MCQ Questions Chapter 6 Animals Class 10 English

MCQ Class 10

Please refer to MCQ Questions Chapter 6 Animals Class 10 English with answers provided below. These multiple-choice questions have been developed based on the latest NCERT book for class 10 English issued for the current academic year. We have provided MCQ Questions for Class 10 English for all chapters on our website. Students should learn the objective based questions for Chapter 6 Animals in Class 10 English provided below to get more marks in exams.

Chapter 6 Animals MCQ Questions

Please refer to the following Chapter 6 Animals MCQ Questions Class 10 English with solutions for all important topics in the chapter.

MCQ Questions Answers for Chapter 6 Animals Class 10 English

They do not sweat and whine about their condition,
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,
Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things,

Question. The poet thinks that ‘they’ are ___________ with their condition.
(i) indifferent
(ii) intolerant
(iii) contended
(iv) tolerant



Question. Find a word from the extract which means the same as ‘to cry with pain’.
(i) mania
(ii) demented
(iii) sweat
(iv) whine



Question. Who is ‘me’ in the above extract?
(i) animals
(ii) birds
(iii) insects
(iv) the poet



Question. Who is maddened with owning things?
(i) humans
(ii) animals
(iii) children
(iv) birds



Question. Who are ‘they’ in the above extract?
(i) animals
(ii) people
(iii) birds
(iv) insects



Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things,
Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.

Question. Who is never dissatisfied?
(i) humans
(ii) animals
(iii) poet
(iv) All of the above



Question. What qualities have the humans given up?
(i) innocence
(ii) kindness
(iii) truthfulness
(iv) All of the above



Question. What mania do humans suffer from?
(i) peace
(ii) contentment
(iii) possession of things
(iv) good qualities



Question. What bad qualities do humans have that animals don’t?
(i) Greed
(ii) Jealousy
(iii) Restlessness
(iv) All of the above



Question. What qualities do the animals possess?
(i) Kindness
(ii) Sympathy
(iii) Fellow feeling for all
(iv) All of the above



MCQ Questions Chapter 6 Animals Class 10 English