CBSE Class 10 Social Science Term 1 Sample Paper Set E

Sample Paper Class 10

See below CBSE Class 10 Social Science Term 1 Sample Paper Set E with solutions. We have provided CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science as per the latest paper pattern issued by CBSE for the current academic year. All sample papers provided by our Class 10 Social Science teachers are with answers. You can see the sample paper given below and use them for more practice for Class 10 Social Science examination.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 Social Science Term 1 Set E


1. Which of the following prints showed the people of Europe and America by Frédéric Sorrieu?
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth       



2. Which of the following is used bythe female figure to personified liberty bear in her one of the hands?
(a) Torch of Enlightenment
(b) Spear
(c) Candle
(d) A black flag



3. Which of the following is a government that has no restraints on the power exercised?
(a) Imperialism
(b) Nationalism
(c) Colonialism
(d) Absolutism



4. Which of the following is not a nation-state before the French Revolution?
(a) Switzerland
(b) The United States
(c) Germany
(d) None of the above



5. Which of the following did not follow German people during the French Revolution?
(a) Ireland
(b) Hungary
(c) Russia
(d) Scotland



6. Which of the following gave a lecture outlining his understanding of what makes a nation?
(a) Ernst Renan
(b) Renan
(c) Johann Gottfried
(d) Sorrieu



7. Which of the following is the meaning of le citoyen?
(a) The Fatherland
(b) Citizen
(c) Society
(d) Community



8. Which of the following images was destroyed to represent the bastion of despotic rule in the German province of Kassel?
(a) French Bastille
(b) Napoleon
(c) Wilhelm Grimm
(d) Jacob Grimm



9. With which of the following the revolutionaries tried to liberate the people of Europe?
(a) Imperialism
(b) Colonialism
(c) Despotism
(d) Democracy



10. Which of the following is the full form of HYV?
(a) High yielding variety
(b) Host yielding variety
(c) High yearning variety
(d) Highest yielding variety



11. Which of the following is the popular name of ‘jhumming’ in Madhya Pradesh?
(a) Podu
(b) Khil
(c) Valre
(d) Bewar



12. Which of the following places is famous for the production of North Bengal coffee?
(a) Assam
(b) West Bengal
(c) Karnataka
(d) Kerala



13. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?
(a) Fossil fuel
(b) Garbage
(c) Metals
(d) Wax boxes



14. When was Agenda 21 signed?
(a) 1990
(b) 1991
(c) 1992
(d) 1993



15. Which of the following is not a natural product?
(a) Milk
(b) Honey
(c) Cotton
(d) Plastic



16. Which of the following percentages of the total population speaks Dutch in Brussels?
(a) 50%
(b) 60 %
(c) 70%
(d) 80%



17. Which of the following has not got any status by our Constitution?
(a) National language
(b) National flag
(c) National animal
(d) National sport



18. Which of the following is identified as the official language of the country?
(a) Sanskrit
(b) Urdu
(c) Hindi
(d) English



19. How much percentage of the total population speaks Hindi?
(a) 40 %
(b) 50 %
(c) 55%
(d) 60%



20. Besides Hindi, there are _______ other languages recognised as Scheduled Languages by the Constitution.
(a) 20
(b) 21
(c) 22
(d) 23



21. When was the use of English for official purposes to stop in 1965 according to our Constitution?
(a) 1960
(b) 1963
(c) 1965
(d) 1967



22. Which of the events took place in 1990?
(a) Rise of regional political parties
(b) Formation of many states
(c) Independence of the country
(d) Hindi became the official language.



23. Which of the following is known as GDP?
(a) Sum of primary and tertiary sectors
(b) Sum of primary and secondary sectors
(c) Sum of production in the three sectors
(d) Sum of secondary and tertiary sectors



24. Which of the following ranges of rainfall is required for the cultivation of wheat?
(a) 30 to 45 cm
(b) 40 to 55 cm
(c) 50 to 60 cm
(d) 50 to 75 cm




25. Which of the following is not a part of the Slavs?
(a) Serbia
(b) Montenegro
(c) Slovenia
(d) Turks



26. Which of the following is referred to by the ‘planting of Tree of Liberty’ in Zweibrücken, Germany?
(a) Claim of the French as being liberators who opposed monarchy in the territories they entered.
(b) The Russian language was imposed everywhere.
(c) Peasants struggled under the burden of feudal dues and obligations.
(d) Giuseppe Mazzini had sought to put together a coherent programme for the unitary Italian Republic.



27. Here, Napoleon is shown as a postman and letters are coming out of his bag. Which of the following werethe letters referred to?
(a) Names of the territories he lost
(b) Names of the people he lost
(c) Names of the territories he won
(d) Names of the territories he planned to invade



28. Which of the following is not required to conquer the rest of Europe in the French armies?
(a) Increased taxation
(b) Censorship
(c) Modern artillery
(d) Forced conscription



29. When was Italy invaded by Napoleon?
(a) 1795
(b) 1796
(c) 1797
(d) 1798



30. Which of the following events occurred in 1866-1871?
(a) Unification of Italy
(b) Unification of Germany
(c) Revolutions in Europe
(d) Fall of Napoleon



31. Which of the following is correct about the people of Eastern and Central Europe?
(a) They did not see themselves as sharing a collective identity or a common culture.
(b) They even spoke different languages and belonged to different ethnic groups.
(c) They did not see themselves as sharing a collective identity or a common culture.
(d) They sang songs on the streets together as a protest.



32. Which of the following regions consists of the Habsburg Empire?
(a) Tyrol
(b) Austria
(c) Sudetenland
(d) Switzerland



33. Match the following:
1. Hungary (i) German 2. Galicia (ii) Magyar
3. Bohemia (iii) Polish
(a) 1-(ii), 2-(iii), 3-(i)
(b) 1-(i), 2-(iii), 3-(ii)
(c) 1-(iii), 2-(ii), 3-(i)
(d) 1-(ii), 2-(i), 3-(iii)



34. (i) Availability of precipitation during winter months due to the western temperate cyclones helps in the success of these crops.
(ii) These crops are grown in large parts of India, states from the north and north-western parts such as Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu and Kashmir.
(iii) Some of these crops are wheat, barley, peas, gram and mustard.
(iv) These crops are sown in winter from October to December.
Which of the following crops are mentioned here?
(a) Kharif crops
(b) Rabi crops
(c) Plantation
(d) Millets



35. Our country is the ___________ largest producer of rice in the world after China.
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth



36. Which of the following is not a type of resources based on the status of development?
(a) Potential
(b) Developed stock
(c) Community
(d) Reserves



37. Assertion (A): Planning is the widely accepted strategy for judicious use of resources.
Reason (R): It has importance in a country like India, which has enormous diversity in the availability of resources.
(a) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of (A)
(b) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of (A)
(c) If A is true but R is false.
(d) If A is false but R is true.



38. Which of the following is not the correct statement?
(i) Madhya Pradesh is rich in minerals.
(ii) Arunachal Pradesh has a less number water resources.
(iii) The state of Rajasthan is very well endowed with solar and wind energy.
(a) (i)
(b) (ii)
(c) (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iii)



39. Which of the following consists of the first step of resource planning?
(a) Surveying
(b) Mapping
(c) Measurement of the resources
(d) Monitoring



40. Which of the following thinkers was against mass production?
(a) Rabindranath Tagore
(b) Gandhi ji
(c) Socrates
(d) Plato



41. Which of the following was advocated by the Club of Rome for the first time?
(a) Resource conservation
(b) Wildlife conservation
(c) Environment conservation
(d) Global warming



42. Which of the following is not correct about the secondary sector?
(i) It covers activities in which natural products are changed into other forms through ways of manufacturing that we associate with industrial activity.
(ii) It is the next step after the primary. The product is produced by nature.
(iii) It could be in a factory, a workshop or at home.
(a) (i)
(b) (ii)
(c) (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iii)



43. Which of the following statements are correct?
(i) It is true that if women are engaged in paid work, their dignity in the household and society increases.
(ii) If there is respect for women there would be more sharing of housework and a greater acceptance of women working outside.
(iii) A safe and secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of jobs or run a business
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (i) and (iii) (d) (i), (ii) and (iii)



44. Assertion (A): Countries have different populations, comparing total income will not tell us what an average person is likely to earn.
Reason (R): we compare the average income which is the total income of the country divided by its total population.
(a) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of (A)
(b) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of (A)
(c) If A is true but R is false.
(d) If A is false but R is true.



45. Which of the following was called Indian Tamils?
(a) Plantation workers
(b) Businessmen
(c) Bankers
(d) Administrative officers



46. Which of the following is known as the rearing of silkworms?
(a) Horticulture
(b) Pisciculture
(c) Sericulture
(d) apiculture




Over the forty years between 1973–74 and 2013–14, while production in all the three sectors has increased, it has increased the most in the tertiary sector. As a result, in the year 2013-14, the tertiary sector has emerged as the largest producing sector in India replacing the primary sector Why is the tertiary sector becoming so important in India? There could be several reasons. First, in any country, several services such as hospitals, educational institutions, post and telegraph services, police stations, courts, village administrative offices, municipal corporations, defence, transport, banks, insurance companies, etc. are required. These can be considered as basic services. In a developing country, the government has to take responsibility for the provision of these services. Second, the development of agriculture and industry leads to the development of services such as transport, trade, storage and the like, as we have already seen. Greater the development of the primary and secondary sectors more would be the demand for such services. Third, as income levels rise, certain sections of people start demanding many more services like eating out, tourism, shopping, private hospitals, private schools, professional training etc. You can see this change quite sharply in cities, especially in big cities. Fourth, over the past decade or so, certain new services such as those based on information and communication technology have become essential. The production of these services has been rising rapidly.

47. Which of the following sectors has shown the maximum increase in the last forty years?
(a) Primary
(b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary
(d) Primary and secondary



48. Which of the following is not a basic service?
(a) Banks
(b) Insurance
(c) Village administrative offices
(d) Textile industry



49. (i) The development of agriculture and industry leads to the development of services such as trade and transport.
(ii) Greater the development of the primary and secondary sectors, more would be the demand for such services.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (ii)
(c) Both are correct.
(d) None of the above



50. Which of the following places witnesses to the increase in income?
(a) Big cities
(b) Small cities
(c) Villages
(d) Towns



51. Over the past decade or so, certain new services such as those based on ________________have become important and essential.
(a) Information and communication technology
(b) Health sector
(c) Education sector
(d) Banking sector



52. Which of the following sectors has shown the maximum change in the given graph?
(a) Primary
(b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary
(d) Primary and secondary have shown equal change.




Constitutional provisions are necessary for the success of federalism but these are not sufficient. If the federal experiment has succeeded in India, it is not merely because of the laid out constitutional provisions. The real success of federalism in India can be attributed to the nature of democratic politics in our country. This ensured that the spirit of federalism, respect for diversity and desire for living together became shared ideals in our country. Let us look at some of the major ways in which this happened. The creation of linguistic States was the first and a major test for democratic politics in our country. If you look at the political map of India when it began its journey as a democracy in 1947 and that of 2019, you will be surprised by the extent of the changes. Many old States have vanished and many new States have been created. Areas, boundaries and names of the States have been changed. In 1947, the boundaries of several old States of India were changed to create new States. This was done to ensure that people who spoke the same language lived in the same State. Some States were created not based on language but to recognise differences based on culture, ethnicity or geography. These include States like Nagaland, Uttarakhand and Jharkhand. When the demand for the formation of States based on language was raised, some national leaders feared that it would lead to the disintegration of the country. The Central Government resisted linguistic States for some time. But the experience has shown that the formation of linguistic states has made the country, more united. It has also made administration easier.

53. Constitutional provisions are necessary for the success of _______________ but these are not sufficient.
(a) Imperialism
(b) Federalism
(c) Colonialism
(d) Absolutism



54. Which of the following was the first and a major test for democratic politics in our country?
(a) Creation of linguistic States
(b) Introduction of national language
(c) Changes in the boundary of states
(d) Abolishment of federalism



55. Assertion (A): In 1947, the boundaries of several old States of India were changed.
Reason (R): To ensure that people who spoke the same language lived in the same State
(a) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) If A is true but R is false.
(d) If A is false but R is true.



56. Which of the following was not the basis of the creation of States?
(a) Language
(b) Culture
(c) Ethnicity
(d) Caste



57. Assertion (A): When the demand for the formation of States based on language was raised, some national leaders feared it.
Reason (R): It would lead to the disintegration of the country.
(a) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) If A is true but R is false.
(d) If A is false but R is true.



58. Which of the following were resisted by the central government?
(a) Modern states
(b) Postcolonial states
(c) Linguistic states
(d) Postmodern states



59. On the political map of India, ‘A’ is marked as a dam. Identify it from the following options.
(a) Bhakra Nangal
(b) Sardar Sarovar
(c) Tehri
(d) Hirakud



60. On the same map, ‘B’ is also marked as a major sugar cultivating state. Identify it from the following options.
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Gujarat
(d) Kerala
