See below CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper Set B with solutions. We have provided CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science as per the latest paper pattern issued by CBSE for the current academic year. All sample papers provided by our Class 10 Social Science teachers are with answers. You can see the sample paper given below and use them for more practice for Class 10 Social Science examination.
CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 Social Science Set B
SECTION-A (Multiple Choice Questions)
1. Which of the following statements about the ‘French Revolution’ are correct?
A. After the end of the French Revolution it was proclaimed that it was the people who would henceforth constitute the nation and shape its destiny.
B. France will have a constitutional monarchy and the new republic will be headed by a member of the royal family.
C. A centralised administrative system will be put in place to formulate uniform laws for all citizens.
D. Imposition of internal custom duties and dues will continue to exist in France.
(a) A, B and C
(b) B and D
(c) A and C
(d) C and D
2. Which of the following aspect best signifies this image?
(a) Round table conference at London
(b) Constituent Assembly of India
(c) The Frankfurt Parliament in the church of St. Paul
(d) The Hall of Mirrors of Versailles
3. Consider the following statements on the practice of federalism in India. Identify those which hold true for decentralisation after 1992.
A. Local governments did not have any power or resources of their own.
B. It became constitutionally mandatory to hold regular elections to local government bodies.
C. The state governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local government bodies.
D. No seats are reserved in the elected bodies for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes.
(a) B and C
(b) A and C
(c) A and D
(d) B and D
4. Identify the natural product from the list of items given below:
(a) Textile
(b) Wheat flour
(c) Cotton
(d) Tomato sauce
5. The Union List includes subjects such as:
(a) Education, forests, trade unions, marriages, adoption and succession.
(b) Police, trade, commerce, agriculture and irrigation.
(c) Residuary subjects like computer software.
(d) Defence, foreign affairs, banking, currency, communications.
6. The term ‘Universal Suffrage’ means:
(a) the right to vote and get elected, granted only to men.
(b) the right to vote for all adults.
(c) the right to vote and get elected, granted exclusively to property owning men.
(d) the right to vote and get elected, granted only to educated men and women.
7. Red soil is mostly found in:
(a) Parts of Jammu & Kashmir
(b) Upper Ganga Plains
(c) Eastern and Southern part of Deccan Plateau
(d) None of the above
8. How do big private companies contribute in the development of a nation?
(a) By increasing the demands for their products through advertisements.
(b) By increasing their profits.
(c) By increasing productivity of the country in the manufacturing of industrial goods.
(d) By providing private hospital facilities for the rich.
9. Which of the following option best signifies the cartoon?
(a) Unitary form of government
(b) Monarchy
(c) Dictatorship
(d) Coalition form of government
10. Which of the following is not a feature or belief of ‘Conservatism’?
(a) Conservatives believe in established, traditional institutions of state and policy.
(b) Conservatives stressed the importance of tradition and preferred gradual development to quick change.
(c) Conservatives proposed to return to the society of pre-revolutionary days and were against the ideas of modernisation to strengthen monarchy.
(d) Conservatives believed in the monarchy, church and other social hierarchies.
SECTION-B (Assertion-Reason Questions)
Two statements are given—one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
11. Assertion. Italy was divided into seven states, of which only one was ruled by an Italian princely house.
Reason. The north was under the domination of the Bourbon kings of Spain.
12. Assertion. It is very simple to make the changes in the basic structure of the constitution.
Reason. Both the houses have power to amend the constitution independently.
13. Assertion. The Scottish Highlanders were forbidden to speak their Gaelic language or wear their national dress, and large numbers were forcibly driven out of their homeland.
Reason. The English helped the Protestants of Ireland to establish their dominance over a largely Catholic country.
14. Assertion. India has a federal system.
Reason. Under a unitary system, either there is only one level of government or the sub-units are subordinate to central government.
15. Assertion. GDP shows how big an economy is.
Reason. GDP is the value of all goods and services produced within the domestic territory of a country in a year.
16. Assertion. A major step towards decentralization was taken in 1992 by amending the constitution.
Reason. Constitution was amended to make the third tier of democracy more powerful and effective.
17. Assertion. Leela works five days a week, receives her income on the last day of each month and gets medical facilities from her firm.
Reason. Leela is working in an organised sector.
SECTION-C (Case Study Based Questions)
Read the given para and answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate options (Question No. 18 to 22):
In 1848, Frédéric Sorrieu, a French artist, prepared a series of four prints visualising his dream of a world made up of ‘democratic and social Republics’, as he called them. As you would recall, artists of the time of the French Revolution personified Liberty as a female figure—here you can recognise the torch of Enlightenment she bears in one hand and the Charter of the Rights of Man in the other. On the earth in the foreground of the image lie the shattered remains of the symbols of absolutist institutions.
In Sorrieu’s utopian vision, the peoples of the world are grouped as distinct nations, identified through their flags and national costume. Leading the procession, way past the statue of Liberty, are the United States and Switzerland, which by this time were already nation-states. France, identifiable by the revolutionary tricolour, has just reached the statue. The concept and practices of a modern state, in which a centralised power exercised sovereign control over a clearly defined territory, had been developing over a long period of time in Europe. But a nation-state was one in which the majority of its citizens, and not only its rulers, came to develop a sense of common identity and shared history or descent.
18. What was the theme of painting made by French artist?
(a) Constitutional Monarchy
(b) Absolute Monarchy
(c) True democracy
(d) Democratic and Social Republic
19. The utopian vision of French artist Frédéric Sorrieu was—
(a) The peoples of the world are grouped as distinct nations, identified through their flags and national costume.
(b) Leading the procession, way past the statue of Liberty, as the United States and Switzerland, which by this time were already nation-states.
(c) France, identifiable by the revolutionary tricolour, has just reached the statue.
(d) The concepts and practices of a modern state, in which a centralised power exercised sovereign control over a clearly defined territory.
20. French Revolution personified Liberty as a female figure, she bears the torch of Enlightenment in one hand and ……….. in the other.
(a) Charter of Rights of Man
(b) Constitution
(c) Charter of Rights of Woman
(d) Bible
21. Which of the following pairs represent two nation states?
(a) United States and Switzerland
(b) Britain and Italy
(c) Spain and Portugal
(d) Japan and Turkey
22. Which of the following statement is not true about Frédéric Sorrieu?
I. He was a French printer.
II. He prepared a series of four prints.
III. In his prints, he visualised his dream of a world made up of ‘democratic and economic Republic’.
IV. His prints were published in 1848.
(a) Only I and IV
(b) Only II
(c) Only I and III
(d) Both II and III
Read the given para and answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate options (Question No. 23 to 27):
We have shared our land with the past generations and will have to do so with the future generations too. Ninety-five per cent of our basic needs for food, shelter and clothing are obtained from land.
Human activities have not only brought about degradation of land but have also aggravated the pace of natural forces to cause damage to land. Some human activities such as deforestation, over grazing, mining and quarrying too have contributed significantly in land degradation.
Mining sites are abandoned after excavation work is complete leaving deep scars and traces of overburdening.
In states like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha deforestation due to mining have caused severe land degradation. In states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra overgrazing is one of the main reasons for land degradation. In the states of Punjab, Haryana, western Uttar Pradesh, over irrigation is responsible for land degradation due to water logging leading to increase in salinity and alkalinity in the soil.
23. Most of the basic needs for food, shelter and clothing are obtained from
(a) land
(b) human activities
(c) mining
(d) land degradation
24. Deforestation due to mining have caused severe land degradation in the state of:
(a) Jharkhand
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Punjab
(d) Haryana
25. Over irrigation is responsible for land degradation due to the following reasons:
(a) Deforestation and overgrazing.
(b) Increase in alkalinity of the soil.
(c) Water logging leading to increase in salinity in soil.
(d) None of these
26. Human is considered as the main culprit for land degradation because
(a) of his excavation work at mining sites.
(b) of his significant contribution to deforestation
(c) he has aggravated the pace of natural forces causing damage to land.
(d) All of these.
27. The main cause of land degradation in Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh is:
(a) Mining
(b) Over irrigation
(c) Deforestation
(d) Over grazing
Read the given para and answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate options (Question No. 28 to 32):
In Belgium, the Dutch community could take advantage of its numeric majority and force its will on the French and German-speaking population. This would push the conflict among communities further. This could lead to a very messy partition of the country; both the sides would claim control over Brussels. In Sri Lanka, the Sinhala community enjoyed an even bigger majority and could impose its will on the entire country.
28. What was the percentage of Dutch in Belgium?
(a) 52%
(b) 59%
(c) 53%
(d) 58%
29. What problem did the Dutch face in Brussels?
(a) The French were in minority in Brussels
(b) The Dutch were in minority in Brussels.
(c) The Germans were in majority in Brussels
(d) Both (a) and (b)
30. Who was in minority in Belgium?
(a) Dutch
(b) French
(c) Germans
(d) Belgians
31. Name the community which protested the principle of majoritarianism in Sri Lanka.
(a) Indian Tamils
(b) Sri Lankan Tamils
(c) Buddhists
(d) All of them
32. How did the Government of Sri Lanka resolve the problem of ethnic conflict?
(a) Power sharing
(b) Majoritarianism
(c) Federal distribution
(d) System of checks and balances.
Read the given para and answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate options (Question No. 33 to 37):
Similarly, for development, people look at a mix of goals. It is true that if women are engaged in paid work, their dignity in the household and society increases. However, it is also the case that if there is respect for women there would be more sharing of housework and a greater acceptance of women working outside. A safe and secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of jobs or run a business. Hence, the developmental goals that people have are not only about better income but also about other important things in life.
33. Developmental goals means ……………… .
(a) goals of weaker people
(b) goals of women
(c) goals of all sections of the society
(d) goals of working Population
34. ………….. goals lead to decreased GDP of the country.
(a) Social
(b) Economic
(c) Developmental
(d) None of these
35. Development of a country can generally be determined by
(a) its per capita income.
(b) its average literacy levels.
(c) health status of its people.
(d) All of the above
36. If women are engaged in paid work then their ………… would increase in the society.
(a) respect
(b) dignity
(c) prestige
(d) all of these
37. What is the one factor on which our life depends?
(a) Employment
(b) Security of work
(c) Freedom
(d) Money or material thing that one can buy with it.
38. The soil type shown in the given map is
(a) Laterite soil
(b) Desert soil
(c) Forest and Mountainous soil
(d) Black soil
39. Sugarcane producer state marked on the given map is
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Punjab
(c) Assam
(d) Tamil Nadu
40. Major producer state of rubber marked on the given map is
(a) Assam
(b) Karnataka
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Kerala