MCQ Questions Chapter 16 Environmental Issues Class 12 Biology

MCQ Class 12

Please refer to MCQ Questions Chapter 16 Environmental Issues Class 12 Biology with answers provided below. These multiple-choice questions have been developed based on the latest NCERT book for class 12 Biology issued for the current academic year. We have provided MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology for all chapters on our website. Students should learn the objective based questions for Chapter 16 Environmental Issues in Class 12 Biology provided below to get more marks in exams.

Chapter 16 Environmental Issues MCQ Questions

Please refer to the following Chapter 16 Environmental Issues MCQ Questions Class 12 Biology with solutions for all important topics in the chapter.

MCQ Questions Answers for Chapter 16 Environmental Issues Class 12 Biology

Question- The world summit on sustainable development held in 2002 in commitment to achieve by 2010. ________countries pledged their
(a) Rio de Janeiro, 27
(b) nesburg (in South Africa), 190
(c) Rio de Janeiro, 190
(d) Johannesburg, 27



Question-The thickness of ozone in the column of air from the ground to top of the atmosphere is measured in terms of –
(a) Angstrom units
(b) Svedberg units
(c) Dobson units
(d) Decibel units



Question- As the exhaust passes through the catalytic converter
(a) HCs are converted into CO and H2O
(b) Nitric oxides are changed to N2 and CO
(c) CO and HCs are removed by oxidation
(d) NO and NO2are converted to CO2and HCs



Question- In collaboration with which one, Ahmad Khan proved that blends of polyblend and bitumen, when used to lay roads, enhanced the bitumens’ water repellent properties, and helped to increase roadlife by a factor of three.
(a) R. V. College of Engineering
(b) The Bangalore City Corporation
(c) Three Mile Island
(d) Both a and b



Question- The Ozone hole over Antarctica develops each year between
(a) Late August and early October
(b) Late October and early November
(c) Early July and Late October
(d) None of the above



Question- The device on an automobile that filters harmful pollutants out of the exhaust before it enters the air is a[n]_______.
(a) radiator
(b) catalytic converter
(c) carburetor
(d) alternator



Question- An international initiative taken in ________ to mitigate climatic changes and to reduce greenhouse emission is called_____
(a) 1987, Montreal Protocol
(b) 1997, Kyoto Protocol
(c) 1992, Earth Summit
(d) 1985, Vienna Convention



Question- The thickness of ozone over poles changes with the season being lowest in
(a) Antarctic spring
(b) Polar autumn
(c) Antarctic autumn
(d) North hemisphere sprin



Question- Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife protection Award is given to the individuals or communities from
(a) Rural areas
(b) Urban areas
(c) NGOs
(d) None of the above



Question- Which of the following contributes to both global warming and ozone thinning?
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Nitrous oxide
(c) Methane
(d) CFCs



Question- Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
(a) V terx/apJou
(b) Methane
(c) Carbon Dioxide
(d) Calcium Carbonate



Question- Pollution of big cities can be controlled to large extent by-
(a) Wide roads and factories away from city
(b) Cleanliness drive and proper use of pesticides
(c) Proper sewage and proper exit of chemicals from factories
(d) All of the above



Question- Heavy metals defined as elements with density ________ are harmful to ecological systems
(a) >1g/cm3
(b) >2g/cm3
(c) > 4g / cm3
(d) >5g/cm3



Question- Column I              Column II
I. Carbon Monoxide                       (A) Qu tative Pollutant
II. DDT                                          (B) Feron
III. Chlorofluoromethane               (C) Lung Cancer
IV. Smoking                                (D) Quantitative Pollutant
V. Acid rain                                  (E) Nitrogen and Sulphur oxides.
The correct matching is –

(a) I – B, II – A, III – D, IV – E, V – C
(b) l- D.ll- A.III-B.IV-C.V-E
(c) l- C, II- B.III-D, IV-A.V-E
(d) l- E, II- C, III-A, IV-B.V-D



Question- I. Part of ozone is destroyed over poles during polar spring.
II. Ozone present in stratosphere filters out UV-B.
III. Ozone hole over Antarctica was first detected by Farman et at.
IV. Ozone hole over Antarctica appears during August, September.
V. CFCs split up in stratosphere to release chlorine by the action of UV-C.
Which of the above statements is false?
(a) AII
(b) None
(c) land II
(d) III and V



Question- How much of the e-wastes generated in the, developed world are exported to developing countries
(a) Half
(b) Less than half
(c) Over half
(d) One third



Question- Among the following environmental pollutants has the problem of biomagnifications-
(a) SO2
(b) NO3
(c) Hg fungicides
(d) O3 & CO2



Question- Column I                        Column II
I. Nitrogen Oxide                         (A) Water-logging
II. Land Degradation                  (B) Accumulation of Water in Alveoli
III. Wasteland                            (C) Scratchy Throat and Smarting Eyes
IV. Cyclone collectors                 (D) Culturable and Unculturable
V. Sulphur Dioxide                      (E) Particulate Pollutants
The correct matching is –
(a) I- B.ll- A.III-D, IV-E.V-C
(b) l- D.ll- A,III-B,IV-C,V-E
(c) l- C, II- B.III-D.IV-A.V-E
(d) l- E.ll- C, I!I-A,IV-B,V-



Question- Which of the following is not a major positive feedback mechanism in which the activity of humans to increase global climate temperatures leads to an even further increase?
(a) Global warming causes increased rainfall, plant growth and photosynthesis
(b) Global warming causes increased CO2 release from biomass decomposition
(c) Tropical deforestation causes warming and drying so that remaining forests begin to decline
(d) Global warming causes snow to melt in polar regions and therefore increases global albedo



Question- Photochemical smog differs from classical / London smog in
(a) Having a reducing climate
(b) Its development during high temperature
(c) Not having polluting components of secondary origin
(d) Having SO2as major pollutant



Question- While CO2is the best known global warming gas, _______ is accumulating twice as fast and absorbs 20-30 times more heat than carbon dioxide.
(a) nitric oxide
(b) ozone
(c) sulfur dioxide
(d) methane



Question- What part of the CFC molecule attacks ozone?
(a) The hydrogen
(b) The fluorine
(c) The chlorine
(d) The carbon



Question-The Kyoto Protocol specifies regulations on the emission of greenhouse gases. It defines a term known as “Carbon-Credits”. The following statements pertain to Carbon-Credits:
(i) The mandatory limit of Carbon-Credit for each country is directly proportional to its size and population.
(ii) One Carbon-Credit defines the emission of one ton of carbon .dioxide or equivalent gases responsible for greenhouse effect
(iii) Carbon-credits are exchangeable among countries/industries.
(iv) An industry emitting higher than prescribed limit can do so by purchasing Carbon-Credits.



Question- Which statement(s) is/are false?
A. In marine ecosystems, UV radiation can damage the tiny single-celled plants known as phytoplankton (which form the basis of the food chain).
B. 5th June is World Environment Day
C. Drinking mineral water / aerated drink with low levels (-0.02 ppm) of pesticide for long period would pesticide accumulation in the body
D. NEERI (National Environmental Engineering Research Institute) is at Nagpur.V
E. Chernobyl nuclear tragedy occurred in April, 1986.
F. Bhopal gas tragedy of 1984 took place because methyl isocyanate reacted with water.
G. Lead concentration of blood is considered alarming at 30 jig/100 ml.
H. CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs are called green house gases because they can absorb long wave infrared radiations.
I. High amount of Escherichia coll in water is an indicator of sewage / faecal pollution.
J. Ozone, chlorine, chloramine are passed through swimming pool because it acts as disinfectant.
K. Noise pollution does not have any residue. Noise pollution creates nervous disorder
L. If there wai rid C02 in the atmosphere, the earth’s temperature would be less than the present.
(a) All except J and K
(b) All except B, D and H
(c) All except C, E and G
(d) None



Question- Which of the above statements are true?
(a) (i) and (ii) only.
(b) (ii) and (iv) only.
(c) (ii), (iii), and (iv) only.
(d) (i), (ii), and (iv) only.



Question- Which of the following statements about eutrophication are TRUE?
1. It can be a naturally occurring process.
2. lt:isicQr^m,p^lyfpund:instandingirather than running water
3. It can lead to oxygen depletion
4. It is commonly associated with high levels of nitrates and sulphates
5. It is commonly associated with high levels of phosphates and nitrates.
(a) allofthem 
(b) 1, 2, 3 &4only
(c) 2, 3, & 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3, & 5 only



Question- Biomagnification refers to increase in concentration of the toxicant at successive trophic levels, this happens because
(a) A toxic substance accumulated by an organism can not be metabolised
(b) A toxic substance accumulated by an organism can not be excreted
(c) A toxic substance passed on to the next higher trophic level
(d) All of the above



Question- What did Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, the Love Canal, and Bhopal, India al! have in common?
(a) They qu fied as technological disasters.
(b) They all involved environmental racism.
(c) They were environmental problems caused by economic development.
(d) They were all nuclear disasters.



Question- All automobiles and fuel-petrol and diesel-were to have met the Euro III emission specifications in some cities from 1 April 2005 and have to meet the Euro-IV norms by.
(a) 1 April 2008
(b) 1 April 2009
(c) 1April 2010
(d) 1 April 2012



Question- What contributes the most to acid rain?
(a) Forest fires
(b) Car Exhaust
(c) Coal Power Plants
(d) None of the above



Question- Some organic waste pollutants are of recent concern because they pan act as endocrine disrupters which means they
(a) cause permanent neurological damage
(b) lead to birth defects
(c) affect normal sexual development
(d) are allergens



Question- Which one is correct?
(a) The second law of thermodynamics results in the phenomenon of biomagnification, the accumulation to toxic levels in aquatic food chains of persistent biodegradable toxins such as DOT.
(b) Modern agricultural practices result in water pollution as nitrogenous fertilizer runoff into surround freshwater ecosystems can accelerate eutrophication.
(c) “Blue-baby syndrome” results when nitrogenous fertilizers contaminate drinking water and the nitrates combine with hemoglobin within an infant’s red blood cells.
(d) AII



Question- The ozone in the earth’s atmosphere screens out:
(a) space dust
(b) meteors
(c) UV radiation from the sun
(d) smog



Question- The addition of sewage and other organic material into a water supply ____.
(a) increases oxygen consumption by decomposers
(b) increases biological oxygen demand
(c) causes an oxygen sag downstream
(d) all of the above



Question- Temperature inversions, heat islands, and dust domes are the result of ____.
(a) El Nino
(b) ozone depletion
(c) urban pollution 
(d) acid rain



Question- One of the consequences of El Nino is a decline in the number offish caught along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru. This decline is primarily because:
(a) of poor weather conditions. ‘
(b) of increased s nity of surface waters along the coast.
(c) warmer water attracts more predators (for example, dolphins and seals).
(d) cold nutrient-rich water does not upwell to the surface along the coast.



Question- The phenomenon where cool, dense air sits under a layer of lighter warmer air is known as a
(a) temperature inversion
(b) heat island
(c) heat sink
(d) Milankovitch cycle



Question- Secondary sewage treatment-
(a) Utilizes aerobic bacteria
(b) Removes virtually all radioisotopes and toxic metals
(c) Is too expensive too be used in most plants
(d) Is a mechanical process



Question- You can protect yourself from too much exposure to UV radiation by taking two of the following precautions. Which two?
(a) wear sunscreen with both UVAand UVB protection
(b) wear clothing to prevent UV radiation from penetrating your skin
(c) avoiding sunlight during peak UV hours
(d) both a and c



Question- Which of the above statements is correct?
(a) AII
(b) All except IV
(c) Allexcept II and III
(d) None



Question- Which of the following is not one of the major environment problems resulting from human interference in the nitrogen cycle?
(a) Nitrous oxide release increases global warming
(b) Increased acid rain
(c) Eutrophication
(d) Stratospheric ozone depletion



Question- Since the Montreal Protocol was signed —
(a) CFC production has increased
(b) CFC level in the troposphere have decreased significantly
(c) The ozone layer has recovered
(d) Production of methyl bromide, halon and MFCs has fallen



Question- Which of the following is not one of the prime health risks associated with greater UV radiation through the atmosphere due to depletion of stratospheric ozone?
(a) IncreasedJiyer cancer 
(b) Increased skin cancer
(c) Damage to eyes
(d) Reduced immune system



Question- UV radiations is injurious to plants because it-
(a) Break phosphate bonds
(b) Increases respiration
(c) Causes dehydration
(d) Causes genetic changes



Question- What part of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer? i.e. – where is most of the ozone?
(a) troposphere (0-15 km)
(b) stratosphere (15-50 km)
(c) mesosphere (50-80 km)
(d) thermosphere (above 80 km)



Question- The compound mainly responsible for pollution which caused the ill fameo1 Bhopal gas tragedy was-
(a) NH4OH
(b) CH3NCO
(c) CH3NH2O
(d) CHCI3



MCQ Questions Chapter 16 Environmental Issues Class 12 Biology

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