Madam Rides the Bus Class 10 English Important Questions

Important Questions Class 10

Please refer to Chapter 9 Madam Rides the Bus Class 10 English Important Questions with solutions provided below. These questions and answers have been provided for Class 10 English based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Students should learn these problem solutions as it will help them to gain more marks in examinations. We have provided Important Questions for Class 10 English for all chapters in your book. These Board exam questions have been designed by expert teachers of Standard 10.

Class 10 English Important Questions Madam Rides the Bus Chapter 9

Short Answer Type Questions :

Question. Why was Valli overcome with shyness and avoided everyone’s eyes?
Ans. It was the slack time of the day. There were only six or seven passengers on the bus. They were all looking at Valli and laughing with the conductor. Valli was overcome with shyness. She tried to avoid everyone’s eyes. She walked quickly to an empty seat and sat down.

Question. How did Valli board the bus? Why did she say, ‘I can get on by myself’?
Ans. — sighted the bus she shouted ‘Stop the bus! Stop the bus!’ — raised her tiny hand ‘commandingly’. The bus slowed down and finally stopped — told the conductor that she wanted to go to the town and she tried to handover the money. The conductor seeing that she was just a child, stretched out his hand to help her up — replied that she could get on by herself and didn’t need any help.

Question. How did Valli react when the conductor called her ‘a very grown-up madam?’’
Ans. — bus conductor teased Valli by calling her ‘a very grown-up madam’ — Valli — reacted sharply saying that she was not a madam — reminded him that he had not yet given her ticket — conductor mimicked her tone and said, ‘I’ll remember’ — Everyone laughed and gradually Valli too joined in the laughter.

Question. Why didn’t Valli get off the bus when the bus stopped at the town?
Ans. Valli’s destination, the nearest town from her village, had come. Everyone got off except Valli. The conductor reminded that her destination had come and she should get off the bus. Valli told him that she was going back on the same bus. She handed thirty more coins to the conductor and asked for the ticket. She just felt like having a bus ride again.

Question. What was Valli’s deepest desire? Find words and phrases in the story that tell you this.
Ans. The deepest desire of Valli was to enjoy a bus ride. The bus plied from her village to the nearest town. The following words and phrases tell us this:
‘… fascinating things’, ‘sight of the bus’, ‘unending joy’, ‘tiny wish’, ‘overwhelming desire, etc’.

Question. What was the favourite pastime of Valli?
Ans. Valliammai or Valli was eight years old. Her favourite pastime was standing in the front doorway of her house. From there, she watched what was happening in the street outside. For her, standing at the front door was as enjoyable as any of the games other children played.

Question. What was the tiny wish that crept into Valli’s head?
Ans. The sight of the bus was the most fascinating thing for Valli. Day after day she watched the bus. A tiny wish crept into her head. She wanted to ride on that bus. At least, just once. This wish became so strong that it grew into an overwhelming desire.

Question. Why does Valli refuse to look out of the window on her way back?
Ans. While on her way back home — saw a young cow lying dead by the roadside — Perhaps — was the same beautiful cow she had seen a while ago — was looking horrible and frightening — a fixed stare in her lifeless eyes and her body was smeared with blood — lost all enthusiasm and excitement — didn’t feel like looking outside.

Question. How careful and painstaking elaborate plans did Valli have to make for her first journey and how did she save money for it?
Ans. — had to make careful and painstaking plans for her first bus journey — Saving sixty paise for the both ways fare was not an easy job — saved thriftily every stray coin that came in her way — had to give up the temptation of buying peppermints, toys and balloons and stifle her desire to ride on the merry-go-round.

Question. What did Valli see when she peered over the blind?
Ans. — found that a canvas blind cut off her view — peered over the blind to look outside — bus was going along the bank of a canal — Beyond it were palm trees and grassland and distant mountains — acres of green fields as far as her eyes could see.

Question. How did Valli plan her bus ride? What did she find out about the bus, and how did she save up the fare?
Ans. — did a lot of planning for her bus ride — She thriftily saved sixty paise resisting the temptation of buying toys, peppermints and balloons — listened to the conversations of her neighbours who were regular bus commuters — even questioned them to get all the details about the bus journey.

Question. Why does the conductor refer to Valli as a ‘madam’?
Ans. Valli was just eight years old — was enjoying the bus journey all alone — was annoyed if anyone called her a ‘child’ or thought so — made it clear that she could take care of herself and didn’t need anyone’s help — the conductor, who was fond of joking called her ‘madam’ — was behaving as if — were a grown up lady.

Question. What was the most fascinating thing that Valli saw on the street? 
Ans. Watching the bus travel between her village and the nearest town — the most fascinating thing for Valli — sight of the bus always filled each time with new set of passengers — source of unending joy for Valli.

Question. Why didn’t Valli like the remark of the elderly man? What did she say to him?
Ans. An elderly man saw Valli standing in the bus. He asked her to sit down. He had honestly felt concerned for her. Valli didn’t like to be called herself a ‘child’. She retorted that she was not a child. She had paid thirty paise like everyone else.

Question. Why did Valli find the elderly woman absolutely repulsive?
Ans. The elderly woman who was sitting beside Valli in the bus looked absolutely repulsive to Valli. She had big holes in her ears and had ugly earrings in them. She didn’t relish the smell of the betel nut that she was chewing. The betel juice was about to spill over her lips at any moment. She couldn’t be social with such a woman.

Question. Why did Valli listen to the conversations? What did she get from them?
Ans. — anxious to know more and more about the bus journey — had nourished a strong desire to enjoy a bus ride from her village to the nearest town — listened to the neighbours and people who regularly used the bus — was collecting the necessary details from them to plan out her bus journey — Such details could help her in her mission.

Question. Why did Valli laugh until there were tears in her eyes?
Ans. — saw a young cow running very fast in the middle of the road — right in front of the bus — bus slowed down to a crawl — driver sounded the horn loudly again and again — more he honked, the more frightened the animal became and galloped right in front of the bus — laughed until there were tears in her eyes.

Question. Find the lines in the text which tell you that Valli was enjoying her ride on the bus.
Ans. The following lines clearly tell us that Valli was enjoying the bus journey:
(i) ‘She went on seeing as far as her eyes could see.’ She uttered, ‘Oh, it was all so wonderful!’
(ii) ‘… Valli suddenly clapped her hands with glee.’
(iii) ‘The scene made her laugh until there were tears in her eyes.’
(iv) ‘Struck with wonder, Valli gaped at everything.’

Question. What does Valli mean when she says, “I was just agreeing with what you said about things happening without our knowledge.”
Ans. Valli returned home after the bus ride. At that time her mother was talking with an aunt. They were talking about things happening without their knowledge in the world outside. Valli also agreed to their view because she had enjoyed a bus journey and they didn’t know about it. Sometimes we know the things but can’t understand.

Question. What was the next problem after Valli had enough money?
Ans. After she had saved enough money, Valli had her next problem. It was how to slip out of the house without her mother’s knowledge. She solved this problem easily. Every day after lunch her mother would nap from about one to four or so. She could easily venture out on her mission.

Question. Why didn’t Valli want to have a look at the sights alone?
Ans. The conductor asked if Valli didn’t want to have a look at the sights in the town — replied — would be too afraid to visit them all alone — the conductor reminded that she was travelling all alone by bus — replied that there was nothing to be afraid of in the bus.

Question. How did Valli calculate and plan the bus journey?
Ans. Valli had gathered all the necessary details about the bus journey from those who regularly used the bus. The town was six miles from her village. The one-way fare was thirty paise. The trip to the town took forty-five minutes. If she took the one o’clock bus, she could reach the town at one fortyfive. She calculated that she could be back home by about two forty-five.

Question. What dampened Valli’s enthusiasm during the return journey?
Ans. During her return journey — saw a young cow lying dead by the side of the road — was the same lovable and beautiful cow that she saw only a little while ago. Now, it looked so horrible and frightening as it lay there — was a fixed stare in her lifeless eyes and she was smeared with blood — the sight dampened her enthusiasm and she stopped looking outside.

Question. Why did Valli smile to herself? Did her mother and aunt had any chance of knowing the secret of her smile?
Ans. — agreed with her mother that many things were happening outside in the world without their knowledge — the two ladies didn’t know anything about Valli’s bus-journey — didn’t know that ‘just a chit of a girl’ had done such a great feat. Valli smiled to herself — no chance of her secret being exposed.

Question. What kind of a person is Valli? To answer this question, pick out the following sentences from the text and fill in the blanks. The words you fill in are the clues to your answer.
(i) “Stop the bus! Stop the bus!” And a tiny hand was raised…….
(ii) “Yes, I …… go to town,” said Valli, still standing outside the bus.
(iii) “There’s nobody here ……,” she said haughtily. “I have paid my thirty paise like everyone else.”
(iv) “Never mind,” she said, “I can …… . You don’t have to help me. I’m not a child, I tell you,” she said …… .
(v) “You needn’t bother about me. I …..,” Valli said, turning her face towards the window and staring out.
(vi) Then she turned to the conductor and said, “Well, sir, I hope …… .”
Ans. (i) commandingly
(ii) simply have to
(iii) who’s a child
(iv) get on by myself; haughtily
(v) can take care of myself
(vi) to see you again

Question. Why didn’t Valli accept a free drink from the bus conductor? What does this act show about her character?
Ans. The bus conductor asked Valli to let him bring her a cold drink. She replied that she didn’t have enough money for that. He should just give him her ticket. The conductor offered to give it totally free. She said firmly, ‘Please, no.’ This shows how proud and self-respecting Valli was.

Question. Did Valli’s bus ride remain a secret for her mother and aunt?
Ans. When Valli entered her house, she found her mother awake and talking to one of her aunts. Her aunt was a real chatterbox. She asked where she had been so far. Valli’s mother spoke casually. She didn’t expect a reply. Both these ladies could know nothing about Valli’s pleasure ride on the bus.

Question. The author describes the things that Valli sees from an eight-year-old’s point of view. Can you find evidence from the text for this statement?
Ans. These are the evidences from the text for this statement:
(i) The most fascinating thing for her was the bus.
(ii) She travelled between her village and the nearest town.
(iii) Valli devoured everything with her eyes.
(iv) It was all so wonderful for her!
(v) She was very happy to see the canal, palm trees, grasslands, distant mountains and the blue sky.
(vi) Struck dumb with wonder.
(vii) Valli gaped at everything.

Long Answer Type Questions :

Question. What did standing at the front door mean to Valli?
Ans. Valliammai or Valli was just ‘a chit of a girl’. She was eight years old. She was very curious about things. She was always anxious to gather all details, why and how about things. She was not very social either. She had no playmates of her own age in her neighbourhood. Naturally, she could not play games with friends. But, she more than compensated this drawback. Her favourite pastime was standing in the front doorway of her house. Standing there, she could watch what was happening in the street outside. But for Valli, standing at the front door was very enjoyable. Actually, it was as enjoyable as any of the games other children played. Watching the street gave her many new unusual experiences. The most fascinating of all these scenes was the scene of the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town. Seeing a new set of passengers every time, she also wished to have the bus ride, at least for once.

Question. Do you think that Valli enjoyed her first ride on a bus? Give examples in support of your answer.
Ans. Valli’s first bus ride — full of excitement and enthusiasm — devoured everything with her eyes —  stood up on the seat to have a full view of things outside — the bus was going along the bank of a canal — Beyond it, there were palms, grasslands and distant mountains — a deep ditch green field stretched out as far as the eye could see — the bus went past the railway station, the bright looking shops and glittering displays of clothes and other merchandise in them — clapped her hands with glee — saw a young cow with her raised tail in the air running very fast just in the middle of the road — sounded horn loudly again and again — the more he honked, more frightened the cow became. Faster it galloped—always right in front of the bus. very funny to Valli — laughed and laughed until there were tears in her eyes.

Question. What was Valli’s obsession? How did she prepare and save money for her first bus journey?


How did Valli plan for her first bus journey?
Ans. The most fascinating sight for Valli was seeing the bus that travelled from her village to the nearest town. A tiny wish crept into her head. She wanted to ride on that bus, at least for once. This wish became stronger until it was an overwhelming desire. She listened to the conversations of her neighbours and people. They regularly used the bus. She found out after questioning them that the both ways fare was sixty paise. It took forty-five minutes to reach the town. It was six miles from her village.
After gathering all necessary details, Valli started saving money thriftily. She saved every coin that came her way. It was not an easy job for a girl of eight years. She had to resist her temptation of buying peppermints, toys, balloons and having a ride on the merry-go-round. When the money problem was solved, another problem was solved quite easily. She planned her journey during one to four o’clock when her mother took a nap in the afternoon. All such elaborate planning led Valli to have an enjoyable first bus journey.

Question. Give a character-sketch of Valli in your own words by giving examples from the text.
Ans. — emerges as a very clever, sensitive, self-respecting and fun-loving girl —was just eight years old — was very curious about things — was a good observer of things — favourite pastime was standing in the front doorway of her house — used to watch from there what was happening in the street outside — no playmates of her own age in the neighbourhood — Standing at the door was as enjoyable for her as any of the games children played.
— was mature, clever and practical beyond her years — Saving sixty paise was not an easy job for a girl of her age — thriftily saved every coin that came in her way — was determined to resist any temptation that came in her way — sacrificed buying peppermints, toys, balloons and having a joy ride on a merry-go-round to save her money.
—was full of excitement and enthusiasm — enjoyed the landscape looking outside the window — the canal, palm trees, grassland, distant mountains and green fields gave her tremendous pleasure — The sight of a young cow running towards the bus at full speed enthused her — The more the driver honked, the more frightened the animal became and came just in front of the bus — enjoyed the fun and laughed till tears came into her eyes.
— was a very sensitive girl — was shocked to see the same cow lying on the roadside smeared with blood — horrible and frightening looks dampened her enthusiasm — stopped looking outside — didn’t like being called a ‘madam’ or ‘a child’ — dared the conductor to mind his own business — was a self-respecting girl — didn’t accept a free cold drink offered by the bus conductor — was a great planner and planned things after knowing all necessary details about them.

Question. Describe Valli’s interaction with (i) the conductor (ii) with the old gentleman (iii) with the elderly repulsive woman.
Ans. The conductor was a jolly sort of person. He was fond of joking. He enjoyed teasing Valli with his gentle comic remarks. He called her ‘madam’. Valli reacted sharply replying that she was not a ‘madam’. The conductor showed his concern when he tried to help her up, she told him that she could help herself. Valli showed that she was a self-respecting girl. She politely refused to accept a free drink from the conductor.
The old gentleman was honestly concerned when he found Valli standing in the bus. ‘Listen child … you shouldn’t stand like that’, he said. Valli was annoyed by his attention and replied promptly that she was not a child. She had paid her thirty paise like everyone else.
The elderly woman who sat beside her, was quite repulsive to Valli. Valli didn’t like the big holes in her ears and the ugly earrings in them. Nor did Valli relish the unpleasant smell that came from the betel nut she was chewing. She couldn’t be social with such a person.

Question. Describe what Valli saw during her bus journey. How did the scenes and sights affect her?
Ans. — was really excited — her first bus journey — ‘devoured’ everything with her eyes — look outside, her view was cut off by a canvas blind — stood up on the seat and peered over the blind — watched the bus passing along the bank of a canal — saw palm trees, grasslands, distant mountains and the vast blue sky — Acres of green fields stretched out as far as her eyes could see — the bus went past the railway station, the bright looking shops and through the busy crossroads — One funny scene cheered her. A young cow ran in front of the bus. She was just in the middle of the road — The more the driver honked, the more frightened the cow became — laughed till tears were in her eyes — another sight dampened her enthusiasm — the same cow which looked so lovable and beautiful a while ago was lying dead beside the road — A fast running vehicle had struck her dead — the same cow was looking so horrible and frightening that Valli stopped looking outside — In short, the canal, mountains, palms, grasslands and the blue sky enthused and thrilled Valli — the repulsive elderly woman chewing the betel nut and the dead cow dampened her enthusiasm during the journey.

Extract Based Questions :

1. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:

There was a girl named Valliammai who was called Valli for short. She was eight years old and very curious about things. Her favourite pastime was standing in the front doorway of her house, watching what was happening in the street outside. There were no playmates of her own age on her street, and this was about all she had to do. But for Valli, standing at the front door was every bit as enjoyable as any of the elaborate games other children played. Watching the street gave her many new unusual experiences.

Question. How was she different from other children?
Ans. Unlike other children, she had no playmates. She did not play games, but watched the street before her house.

Question. What was her favourite pastime?
Ans. Her favourite pastime was standing at the front door of her house.

Question. How old was Valli?
Ans. Valli was eight years old.

Question. Why was watching the street pleasant for her?
Ans. Watching the street gave her many new and unusual experiences.

Question. Why did she stand alone at the door?
Ans. She stood alone watching what was happening in the street.

2. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:

The conductor was a jolly sort, fond of joking. “Oh, please don’t be angry with me, my fine madam,” he said. “Here, have a seat right up there in front. Everybody move aside, please—make way for madam.” It was the slack time of day, and there were only six or seven passengers on the bus. They were all looking at Valli and laughing with the conductor. Valli was overcome with shyness. Avoiding everyone’s eyes, she walked quickly to an empty seat and sat down.”

Question. Why were there only six or seven passengers in the bus?
Ans. It was the slack time of the day, therefore, there were not many passengers in the bus.

Question. What did he ask others to do?
Ans. He asked others to make way for ‘madam’ Valli.

Question. Why did she choose the afternoon bus?
Ans. Her mother used to take a nap in the afternoon. So, to make two-ways journey, the afternoon bus was the good choice of her.

Question. How did Valli feel at that time?
Ans. Valli was overcome with shyness and avoided everyone’s eyes.

Question. What was the nature of the conductor?
Ans. The conductor was a jolly person who was fond of joking.

3. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:

Over many days and months Valli listened carefully to conversations between her neighbours and people who regularly used the bus, and she also asked a few discreet questions here and there. This way she picked up various small details about the bus journey. The town was six miles from her village. The fare was thirty paise one way.

Question. How did Valli save the bus fare?
Ans. She had to suppress her wants to save the bus fare which was difficult for a child of her age.

Question. How was Valli related to the passengers?
Ans. Most of them were her neighbours.

Question. What quality of her character is shown here?
Ans. She was a sincere girl.

Question. What do you understand by ‘a few discreet questions’.
Ans. Various details needed by Valli for her first bus ride.

Question. Why did she need small details of the bus ride?
Ans. Because she had never rode a bus.