Assignments Class 10 Social Science The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Assignments for Class 10

Please refer to Assignments Class 10 Social Science The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Chapter 1 with solved questions and answers. We have provided Class 10 Social Science Assignments for all chapters on our website. These problems and solutions for Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 Social Science have been prepared as per the latest syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. Learn these solved important questions to get more marks in your class tests and examinations.

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Assignments Class 10 Social Science


Question. What was the result of the first upheaval that took place in France in July 1830?
Ans : It resulted in the overthrowing of the Bourbon kings and installation of a constitutional monarch with Louis Philippe as the head.

Question. Mention the proclamation of the French Revolution.
Ans : The proclamation of the French Revolution was “the people would constitute the nation and shape its destiny.”

Question. Name the event that mobilized nationalist feelings among the educated elite across Europe in 1830-1848?
Ans : The Greek war of independence mobilized nationalist feelings among the educated elite across Europe in 1830-1848.

Question. What was the main aim of the revolutionaries of Europe during the years following 1815?
Ans : Their main aim was to oppose the monarchial form of government and fight for liberty and freedom.

Question. What was the meaning of liberalism in early 19th century in Europe?
Ans : Liberalism in early 19th century in Europe meant freedom for the individual, equality before law, government by consent and freedom of markets.

Question. What was the major change that occurred in the political and constitutional scenario due to French revolution in Europe?
Ans : The major changes that occurred in the political and constitutional scenario due to French revolution in Europe were the end of the absolute monarch with the transfer of sovereignty from the monarchy to a body of French people.

Question. Why did big European powers meet in Berlin in 1885?
Ans : In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, merchants from the towns in Europe began moving to the countryside, supplying money to peasants and artisans, persuading them to produce for an international market.

Question. Name the treaty of 1832 that recognized Greece as an independent nation.
Ans : It was the Treaty of Constantinople that recognized Greece as an independent nation.

Question. What was the main aim of the French Revolutionaries?
Ans : Their main aim was to transfer of sovereignty from the monarchy to a body of French people by creating a sense of collective identity amongst the French people.

Question. Name the region Whose inhabitants were broadly known as Slavs?
Ans. Balkan

Question. Who spearheaded the protestant movement in Ireland?
Ans. Volftone

Question. Which Principle was propounded by Montesquieu?
Ans. Segrigation of power

Question. Which Treaty recognized Greece as an independent Nation?
Ans. Treaty of constitinople

Question. Who was Frederic Sorrieu?
Ans. French Artist

Question. What was zollvereinl How was it responsible for the economic unification of Germany?
Ans. A custom union, mostly German states. Established in 1834 which ended the tarrif barrier and reducedthe currencies from over thirty to two. This way it was a symbol of economic unification.

Question. Who was Duke Metternich?
Ans. Austrian Chancellor

Question. Find the correct Match.
A. Bismarck – Italy
B. Mazzini – Germany
C. Cavour – Britian
D. Meternich – Austria
Ans. D. Metternich – Austria

Question. Which of the following is not classified on the basis of status of development?
(a) Potential resource
(b) Developed stock resource
(c) Reserve resource
(d) Renewable resource
Ans. (d) Renewable resource

Question. Everthing available in our environment to satisfy our needs is termed as:
(a) Technology
(b) Resource
(c) Natural vegetation
(d) None of these
Ans. (b) Resource

Question. Which state amont the north eastern states has been fully surveyed for its land use?
(a) Arunachal pradesh
(b) Manipur
(c) Tripura
(d) Assam
Ans. (d) Assam

Question. …………. soil is also known as regur and ideal for growing …………..
Ans. Black, cotton

Question. …………… aimed at achieving global sustainable development.
Ans. Agenda 21

Question. The running water cuts through the clayey soils and makes deep channels called ravines. Correct the Statement.
Ans. Gullies in place of ravines.

Question. Waste land includes forests, pastures and grazine land. Correct the Statement.
Ans. Waste land includes, rocky, arid and desert areas.

Question. Khadar soil is more fertile than bangar and has kanker modules. Correct the Statement.
Ans. Khadar soil is more fertile than bangar and has fine particles.

Question. Assertion: Resources are free gifts of nature.
Reason: Resources like soil, air, water are available in nature.
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If A is true and R is false.
(d) If A is false R is true.
Ans. (c) If A is true and R is false.

Question. Assertion: The availability of resources is not the only necessary condition for the development of any region.
Reason: Not only availability of resource but also corresponding change in technology is necessary for the development of any region.
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If A is true and R is false.
(d) If A is false R is true.
Ans. (a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.


Question. Describe any three reforms introduced by Napoleon in the territories he conquered.
Ans : The three reforms introduced by Napoleon in the territories he conquered were:
a. Napoleon introduced the Civil Code in the year
1804 which was also called as the Napoleon Code. It was introduced in order to abolish the privileges which were based on birth, to establish equality before the law and to give the right to property to all.
b. He also introduced a system of uniform weight and measures and a system of common currency for the nation which helped the people in trade from one region to another.
c. He had changed the system of transport and communications and made it more advanced.

Question. Explain the contribution of Otto van Bismarck in German unification.
Ans : The movement of unification of Germany was leaded by Prussia. The chief minister of Prussia (Otto von Bismarck) became the main architect in the process of unification of Germany.
The process of unification of Germany was taken up by him with the help of the Prussian
army and the bureaucracy. He infused the feeling of nationalism in the minds of the people. Three wars were fought with Austria, Denmark and France over seven years and defeated Austria, Denmark and France which’ finally ended with the Prussian victory and thus completed the process of unification of Germany.

Question. Culture had played an important role in the development of nationalism in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries. Support the statement with examples.
How did nationalism develop through culture in Europe? Explain.
Ans : It is true to say that culture had played an important role in the development of nationalism in Europe during the 18th and 19th centimes. This can be justified with the following examples:
a. Romanticism and cultural movements in Greece helped in developing the feeling of nationalism, sense of togetherness and love for the country through language, art, poetry, stories, folk songs, music and the past experiences.
b. Karol Kurpinski was able to develop the feeling of nationalist through his operas, music and folk dances.
c. The Poland people were fighting with Russia for their language and culture.

Question. How did a wave of economic nationalism strengthen the wider nationalist sentiments growing in Europe? Explain.
Ans : The following are the ways through which a wave of economic nationalism strengthen the wider nationalist sentiments growing in Europe:
a. The demand for the unconstrained transfer of commodities and people.
b. The formation of Zollverein.
c. The formation of the railway network which increased the mobility and strengthen the economic condition.

Question. Explain the conditions that were viewed as obstacles to the economic exchange and growth by the new commercial classes during the 19th century in Europe.
Ans : The following were the conditions that were viewed as obstacles to the economic exchange and growth by the new commercial classes during the 19th century in Europe:
a. Restrictions were put on the movement of goods, capital and the people by many states.
b. There was a problem of time consuming calculations due to the different system of weights and measures in different confederations.
c. There was a problem of price rise and delay in supply of goods due to so many check posts and custom duties.

Question. Describe any three economic hardships faced by Europe in 1830s.
‘Great economic hardships in Europe prevailed in 1830’s’. Support the statement with arguments.
Why was the decade of 1830 is known as great economic hardships in Europe? Explain any three reasons.
Ans : The three economic hardships faced by Europe in 1830s were:
a. High rise in population led to the unemployment condition and scarcity of jobs.
b. The small producers faced stiff competition due to the import of cheap machine goods from England.
c. Due to the burden of the feudal dues and taxes, there was bad harvest.
d. There was rise in the prices of food grains due to the bad harvest which made the condition of the common people miserable.

Question. How had the female figures become an allegory of the nation during the 19th century in Europe? Analyse.
Ans :The following are the ways by which the female figures become an allegory of the nation during the 19th century in Europe:
a. The artists started personifying the nation with female figures in the 18th and 19th century which was an abstract idea that gave a concrete form to the nation. Hence, the female figure became the allegory of the nation.
b. In France, the statues of Christene Marianne were erected in the public square and also marked on the coins and the stamps. It was the figure of Liberty with the red cap, the tricolor and the cockade.
c. In Germany, Germania became the allegory wearing a crown of oak leaves because the German oak symbolizes heroism.

Question. What were Jacobin clubs? How did then- activities and campaigns help to spread the idea of nationalism abroad? Explain.
Ans : The political clubs in Europe formed by the educated middle class for the replacement of autocratic regimes by the democratic government called the Jacobin clubs. Their activities and campaigns helped to spread the idea of nationalism abroad in the following ways:
a. The French armies were able to move into Holland, Belgium and Switzerland.
b. The French armies were able to spread the ideas of nationalism in other countries of the world after the outbreak of the revolutionary wars.

Question. Explain any three measures introduced by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people.
Ans : The three measures introduced by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people were:
a. The idea of la patrie and le Citoyen helped the people enjoying the equal rights under a constitution.
b. The former royal standard flag was replaced by a new French tricolor flag.
c. The new estate general was elected.
d. New hymns were composed and martyrs were commemorated.
e. The regional dialects were discouraged in France and French was declared the common language of the nation.

Question. Describe in brief the process by which the ‘British nation’ came into existence.
Ans : The formation of Britain or the unification of Britain was a result of long drawn parliamentary process. Before the 18th century there was no such nation called Britain. It was all comprised by the English, welsh, scot and Irish lived in the British Isles. All these regions had their own cultural and political traditions. Gradually England grew in importance due to its rising wealth and power which resulted in expansion of her influence over the other countries in that region.
In the year 1707, the act of union between England and Scotland resulted in the formation of United Kingdom of Great Britain. Finally, the British nation had its own English culture, British flag, national anthem and English language.

Question. Explain the process of unification of Italy.
Ans : a. Giuseppe Mazzini started initiative for the unification of Italy. He formed a secret society called ‘Young Italy’.
b. King Victor Emmanuel II tried to unify Italian states through war.
c. Further Victor Emmanuel II was supported and helped by Chief Minister Cavour and large number of armed volunteers under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi.

Question. Explain the process of unification of Germany.
Ans : a. The efforts of installing a constitutional monarchy in Germany with the help of political associations were failed by the year 1848. The failure of the Frankfurt parliament clearly indicated that Germany can be unified only with the combined effort of the monarchy and the army.
b. The movement of unification of Germany was leaded by Prussia. There the chief minister of Prussia (Otto von Bismarck) became the main architect in the process of unification of Germany.
c. Three wars were fought with Austria, Denmark and France over seven years which finally ended with the Prussian victory and then after the process of unification of Germany was completed.

Question. Discuss the process of the unification of Germany.

Assignments Class 10 Social Science The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Question. Which factors were responsible for the rise of nationalism in Europe?
Ans. Reasons for the rise of Nationalism-
(i) Growth of Nation-states
(ii) Encouragement of democratic rights.
(iii) Enforcement on Social, Political and Economic equality
(iv) Demand of human rights in different nations
(v) Revolutionary reactions in absolute monarchical systems.

Question. “Napoleon’s administrative measures had revolutionized the whole administration”. Comment.
Ans. Napoleonic Code
(i) Improvement In the rural administrative system
(ii) Improvement in urban area
(iii) Improvement in Trade

Question. What were the main stages of the unification of Italy? What were the main problems?

Assignments Class 10 Social Science The Rise of Nationalism in Europe


Question. Describe the process of unification of Britain.
Ans : The unification of Britain was not the result of any revolution but it was a long drawn-out process. Earlier, Britain was comprised of English, Welsh, Scot or Irish. But in all these, English nations grew in importance and power so was able to dominate over other nations of Britain. The English parliament came into power in
1688 with England at its centre.
a. The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland resulted in formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain’. This means England was able to dominate Scotland.
b. Ireland was divided into Catholic and Protestants. The English helped the Protestants to gain control over Catholic country. Catholic revolted against British but they were suppressed and Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in 1801. A new British nation’ came through the propagation of English culture, the British flag (Union Jack), the national anthem (God Save Our Noble Ring), and the English language.

Question. Analyse the measures and practices introduced by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people.
Ans : The measures and practices introduced by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people were:
a. The idea of La patrie and Le citoyen helped the people enjoying the equal rights under a constitution.
b. The former royal standard flag was replaced by a new French tricolor flag.
c. The new estate general was elected.
d. New hymns were composed and martyrs were commemorated.
e. The regional dialects were discouraged in France and French was declared the common language of the nation.

Question. Explain any four ideas of liberal nationalists in the economic sphere.
Ans : The four ideas of liberal nationalists in the economic sphere were:
a. They demanded the freedom of markets and restrictions to be abolished which were imposed by the state.
b. They were in demand for the creation of the unified economic territory.
c. They wanted the currency disparities to be balanced.
d. They wanted to follow the uniform weights and measurement.
e. They demanded good infrastructure for their economic interests.

Question. ‘Nationalism no longer retained its idealistic liberal democratic sentiments by the last quarter of the 19th century in Europe.’ Analyse the statement with examples.
Ans : It is true to say that Nationalism no longer retained its idealistic liberal democratic sentiments by the last quarter of the 19th century in Europe. It was so due to the following reasons:
a. Nationalism started becoming narrower in belief with inadequate ends.
b. Now the concept of nationalism was changing in its meaning as more area of influence.
c. The nationalists were manipulated by the chief European authorities.
d. The problem of Balkan state was not solved rather it was being watched by the countries to become fruitful for them.

Question. Describe the explosive conditions that prevailed in Balkans after 1871 in Europe.
Ans : The explosive conditions that prevailed in the Balkans after 1871 were:
a. The modern day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia etc. were comprised together called the Balkans. They had conflict with one another on the basis of feelings of nationalism.
b. The different Balkan regions were jealous of each other and always for their own identity.
c. They wanted to gain more territory at the expense of the others.
d. Balkans also became the scene of big power rivalry. Each power-Russia, Germany, England were keen to take hold on Balkans.
e. The Balkans people used history to prove that they had once been independent. So, they became nationalist and rebellious to win back their long- lost independence.


Question. Read the extracts and answer the following questions.
Economists began to think in terms of the national economy. They talked of how the nation could develop and what economic measures could help forge this nation together.

Friedrich List, Professor of Economics at the University of Tubingen in Germany, wrote in 1834: The aim of the zollverein is to bind the Germans economically into a nation. It will strengthen the nation materially as much by protecting its interests externally as by stimulating its internal productivity. It ought to awaken and raise national sentiment through a fusion of individual and provincial interests. The German people have realized that a free economic system is the only means to engender national feeling.’

(a) What was aim of Zollverein?
Ans. Bind the Germans economically into anation.

(b) Who was Friedrich List?
Ans. Professor of Economics

(c) Mention the importance of free economic system?
Ans. Engender National feelings

(d) What was the role of Economy in forging the nation together?
Ans. Students will solve by themselves