CBSE Class 10 English Term 2 Sample Paper Set C

Sample Paper Class 10

See below CBSE Class 10 English Term 2 Sample Paper Set C with solutions. We have provided CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English as per the latest paper pattern issued by CBSE for the current academic year. All sample papers provided by our Class 10 English teachers are with answers. You can see the sample paper given below and use them for more practice for Class 10 English examination.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 English Term 2 Set C

 Section A (Reading)

1. Read the passage given below:
(1) It is an indisputable fact that the world has gone too far with the advancement of new technologies such as mobile phones, the internet and so on, due to which people are able to tour the cosmos virtually sitting at one place using their smart devices or other technological gadgets. Through mobile, internet access is ten times hurried and short, it can still provide common internet features like alerts, weather data, e-mails, search engines, instant messages and game and music downloading.
(2) Due to the easy access of smart phones, communication has become very effective, efficient and faster . People are able to convey their message all around the globe to their loved ones without spending hefty sums of money. Adults are always fond of such gadgets and they always welcome and adopt such new technology readily. Further, it has helped young people as they have been able to broaden their minds and improve their skill by doing research on the Internet. For instance, they use smart phones to look up any new word they come across. As we know that most of the universities have an online teaching provision, smart phones assist the students to complete their assignments on time and avoid delay.
(3) The mobile phone has been a lifesaver for a lot of people in case of an emergency. Likewise, use of smart phones can be of vital importance in preventing crimes in the society by providing information to the security forces in time. 
(4) Nonetheless, for the young, the use of mobile phone can be like an addiction and they can also misuse it. Young people are also prone to getting involved in undesirable activities on the Internet. This might have adverse effect on their academic performance. Therefore, young people should always be mentored and made aware of its bad outcomes.
(5) Also a major contributor to its popularity is the easy availability of prepaid or pay as you go services from a phone shop or an online store. This allows subscribers to load text or airtime credits to their handsets by the use of their credit cards, debit cards or by simply buying a prepaid card from the network they subscribe to. This plan also doesn’t commit a particular customer to a contract. If prepaid card is not that appealing to you, then you can opt to subscribe using the pay by month plan.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below: 

(i) How has the world advanced?
Ans. The world has advanced by the introduction of new technologies

(ii) What are the benefits of mobile phones for the young generation?
Ans. The mobile phone not only help the young generation in online learning, but also to look up new words they come across. It also helps them to complete assignments on time.

(iii) How can mobile phones be considered ‘lifesavers’?
Ans. Mobile phones prevent crimes by providing information to security forces.

(iv) Mention any one demerit of mobile phones.
Ans. Mobiles affect the academic performance of a child.

(v) How are smart phones helpful in communication?
Ans. With the access of smart phones, communication has become very effective and instant. People are able to convey their message round the globe to their loved ones without spending hefty sums of money.

(vi) Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the underlined word that means the same in para 4. The young people have become so addicted to mobile phones that it has started having negative effect on them.
Ans. The young people have become so addicted to mobile phones that it has started having adverse effects on them.

2. Read the following excerpt from a case study on the artificial glaciers in Ladakh.
(1) The seasonal problem of water taps running dry is plaguing most of our major cities. With the bigger rivers flowing in trickles and ponds and wells reduced to clay pits, village women in remote areas have to fetch every drop of water for drinking, cooking, washing and so on, across large distances. This has only worsened a perennial problem of widespread water pollution, rendering it unfit for human consumption. The monsoons and the attendant floods will not solve this problem.
(2) The Delhi Administration is seriously worried about the threat to civic health posed by the polluted waters of the Yamuna. Two main tanks are to be set up to treat sewage. At present, only 60 per cent of the 200 million gallons of the city’s sewage receives any kind of treatment before it is dumped into the river, which supplies water not only to this city but to innumerable towns and villages downstream. The Ganga, the Yamuna, the Kaveri, all our important rivers serving many urban conglomerations, are fast becoming a major source of diseases.
(3) A comprehensive bill introduced in the Parliament recently envisages the setting up of central and state boards to prevent and control water pollution. But it will take some time before legislation is passed and effectively implemented. Meanwhile, the problem continues to swell. According to a survey of eight dwelling countries conducted a couple of years ago, 90 per cent of all child deaths were due to water-borne diseases. It is the same unchanged story today.
(4) In a country like India, a burgeoning population continuing to use the open countryside as a lavatory means that with every dust storm and rain, human excreta laden with germs and parasites find their way to ponds, shallow wells and even the streams and rivers. Only 18 per cent of the rural folk have access to potable water.
(5) A new threat that has already assumed alarming proportions is industrial waste, generally dumped untreated into the nearest river. For instance, 30-40 liters of foul-smelling wastewater have to be disposed of for every kilogram of process hide. There are at least 900 licensed tanneries in the organized sector. Putrefied paper and jute waste, metallic salts and corrosive acids all find their way to the rivers of India.
(6) It is essential to make new laws to ensure water purity and realize the urgency of implementing them ruthlessly to avoid a national health disaster cutting across the barrier between towns and the countryside. On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.

(i) What is a threat to the residents of Delhi?
Ans. The Yamuna is over-polluted and there is lack of treatment of sewage.

(ii) What is the purpose of the bill mentioned in the passage?
Ans. It creates a Central and State Boards for control of water pollution.

(iii) According to the passage, what can cut through the barrier between the towns and villages?
Ans. Water pollution

(iv) Why are most child deaths in India due to water-borne diseases?
Ans. Due to the lack of potable water

(v) The industrial waste dumped in the river is/are:
Ans. Putrefied paper and jute waste, metallic waste, corrosive acids

(vi) What will be the most appropriate title for the passage?
Ans. Tackling Water Pollution

Section B (Writing and Grammar)

3. Attempt ANY ONE from (i) and (ii).
(i) You are Ashwin/ Ashwina Sharma, Warden of the hostel in Holy Public School, Allahabad. Write an enquiry letter the Marketing Manager, Premium Domestic Appliances, Allahabad, requesting a quotation for some electric items required for the hostel. Specify the number required of each item and request for credit in the terms of payment. 
(ii) Every four seconds a new baby is born in India, while the death ratio is very low. If the present trend continues serious consequences will be seen. Pressure is growing on the civic amenities. Over population has become a menace. Being an alert citizen, you feel strong about it and intend to spread awareness. In this regard, you decide to write a paragraph on, “Over Population – A Hazard” in about 150-200 words, taking help from the verbal input and visual stimulus given below: 

CBSE Class 10 English Term 2 Sample Paper Set C

Ans. (i) Holy Public School 
Cantt. Road
December 11, 20XX
The Marketing Manager
Premium Domestic Appliances
Subject: Requirement of electrical fixtures for hostel
Dear Sir
We require the following electrical fixtures for installation in our newly built school hostel for secondary students.

CBSE Class 10 English Term 2 Sample Paper Set C

Kindly send us your lowest quotations for the above items. You should offer us wholesale prices as the quantity required is large. Also mention the GST charges applied. Please confirm the mode of payment after receipt of goods in good condition.
We hope for an early reply.
Yours sincerely
Ashwina Sharma
(Hostel warden)

Over-Population – A Hazard

Over population has become a menace in present times. Every four seconds, a new baby is born in India while the death ratio is very low. The rise in population is taking its toll on the normal life. Pressure is growing on the basic amenities. The public transport services ply overcrowded with no space to breathe fresh air. Wherever you go, there are long queues. People can be seen waiting whether it is a hospital, a railway station, shops, gas-agencies, bus-stands and in fact, almost everywhere. Over population has led to unemployment also which further leads to social unrest among the youth. The cases of robbery, violence, eve-teasing are on a rise. The only solution to this problem is family-planning. People must be made aware of the dire consequences of overpopulation.
Awareness should be spread among the masses through campaigning or street plays so that people may understand that over-population must be checked. Impart family planning,
empowering women, making education entertaining and attractive, government incentives are some of the suggestions that control over population.

4. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line against which a blank has been given. Write the error and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

CBSE Class 10 English Term 2 Sample Paper Set C

Tourism is one in the biggest businesses
in the world generating on least
288 million job. It is vital for an
economies of many countries.
Ans. Error Correction
(a) in of
(b) on at
(c) an the

5. Read the conversation between a doctor and Ganesh given below and complete the passage that follows:

CBSE Class 10 English Term 2 Sample Paper Set C

Ganesh told Dr. Gautam that his wife was unwell and asked if he (a) __________ the total expense on her treatment would be. The doctor replied that (b) __________ for her treatment. Ganesh asked if there was any concession. The doctor refused to give any concession, and further stated that he wanted the complete amount together.
Ans. (a) might know 
(b) he will have to pay only six lacs

Section C (Literature)

6. Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each.

(i) How did the Loisels react when they realised that the necklace had been lost?
Ans. As soon as they realised that the necklace had been lost, their short-lived happiness degenerated into shock of the worst nightmare. Matilda uttered a cry. Loisel, already half undressed, arose in dismay and went immediately on foot in search of the necklace.

(ii) In the debate between NATURE and NURTURE, on which side might you find the poet, Walt Whitman? Support your stance with evidence.
Ans. According to me, the poet might be found on the side of NATURE. Because he believed that initially, both animals and humans possessed noble qualities. These virtues were natural to them. But later, humans lacked the qualities of being respectable, happy, contented and peace-loving, which is still reflected in animals.

(iii) Why was Kisa Gotami sad? What did she do in her hour of grief?
Ans. Kisa Gotami was sad because her only son had died. In her hour of grief, she went from house to house in search of a medicine to cure him. She had become selfish in wanting her son back.

(iv) Rajvir did his study before his visit to the tea plantation. Is it good to do one’s research before the start of a new venture or does it take away from the thrill of discovery? Elucidate your stance.
Ans. Indeed, Rajvir possessed qualities like time management, positivity and humility. His research before the start to Assam helped him to explore more about the place. Knowing about the destination and being familiar with the actual place is of utmost importance. Rajvir also surprised Pranjol’s father with his in-depth knowledge on the subject.

(v) Why did Richard Ebright raise a flock of butterflies?
Ans. Richard Ebright as a child had developed a keen interest for collecting things like rocks, fossils, coins and butterflies. By the time he reached his second grade, he had collected all the twenty-five species of butterflies found in Pennsylvania. He also started tagging the Monarch’s at the behest of the author, Dr. Frederick A. Urquhart.

(vi) How did Bholi find her school teacher different from her family members?
Ans. Bholi found her school teacher to be different from her family members because the teacher was a kind and considerate lady. She had a soft and soothing tone. She gave Bholi a lot of encouragement  and inspiration which she was not getting from her family.

(vii) Who was Lutkins? Did the narrator serve the summons that day? Why?
Ans. Oliver Lutkins was a man from New Mullion who was to be served a summon to testify for a pending court case. The narrator, the lawyer who was assigned the task, was cleverly tricked by Lutkins who exploited the gullibility of former and helped him chase himself, thus subjecting him to ridicule by the village folk.
No, the lawyer could not serve the summons that day for its obvious reason.

7. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120 words each.

(i) Imagine Matilda got to know that M Loisel had given her four hundred francs, which he had saved to buy a gun. How do you think she would have reacted?
Ans. I don’t think so she would have reacted any better. She was a self-conscious woman who only thought of her own comforts in life. Though her husband M. Loisel loved her dearly, she never  reciprocated in the same way as he did throughout the story. She was highly impulsive and impatient woman who reacted very angrily to the situation. Even if she would have come to know that M. Loisel had kept that money to buy that gun she would not have bothered as she wanted to look the best in the ball.

(ii) What really hurt the feelings of the narrator in the story, ‘The Hack Driver’?
Ans. The narrator was really fed up of his job. As he hated his work, he thought about running away to his own hometown and become a lawyer right away. He was always under the impression that the country people were honest, simple and helpful. Such impression made him gullible because he was easily befooled by the hack driver who was himself Oliver Lutkins. He took him around the village chasing himself. He not only charged him money for the ‘service’ but also subjected him to immense ridicule of his village folk and his mother. He felt like a fool who was easily coaxed into believing that Lutkins was someone else, whereas Lutkins was with him the whole day.
He felt really shameful of his act and realised that he should have done his homework more carefully about finding out the details of Oliver Lutkins before hand.

(iii) ‘‘Richard Ebright was a successful scientist who gave a new theory of cells to the scientific world’’. Elucidate.
Ans. Richard Ebright conducted an experiment on a flock of butterflies and raised the eggs of female  monarchs. In addition to this, he also studied the cause of a viral disease that killed all monarch  caterpillars. He also tried to find out similarities between viceroy butterflies and monarch. The study of insect hormones helped him in giving a new theory on the life of cells. Eventually, he was able to find the hormone behind the full development of a butterfly wings. All these experiments led him to conclude that cells grew from a monarch’s wings. He found that cells would divide and grow into a normal butterfly if they were fed a hormone that was found in the gold spots of the monarch. Hence, he proved a new theory which formed the blue print of DNA. The DNA is the substance in the nucleus of a cell that controls heredity. It determines the form and function of the cell. This DNA is the blueprint for life. The experiments conducted by Ebright amply showed him how to be a successful scientist.