetatively reproduce by fragmentation and budding. They produce male and female gametes in antheridia and archegonia, respectively. After fertilisation zygote develops into a sporophyte consisting of foot, seta and capsule, in them spore formed in their capsule form protonema on germination. The above description is about the group :-
(a) Lycopsida
(b) Bryopsida
(c) Hepaticopsida
(d) Psilopsida



Question. In which member chlorophyll a, c and fucoxantin are present ?
(a) Ectocarpus
(b) Gelidium
(c) Volvox
(d) Vaucheria



Question. The same type of relation occuring in magaspore mother cell and nucellus can also be seen in :-
(a) Female gamete and antheridium
(b) Male gamete and endosperm
(c) Egg cell and archegonium
(d) Neck canal cell and antheridium



Question. Needle like leaves to reduce the surface area, thick cuticle, and sunken stomata to reduce water loss etc. are the xerophytic characters present in :-
(a) Pteridophytes
(b) Gymnosperms
(c) Angiosperms
(d) Sphenopsida



Question. At present most acceptable system of classification is :-
(a) Artificial system
(b) Natural system
(c) Phylogenetic system
(d) Practical system



Question. In which group the male and female sex organs are called antheridia and archegonia, respectively ?
(a) Blue green algae
(b) Eubacteria
(c) Protista
(d) Bryophyta



Question. Which group of plants is of less economic importance but have ecological importance?
(a) Gymnosperms
(b) Angiospems
(c) Bryophyta
(d) Pteridophyta
