MCQ Questions Chapter 4 Globalization and The Indian Economy Class 10 Social Science

MCQ Class 10

Please refer to MCQ Questions Chapter 4 Globalization and The Indian Economy Class 10 Social Science with answers provided below. These multiple-choice questions have been developed based on the latest NCERT book for class 10 Social Science issued for the current academic year. We have provided MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science for all chapters on our website. Students should learn the objective based questions for Chapter 4 Globalization and The Indian Economy in Class 10 Social Science provided below to get more marks in exams.

Chapter 4 Globalization and The Indian Economy MCQ Questions

Please refer to the following Chapter 4 Globalization and The Indian Economy MCQ Questions Class 10 Social Science with solutions for all important topics in the chapter.

MCQ Questions Answers for Chapter 4 Globalization and The Indian Economy Class 10 Social Science

Question. Cargill Food’s is the largest producer of which of the following in India?
(a) Medicine
(b) Asian paints
(c) Edible oil
(d) Garment



Question. Which one of the following organization lays stress on liberalization of foreign trade and foreign investment?-
(a) International Labour Organization
(b) International Monetary Fund
(c) World Health Organization
(d) World Trade Organization



Question. Which one of the following Indian industries has been hit hard by globalization?
(a) IT
(b) Toy Making
(c) Jute
(d) Cement



Question. Removing barriers or restrictions set by the government is called:
(a) Liberalization
(b) Investment
(c) Favorable trade
(d) Free trade



Question. What is the process of rapid integration or inter connection between countries called?
(a) Industrialization
(b) Globalization
(c) Liberalization
(d) Privatization



Question. Removal of barriers set by the government is known as
(a) Globalization
(b) Liberalization
(c) Industrialization
(d) Privatization



Question. Which one of the following is not a feature of multinational company? (AI 2011)
(a) It owns/controls production in more than one nation
(b) It set up factories where it is close to the markets
(c) It organized production in complex ways
(d) It employs labour only from its own country.



Question. The past two decades of globalization has seen rapid movements in
(a) Goods, service and people between countries
(b) Goods, services and investment between countries
(c) Goods, investments and people between countries



Question. Globalization has led to improvement in living conditions
(a) Of all people
(b) Of people in the developed countries
(c) Of workers in the developing countries
(d) None of the above



Question. Company that owns or controls production in more than one nation
(a) Foreign companies
(b) Government companies
(c) Multinational companies



Question. Benefits to local company of joint production with MNCs is
(i) Money from MNCs for additional investment
(ii) Moral and social support
(iii) Latest technology for productions
(iv) All of them
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iii)



Question. Cargill is now largest producer of edible oil in India, with a capacity to make_________ pouches daily.
(a) 6 million
(b) 5 million
(c) 4 million
(d) 55 million



Question. Ford motors came to India in
(a) 1996
(b) 1995
(c) 1994



Question. Rapid integration or interconnection between countries is known as
(a) Privatization
(b) Globalization
(c) Liberalization
(d) Socialization



Question. Tax on imports is an example of
(a) Terms of trade
(b) Collateral
(c) Trade barriers
(d) Foreign trade



Question. around which year, need for removing barriers on foreign trade and foreign investment in India was felt?
(a) 1990
(b) 1991
(c) 1992
(d) 2000



Question. Till 2006, how many members were there in WTO?
(a) 139
(b) 150
(c) 101
(d) 149



Question. Industries where small manufacturers have been hit hard due to competition.
(a) Batteries
(b) Tires
(c) Dairy products
(d) All of them



Question. To get large orders, Indian exporters try hard to cut their own costs by
(a) Reducing cost of raw materials
(b) Reducing advertising and marketing cost
(c) Reducing electricity cost
(d) Cutting labour cost



Question. It refers to globalization which creates opportunities for all and ensures that its benefits are better shared.
(a) Privatization
(b) Special economic zones (SEZ)
(c) WTO
(d) Fair globalization



Question. Which one of the following companies is NOT a multinational company?
(a) Tata Motors
(b) Reliance India Ltd.
(c) Ranbaxy
(d) Infosys



Question. The most common route for investments by MNCs in countries around the world is to:
(a) set up new factories
(b) buy existing local companies
(c) form partnerships with local companies
(d) none of these



Question. Which of the following country is NOT in the list of countries whom Ford Motors exporting its cars?
(a) South Africa
(b) Mexico
(c) Brazil
(d) All of these



Question. Which of the following company is the largest producer of edible oil in India?
(a) Parakh Foods
(b) Cargill Foods
(c) Mahindra and Mahindra
(d) None of the above



Question. Which of the following statement is NOT correct about a multinational company?
(a) It set up new factories for production.
(b) It may buy existing local companies to expand its business.
(c) It forms partnership with local companies.
(d) It does not have new technology and large huge money with it.



Question. ……………….. is an international organisation whose aim is to liberalise international trade:
(a) WTO
(b) UNDP
(c) World Bank
(d) MNC



Question. Which of the following statement clearly defines what an MNC is?
(a) A large company that owns or controls production in more than one nation.
(b) A large company that owns or controls raw material for production
(c) A large company that deals in automobiles
(d) All of these



Question. Large MNCs in developed countries place orders for production with small producers which include:
(a) Garments
(b) Footwear
(c) Sports
(d) All of these



Question. Choose the correct statement about factors of globalisation in India:
I. Improvement in transportation technology.
II. Liberalisation of foreign trade and foreign investment.
III. Favourable rules of World Trade Organisation towards India in comparison to developed countries.
Choose the correct options from the codes given below:
(a) Only I and II
(b) Only I and III
(c) Only II and III
(d) Only III



Question. Which of the following attributes are NOT determined by an MNC?
(a) Price. Quality, delivery and raw material
(b) Price, labour conditions, quality, delivery
(c) Delivery and price only
(d) Raw material and transport cost



Question. With what objective was World Trade Organisation set up?
(a) To liberalise international trade
(b) To allow free trade for all
(c) To establish rules regarding international trade
(d) All of these



Question. Read Source given below and answer the questions that follow:
The above evidence indicates that not everyone has benefited from globalisation.
People with education, skill and wealth have made the best use of the new opportunities.
On the other hand, there are many people who have not shared the benefits. Since globalisation is now a reality, the question is how to make globalisation more ‘fair’?
Fair globalisation would create opportunities for all, and also ensure that the benefits of globalisation are shared better.
Identify which of the following statements is not true about Globalization.
(a) Globalisation is the process of rapid integration between countries.
(b) It is movement of more and more investments and technology between countries.
(c) Globalisation is introduction of restrictions or barriers by the government.
(d) It is movement of more and more goods and services between countries.



Correct and Rewrite/ True-False
Question. Correct the following statement and rewrite it:
The removal of barriers or restrictions by the government is known as globalisation.


The removal of barriers or restrictions by the government is called liberalisation.

Question. Correct the following statement and rewrite it:
International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organisation whose aim is to liberalise international trade.


WTO is an organisation whose aim is to liberalise international trade.

Fill in the Blanks
Question. ……………….. results in connecting the markets or integration of markets in different countries.


Foreign trade

Question. ………………… is process of rapid integration or interconnection between countries.



Question. ……………….. refers to some restrictions including tax on imports which governments can use to increase or decrease foreign trade and to decide what kind of goods and how much of each, should come into the country.


Trade barrier

Question. ……………….. is the freedom of markets and abolition of state imposed restrictions on the movement of goods.



Question. What is the basic function of foreign trade ?


Foreign trade helps in the integration of markets in different countries.

Match the Following

Question. Match the following key terms given in column A with their meanings in column B:

Column A (Key Terms)Column B (Meanings)
(a) Globalisation(i) Investment by multinationals
(b) Liberalisation(ii) Controlling foreign trade
(c) Tax barrier(iii) Integration between economies
(d) Foreign investment(iv) Removing trade barriers

Answer :

Column A (Key Terms)Column B (Meanings)
(a) Globalisation(iii) Integration between economies
(b) Liberalisation(iv) Removing trade barriers
(c) Tax barrier(ii) Controlling foreign trade
(d) Foreign investment(i) Investment by multinationals

Question. Match the following Indian companies from column A with the products these companies deal in from column B:

Column A (Indian Companies)Column B (Products these companies deal in)
(a) Tata Motors(i) IT
(b) Infosys(ii) Automobiles
(c) Ranbaxy(iii) Paints
(d) Asian Paints(iv) Medicines

Answer :

Column A (Indian Companies)Column B (Products these companies deal in)
(a) Tata Motors(ii) Automobiles
(b) Infosys(i) IT
(c) Ranbaxy(iv) Medicines
(d) Asian Paints(iii) Paints
MCQ Questions Chapter 4 Globalization and The Indian Economy Class 10 Social Science

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